whitenoise_runtime 0.2.0

A library of algorithms for differentially private data analysis.
use whitenoise_validator::errors::*;
use whitenoise_validator::{proto, Float, Integer};
use whitenoise_validator::base::{Value, Array, Jagged, ReleaseNode, IndexKey};
use whitenoise_validator::utilities::{take_argument, standardize_numeric_argument};

use ndarray::{ArrayD, Axis};

use crate::NodeArguments;
use crate::components::Evaluable;
use crate::utilities::create_subset;
use crate::components::impute::{impute_float_gaussian, impute_float_uniform, impute_categorical};
use crate::utilities::get_num_columns;
use whitenoise_validator::utilities::array::{slow_select, slow_stack};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use crate::utilities::noise::sample_uniform_int;
use ndarray::prelude::*;
use std::hash::Hash;

impl Evaluable for proto::Resize {
    fn evaluate(&self, privacy_definition: &Option<proto::PrivacyDefinition>, mut arguments: NodeArguments) -> Result<ReleaseNode> {

        let enforce_constant_time = privacy_definition.as_ref()
            .map(|v| v.protect_elapsed_time).unwrap_or(false);

        let mut number_rows = arguments.remove::<IndexKey>(&"number_rows".into())
            .and_then(|v| v.array().ok()?.first_int().ok()).map(|v| v as i64);
        let number_cols = arguments.remove::<IndexKey>(&"number_columns".into())
            .and_then(|v| v.array().ok()?.first_int().ok()).map(|v| v as i64);

        let minimum_rows = arguments.remove::<IndexKey>(&"minimum_rows".into())
            .and_then(|v| v.array().ok()?.first_int().ok()).map(|v| v as i64);

        if let Some(minimum_rows) = minimum_rows {
            number_rows = Some(minimum_rows)

        // If "categories" constraint has been propagated, data are treated as categorical (regardless of atomic type)
        // and imputation (if necessary) is done by sampling from "categories" using the "probabilities" as sampling probabilities for each element.
        if arguments.contains_key::<IndexKey>(&"categories".into()) {
            let weights = take_argument(&mut arguments, "weights")
                .and_then(|v| v.jagged()).and_then(|v| v.float()).ok();

            match (take_argument(&mut arguments, "data")?, take_argument(&mut arguments, "categories")?) {
                // match on types of various arguments and ensure they are consistent with each other
                (Value::Array(data), Value::Jagged(categories)) =>
                    Ok(match (data, categories) {
                        (Array::Float(_), Jagged::Float(_)) =>
                            return Err("categorical resizing over floats in not currently supported- try continuous imputation instead".into()),
//                            resize_categorical(&data, &n, &categories, &probabilities)?.into(),
                        (Array::Int(data), Jagged::Int(categories)) =>
                                data, number_rows, number_cols, categories, weights,
                                minimum_rows, enforce_constant_time)?.into(),
                        (Array::Bool(data), Jagged::Bool(categories)) =>
                                data, number_rows, number_cols, categories, weights,
                                minimum_rows, enforce_constant_time)?.into(),
                        (Array::Str(data), Jagged::Str(categories)) =>
                                data, number_rows, number_cols, categories, weights,
                                minimum_rows, enforce_constant_time)?.into(),
                        _ => return Err("types of data, categories, and nulls must be homogeneous, weights must be f64".into())
                _ => return Err("data and nulls must be arrays, categories must be a jagged matrix".into())
        // If "categories" constraint is not populated, data are treated as numeric and imputation (if necessary)
        // is done according to a continuous distribution.
        else {
            match (
                take_argument(&mut arguments, "data")?.array()?,
                take_argument(&mut arguments, "lower")?.array()?,
                take_argument(&mut arguments, "upper")?.array()?
            ) {
                (Array::Float(data), Array::Float(lower), Array::Float(upper)) => {
                    // If there is no valid distribution argument provided, generate uniform by default
                    let distribution = match take_argument(&mut arguments, "distribution") {
                        Ok(distribution) => distribution.array()?.first_string()?,
                        Err(_) => "uniform".to_string()
                    let shift = match take_argument(&mut arguments, "shift") {
                        Ok(shift) => Some(shift.array()?.float()?),
                        Err(_) => None
                    let scale = match take_argument(&mut arguments, "scale") {
                        Ok(scale) => Some(scale.array()?.float()?),
                        Err(_) => None
                        data, number_rows, number_cols, &distribution,
                        lower, upper, shift, scale, minimum_rows,
                (Array::Int(data), Array::Int(lower), Array::Int(upper)) =>
                        data, number_rows, number_cols,
                        lower, upper, minimum_rows,
                _ => Err("data, lower, and upper must be of a homogeneous numeric type".into())

