whitenoise_runtime 0.2.0

A library of algorithms for differentially private data analysis.
//! Component trait implementations
//! Each component represents an abstract computation.
//! Example components are Materialize for loading a dataframe, Index for retrieving specific columns from the dataframe, Mean for aggregating data, LaplaceMechanism for privatizing data, etc.
//! There are a set of possible behaviours each component may implement. Each behavior corresponds to a trait.
//! The only trait in the runtime is the Evaluable trait.
//! Implementations of the Evaluable trait are distributed among the module files.

use whitenoise_validator::errors::*;
use crate::NodeArguments;
use whitenoise_validator::base::ReleaseNode;

use whitenoise_validator::proto;

//pub mod bin;
pub mod cast;
pub mod clamp;
pub mod count;
pub mod covariance;
pub mod column_bind;
pub mod digitize;
pub mod filter;
pub mod histogram;
pub mod impute;
pub mod index;
pub mod materialize;
pub mod mean;
pub mod mechanisms;
pub mod partition;
pub mod quantile;
pub mod raw_moment;
pub mod reshape;
pub mod resize;
pub mod sum;
pub mod transforms;
pub mod union;
pub mod variance;

/// Evaluable component trait
/// Evaluable structs represent an abstract computation.
pub trait Evaluable {
    /// The concrete implementation of the abstract computation that the struct represents.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `privacy_definition` - the definition of privacy under which the computation takes place
    /// * `arguments` - a hashmap, where the `String` keys are the names of arguments, and the `Value` values are the data inputs
    /// # Returns
    /// The concrete value corresponding to the abstract computation that the struct represents
    fn evaluate(
        privacy_definition: &Option<proto::PrivacyDefinition>,
        arguments: NodeArguments
    ) -> Result<ReleaseNode>;

impl Evaluable for proto::component::Variant {
    /// Utility implementation on the enum containing all variants of a component.
    /// This utility delegates evaluation to the concrete implementation of each component variant.
    fn evaluate(
        privacy_definition: &Option<proto::PrivacyDefinition>,
        arguments: NodeArguments
    ) -> Result<ReleaseNode> {
        macro_rules! evaluate {
            ($( $variant:ident ),*) => {
                       if let proto::component::Variant::$variant(x) = self {
                            return x.evaluate(privacy_definition, arguments)
                                .chain_err(|| format!("node specification: {:?}:", self))

            Cast, Clamp, ColumnBind, Count, Covariance, Digitize, Filter, Histogram, Impute, Index,
            Materialize, Mean, Partition,
            Quantile, RawMoment, Reshape, Resize, Sum, Union, Variance,

            ExponentialMechanism, GaussianMechanism, LaplaceMechanism, SimpleGeometricMechanism,

            Abs, Add, LogicalAnd, Divide, Equal, GreaterThan, LessThan, Log, Modulo, Multiply,
            Negate, Negative, LogicalOr, Power, RowMax, RowMin, Subtract

        Err(format!("Component type not implemented: {:?}", self).into())