wireguard-nt 0.3.0

Safe idiomatic bindings to the Wireguard NT C library
//! Safe rust idiomatic bindings for the WireGuard NT C library: <https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-nt/about>
//! Features of the WireGuard NT library are wrapped using pure rust types and functions to make
//! usage feel ergonomic.  
//! # Usage
//! Add a dependency on this library to your `Cargo.toml`
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! wireguard-nt = "0.2"
//! ```
//! Inside your code load the wireguard.dll signed driver file, downloaded from <https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-nt/about>
//! Then either call [`Adapter::create`] or [`Adapter::open`] to obtain a wireguard
//! adapter. Start by setting its config with [`Adapter::set_config`].
//! # Example
//! ```no_run
//! //Must be run as Administrator because we create network adapters
//! //Load the wireguard dll file so that we can call the underlying C functions
//! //Unsafe because we are loading an arbitrary dll file
//! let wireguard = unsafe { wireguard_nt::load_from_path("path/to/wireguard.dll") }.expect("Failed to load wireguard dll");
//! //Try to open an adapter with the name "Demo"
//! let adapter = match wireguard_nt::Adapter::open(wireguard, "Demo") {
//!     Ok(a) => a,
//!     Err((_, wireguard)) => {
//!         //If loading failed (most likely it didn't exist), create a new one
//!         match wireguard_nt::Adapter::create(wireguard, "WireGuard", "Demo", None) {
//!             Ok(a) => a,
//!             Err((e, _)) => panic!("Failed to create adapter: {:?}", e),
//!         }
//!     }
//! };
//! let interface = wireguard_nt::SetInterface {
//!     //Let the OS pick a port for us
//!     listen_port: None,
//!     //Generated from the private key if not specified
//!     public_key: None,
//!     //Fill in private keys in real code
//!     private_key: None,
//!     //Add a peer
//!     peers: vec![wireguard_nt::SetPeer {
//!         //Provide a public key so that we can communicate with them
//!         public_key: None,
//!         //Disable additional AES encryption
//!         preshared_key: None,
//!         //Send a keepalive packet every 21 seconds
//!         keep_alive: Some(21),
//!         //Route all traffic through the WireGuard interface
//!         allowed_ips: vec!["".parse().unwrap()],
//!         //The peer's ip address
//!         endpoint: "".parse().unwrap(),
//!     }],
//! };
//! //Set the config our adapter will use
//! //This lets it know about the peers and keys
//! adapter.set_config(&interface).unwrap();
//! let internal_ip = "".parse().unwrap();
//! let internal_prefix_length = 24;
//! let internal_ipnet = ipnet::Ipv4Net::new(internal_ip, internal_prefix_length).unwrap();
//! //Set up the routing table with the allowed ips for our peers,
//! //and assign an ip to the interface
//! adapter.set_default_route(&[internal_ipnet.into()], &interface).unwrap();
//! //drop(adapter)
//! //The adapter closes its resources when dropped
//! ```
//! See `examples/demo_server.rs` that connects to the wireguard demo server
//! # Version compatibility
//! Wireguard NT versions 0.10 and above are supported. Versions < 0.10 have breaking changes that
//! make interoperability hard. Please file an issue if this effects your use case.

mod adapter;
mod log;
mod util;

//Generated by bingen, so ignore lints
mod wireguard_nt_raw;

pub(crate) const MAX_NAME: usize = 256;

pub use crate::adapter::*;
pub use crate::log::*;
pub use crate::util::get_running_driver_version;

pub use wireguard_nt_raw::wireguard as dll;

use std::sync::Arc;

/// Attempts to load the Wireguand NT library from the current directory using the default name "wireguard.dll".
/// Use [`load_from_path`] with an absolute path when more control is needed as to where wireguard.dll is
/// # Safety
/// This function loads a dll file with the name wireguard.dll using the default system search paths.
/// This is inherently unsafe as a user could simply rename undefined_behavior.dll to wireguard.dll
/// and do nefarious things inside of its DllMain function. In most cases, a regular wireguard.dll
/// file which exports all of the required functions for these bindings to work is loaded. Because
/// WireGuard NT is a well-written and well-tested library, loading a _normal_ wireguard.dll file should be safe.
/// Hoverer one can never be too cautious when loading a dll file.
/// For more information see [`libloading`]'s dynamic library safety guarantees: [`libloading`][`libloading::Library::new`]
pub unsafe fn load() -> Result<Arc<dll>, libloading::Error> {

/// Attempts to load the wireguard library as a dynamic library from the given path.
/// # Safety
/// This function loads a dll file with the path provided.
/// This is inherently unsafe as a user could simply rename undefined_behavior.dll to wireguard.dll
/// and do nefarious things inside of its DllMain function. In most cases, a regular wireguard.dll
/// file which exports all of the required functions for these bindings to work is loaded. Because
/// WireGuard NT is a well-written and well-tested library, loading a _normal_ wireguard.dll file should be safe.
/// Hoverer one can never be too cautious when loading a dll file.
/// For more information see [`libloading`]'s dynamic library safety guarantees: [`libloading`][`libloading::Library::new`]
pub unsafe fn load_from_path<P>(path: P) -> Result<Arc<dll>, libloading::Error>
    P: AsRef<::std::ffi::OsStr>,

/// Attempts to load the WireGuard NT library from an existing [`libloading::Library`].
/// # Safety
/// This function loads the required WireGuard NT functions using the provided library. Reading a symbol table
/// of a dynamic library and transmuting the function pointers inside to have the parameters and return
/// values expected by the functions documented at: <https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-nt/about/>
/// is inherently unsafe.
/// For more information see [`libloading`]'s dynamic library safety guarantees: [`libloading::Library::new`]
pub unsafe fn load_from_library<L>(library: L) -> Result<Arc<dll>, libloading::Error>
    L: Into<libloading::Library>,

/// The error type
pub type WireGuardError = Box<dyn std::error::Error>;