Crate wireguard_nt[][src]

Expand description

Safe rust idiomatic bindings for the WireGuard NT C library:

Features of the WireGuard NT library are wrapped using pure rust types and functions to make usage feel ergonomic.


Add a dependency on this library to your Cargo.toml

wireguard-nt = "0.2"

Inside your code load the wireguard.dll signed driver file, downloaded from

Then either call Adapter::create or Adapter::open to obtain a wireguard adapter. Start by setting its config with Adapter::set_config.


//Must be run as Administrator because we create network adapters
//Load the wireguard dll file so that we can call the underlying C functions
//Unsafe because we are loading an arbitrary dll file
let wireguard = unsafe { wireguard_nt::load_from_path("path/to/wireguard.dll") }.expect("Failed to load wireguard dll");
//Try to open an adapter with the name "Demo"
let adapter = match wireguard_nt::Adapter::open(wireguard, "Demo") {
    Ok(a) => a,
    Err((_, wireguard)) => {
        //If loading failed (most likely it didn't exist), create a new one
        match wireguard_nt::Adapter::create(wireguard, "WireGuard", "Demo", None) {
            Ok(a) => a,
            Err((e, _)) => panic!("Failed to create adapter: {:?}", e),

let interface = wireguard_nt::SetInterface {
    //Let the OS pick a port for us
    listen_port: None,
    //Generated from the private key if not specified
    public_key: None,
    //Fill in private keys in real code
    private_key: None,
    //Add a peer
    peers: vec![wireguard_nt::SetPeer {
        //Provide a public key so that we can communicate with them
        public_key: None,
        //Disable additional AES encryption
        preshared_key: None,
        //Send a keepalive packet every 21 seconds
        keep_alive: Some(21),
        //Route all traffic through the WireGuard interface
        allowed_ips: vec!["".parse().unwrap()],
        //The peer's ip address
        endpoint: "".parse().unwrap(),

//Set the config our adapter will use
//This lets it know about the peers and keys

let internal_ip = "".parse().unwrap();
let internal_prefix_length = 24;
let internal_ipnet = ipnet::Ipv4Net::new(internal_ip, internal_prefix_length).unwrap();
//Set up the routing table with the allowed ips for our peers,
//and assign an ip to the interface
adapter.set_default_route(&[internal_ipnet.into()], &interface).unwrap();

//The adapter closes its resources when dropped

See examples/ that connects to the wireguard demo server

Version compatibility

Wireguard NT versions 0.10 and above are supported. Versions < 0.10 have breaking changes that make interoperability hard. Please file an issue if this effects your use case.



Contains information about a single existing adapter

The data required when setting the config for an interface

Representation of a WireGuard peer when setting the config


What level of logging this adapter is using


The logger that is active by default. Logs messages to the log crate

Returns the major and minor version of the wireguard driver

Attempts to load the Wireguand NT library from the current directory using the default name “wireguard.dll”.

Attempts to load the WireGuard NT library from an existing libloading::Library.

Attempts to load the wireguard library as a dynamic library from the given path.

Sets the logger wireguard will use when logging. Maps to the wireguardSetLogger C function

Type Definitions