workspace 0.1.0

CLI that takes care of your windows, tabs and working directory
workspace-0.1.0 is not a library.


a CLI that takes care of your windows, tabs and working directory


> cargo install workspace

Then setup the ws command in your shell:

  • bash: Add this line to your .bashrc
    eval $(workspace shell bash)
  • fish: Add this line to your
    workspace shell fish | source
  • PowerShell: Add this line to your profile.ps1
    Invoke-Expression "$(workspace shell posh)"


Should I use workspace or ws?

Use ws. workspace is the binary that powers the ws function and sets it up in your shell configuration.

Why do I need to add something to my shell configuration?

Otherwise workspace can't change your working directory or run commands that you specify for a workspace directly in the shell process.

I don't trust you

That's not technically a question. But the good thing is: you don't need to. If you run workspace shell ... you can see what you are invoking. Or you could just take a look at the code.