/// Resizes data (made up exclusively of f64) based on estimate of n and true size of data.
/// Notice that some arguments are denoted with Option<> -- this is because not every distribution used
/// for imputation (if necessary) uses every argument (e.g. Uniform does not use shift or scale).
/// NOTE: If more distributions are added here, their corresponding arguments must be added as inputs.
/// # Arguments
/// * `data` - The data to be resized
/// * `n` - An estimate of the size of the data -- this could be the guess of the user, or the result of a DP release
/// * `distribution` - The distribution to be used when imputing records
/// * `lower` - A lower bound on data elements
/// * `upper` - An upper bound on data elements
/// * `shift` - The shift (expectation) argument for the Gaussian distribution
/// * `scale` - The scale (standard deviation) argument for the Gaussian distribution
/// # Return
/// A resized version of data consistent with the provided `n`
pub fn resize_float(
    mut data: ArrayD<Float>,
    number_rows: Option<i64>,
    number_cols: Option<i64>,
    distribution: &str,
    lower: ArrayD<Float>, upper: ArrayD<Float>,
    shift: Option<ArrayD<Float>>, scale: Option<ArrayD<Float>>,
    minimum_rows: Option<i64>,
    enforce_constant_time: bool
) -> Result<ArrayD<Float>> {

    if let Some(number_cols) = number_cols {

        // get number of columns in actual data
        let real_n = get_num_columns(&data)?;

        data = match real_n.cmp(&number_cols) {
            Ordering::Equal =>
            Ordering::Less => {
                // initialize synthetic data with correct shape
                let mut synthetic_shape = data.shape().to_vec();
                synthetic_shape[1] = (number_cols - real_n) as usize;
                let synthetic_base = ndarray::ArrayD::from_elem(synthetic_shape, Float::NAN).into_dyn();

                // generate synthetic data
                // NOTE: only uniform and gaussian supported at this time
                let synthetic = match distribution.to_lowercase().as_str() {
                    "uniform" => impute_float_uniform(synthetic_base, lower.clone(), upper.clone(), enforce_constant_time),
                    "gaussian" => impute_float_gaussian(
                        synthetic_base, lower.clone(), upper.clone(),
                        shift.clone().ok_or_else(|| Error::from("shift must be defined for gaussian imputation"))?,
                        scale.clone().ok_or_else(|| Error::from("scale must be defined for gaussian imputation"))?,
                    _ => Err("unrecognized distribution".into())

                // combine real and synthetic data
                match ndarray::stack(Axis(1), &[data.view(), synthetic.view()]) {
                    Ok(value) => value,
                    Err(_) => return Err("failed to stack real and synthetic data".into())
            Ordering::Greater =>
                data.select(Axis(1), &create_sampling_indices(number_cols, real_n, enforce_constant_time)?)

    if let Some(number_rows) = number_rows {

        // get number of observations in actual data
        let real_n: i64 = data.len_of(Axis(0)) as i64;
        if let Some(minimum_rows) = minimum_rows {
            if minimum_rows > real_n {
                return Ok(data)

        data = match real_n.cmp(&number_rows) {
            // if estimated n is correct, return real data
            Ordering::Equal =>
            // if real n is less than estimated n, augment real data with synthetic data
            Ordering::Less => {
                // initialize synthetic data with correct shape
                let mut synthetic_shape = data.shape().to_vec();
                synthetic_shape[0] = (number_rows - real_n) as usize;
                let synthetic_base = ndarray::ArrayD::from_elem(synthetic_shape, Float::NAN).into_dyn();

                // generate synthetic data
                // NOTE: only uniform and gaussian supported at this time
                let synthetic = match distribution.to_lowercase().as_str() {
                    "uniform" => impute_float_uniform(synthetic_base, lower, upper, enforce_constant_time),
                    "gaussian" => impute_float_gaussian(
                        synthetic_base, lower, upper,
                        shift.ok_or_else(|| Error::from("shift must be defined for gaussian imputation"))?,
                        scale.ok_or_else(|| Error::from("scale must be defined for gaussian imputation"))?,
                    _ => Err("unrecognized distribution".into())

                // combine real and synthetic data
                match ndarray::stack(Axis(0), &[data.view(), synthetic.view()]) {
                    Ok(value) => value,
                    Err(_) => return Err("failed to stack real and synthetic data".into())
            // if real n is greater than estimated n, return a subset of the real data
            Ordering::Greater =>
                data.select(Axis(0), &create_sampling_indices(number_rows, real_n, enforce_constant_time)?)


/// Resizes data (made up exclusively of i64) based on estimate of n and true size of data.
/// # Arguments
/// * `data` - The data to be resized
/// * `n` - An estimate of the size of the data -- this could be the guess of the user, or the result of a DP release
/// * `lower` - A lower bound on data elements
/// * `upper` - An upper bound on data elements
/// # Return
/// A resized version of data consistent with the provided `n`
pub fn resize_integer(
    mut data: ArrayD<Integer>,
    number_rows: Option<i64>,
    number_cols: Option<i64>,
    lower: ArrayD<Integer>, upper: ArrayD<Integer>,
    minimum_rows: Option<i64>,
    enforce_constant_time: bool
) -> Result<ArrayD<Integer>> {

    if let Some(number_cols) = number_cols {

        // get number of columns in actual data
        let real_n = get_num_columns(&data)?;

        data = match real_n.cmp(&number_cols) {
            Ordering::Equal =>
            Ordering::Less => {
                // initialize synthetic data with correct shape
                let mut synthetic_shape = data.shape().to_vec();
                synthetic_shape[1] = (number_cols - real_n) as usize;

                let lower = standardize_numeric_argument(lower.clone(), number_cols - real_n)?
                let upper = standardize_numeric_argument(upper.clone(), number_cols - real_n)?

                let mut synthetic = ndarray::ArrayD::zeros(synthetic_shape);
                    .map(|(mut column, (min, max))| column.iter_mut()
                        .map(|v| {
                            *v = sample_uniform_int(min, max)?;

                // combine real and synthetic data
                match ndarray::stack(Axis(0), &[data.view(), synthetic.view()]) {
                    Ok(value) => value,
                    Err(_) => return Err("failed to stack real and synthetic data".into())
            Ordering::Greater =>
                data.select(Axis(1), &create_sampling_indices(number_cols, real_n, enforce_constant_time)?)

    if let Some(number_rows) = number_rows {
        // get number of observations in actual data
        let real_n = data.len_of(Axis(0)) as i64;
        if let Some(minimum_rows) = minimum_rows {
            if minimum_rows > real_n {
                return Ok(data)

        data = match &real_n.cmp(&number_rows) {
            // if estimated n is correct, return real data
            Ordering::Equal =>
            // if real n is less than estimated n, augment real data with synthetic data
            Ordering::Less => {
                // initialize synthetic data with correct shape
                let mut synthetic_shape = data.shape().to_vec();
                synthetic_shape[0] = (number_rows - real_n) as usize;
                let num_columns = get_num_columns(&data)?;

                let lower = standardize_numeric_argument(lower, num_columns)?
                let upper = standardize_numeric_argument(upper, num_columns)?

                let mut synthetic = ndarray::ArrayD::zeros(synthetic_shape);
                    .map(|(mut column, (min, max))| column.iter_mut()
                        .map(|v| {
                            *v = sample_uniform_int(min, max)?;

                // combine real and synthetic data
                match ndarray::stack(Axis(0), &[data.view(), synthetic.view()]) {
                    Ok(value) => value,
                    Err(_) => return Err("failed to stack real and synthetic data".into())
            // if real n is greater than estimated n, return a subset of the real data
            Ordering::Greater =>
                data.select(Axis(0), &create_sampling_indices(number_rows, real_n, enforce_constant_time)?)


/// Resizes categorical data based on estimate of n and true size of data.
/// # Arguments
/// * `data` - The data to be resized
/// * `n` - An estimate of the size of the data -- this could be the guess of the user, or the result of a DP release
/// * `categories` - For each data column, the set of possible values for elements in the column
/// * `weights` - For each data column, weights for each category to be used when imputing null values
/// * `null_value` - For each data column, the value of the data to be considered NULL.
/// # Return
/// A resized version of data consistent with the provided `n`
pub fn resize_categorical<T>(
    mut data: ArrayD<T>,
    number_rows: Option<i64>,
    number_cols: Option<i64>,
    categories: Vec<Vec<T>>,
    weights: Option<Vec<Vec<Float>>>,
    minimum_rows: Option<i64>,
    enforce_constant_time: bool
) -> Result<ArrayD<T>> where T: Clone, T: PartialEq, T: Default, T: Ord, T: Hash {

    if let Some(number_cols) = number_cols {

        // get number of columns in actual data
        let real_n = get_num_columns(&data)?;

        data = match real_n.cmp(&number_cols) {
            Ordering::Equal =>
            Ordering::Less => {
                // set synthetic data shape
                let mut synthetic_shape = data.shape().to_vec();
                synthetic_shape[0] = (number_cols - real_n) as usize;

                let num_columns = get_num_columns(&data)?;
                let mut synthetic = ndarray::Array::default(synthetic_shape).into_dyn();

                // iterate over initialized synthetic data and fill with correct null values
                    .for_each(|mut col| col.iter_mut()
                        .for_each(|v| *v = T::default()));

                let null_value = (0..num_columns).map(|_| vec![T::default()]).collect::<Vec<Vec<T>>>();

                // impute categorical data for each column of nulls to create synthetic data
                synthetic = impute_categorical(
                    synthetic, categories.clone(), weights.clone(), null_value, enforce_constant_time)?;

                // combine real and synthetic data
                match slow_stack(Axis(0), &[data.view(), synthetic.view()]) {
                    Ok(value) => value,
                    Err(_) => return Err("failed to stack real and synthetic data".into())
            Ordering::Greater =>
                slow_select(&data, Axis(0), &create_sampling_indices(number_cols, real_n, enforce_constant_time)?).to_owned(),

    if let Some(number_rows) = number_rows {
        // get number of observations in actual data
        let real_n: i64 = data.len_of(Axis(0)) as i64;
        if let Some(minimum_rows) = minimum_rows {
            if minimum_rows > real_n {
                return Ok(data)

        data = match &real_n.cmp(&number_rows) {
            // if estimated n is correct, return real data
            Ordering::Equal =>
            // if real n is less than estimated n, augment real data with synthetic data
            Ordering::Less => {
                // set synthetic data shape
                let mut synthetic_shape = data.shape().to_vec();
                synthetic_shape[0] = (number_rows - real_n) as usize;

                let num_columns = get_num_columns(&data)?;
                let mut synthetic = ndarray::Array::default(synthetic_shape).into_dyn();

                // iterate over initialized synthetic data and fill with correct null values
                    .for_each(|mut col| col.iter_mut()
                        .for_each(|v| *v = T::default()));

                let null_value = (0..num_columns).map(|_| vec![T::default()]).collect::<Vec<Vec<T>>>();

                // impute categorical data for each column of nulls to create synthetic data
                synthetic = impute_categorical(
                    synthetic, categories, weights, null_value, enforce_constant_time)?;

                // combine real and synthetic data
                match slow_stack(Axis(0), &[data.view(), synthetic.view()]) {
                    Ok(value) => value,
                    Err(_) => return Err("failed to stack real and synthetic data".into())
            // if real n is greater than estimated n, return a subset of the real data
            Ordering::Greater =>
                slow_select(&data, Axis(0), &create_sampling_indices(
                    number_rows, real_n, enforce_constant_time)?).to_owned(),


/// Accepts size of set (n) and size of desired subset(k) and returns a uniformly drawn
/// set of indices from [1, ..., n] of size k.
/// This function is used to create a set of indices that can be used across multiple
/// steps for consistent subsetting.
/// # Arguments
/// * `k` - The size of the desired subset
/// * `n` - The size of the set from which you want to subset
/// # Return
/// A vector of indices representing the subset
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use whitenoise_runtime::components::resize::create_sampling_indices;
/// let subset_indices = create_sampling_indices(5, 10, false);
/// # subset_indices.unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn create_sampling_indices(k: i64, n: i64, enforce_constant_time: bool) -> Result<Vec<usize>> {
    // create set of all indices
    let index_vec: Vec<usize> = (0..(n as usize)).collect();

    // create uniform selection weights
    let weight_vec: Vec<f64> = vec![1.; n as usize];

    // create set of sampling indices
    create_subset(&index_vec, &weight_vec, k as usize, enforce_constant_time)