web-audio-api 0.28.0

A pure Rust implementation of the Web Audio API, for use in non-browser contexts
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use std::sync::Arc;

use crate::context::{AudioContextRegistration, AudioParamId, BaseAudioContext};
use crate::param::{AudioParam, AudioParamDescriptor};
use crate::render::{AudioParamValues, AudioProcessor, AudioRenderQuantum, RenderScope};
use crate::{AtomicF32, RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE};

use super::{AudioNode, ChannelConfig, ChannelConfigOptions};

// Converting a value 𝑣 in decibels to linear gain unit means returning 10𝑣/20.
fn db_to_lin(val: f32) -> f32 {
    (10.0_f32).powf(val / 20.)

// Converting a value 𝑣 in linear gain unit to decibel means executing the following steps:
// If 𝑣 is equal to zero, return -1000.
// Else, return 20log10𝑣.
fn lin_to_db(val: f32) -> f32 {
    if val == 0. {
    } else {
        20. * val.log10() // 20 * log10(val);

/// Options for constructing a [`DynamicsCompressorNode`]
// https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#DynamicsCompressorOptions
// dictionary DynamicsCompressorOptions : AudioNodeOptions {
//   float attack = 0.003;
//   float knee = 30;
//   float ratio = 12;
//   float release = 0.25;
//   float threshold = -24;
// };
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DynamicsCompressorOptions {
    pub attack: f32,
    pub knee: f32,
    pub ratio: f32,
    pub release: f32,
    pub threshold: f32,
    pub channel_config: ChannelConfigOptions,

impl Default for DynamicsCompressorOptions {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            attack: 0.003,   // seconds
            knee: 30.,       // dB
            ratio: 12.,      // unit less
            release: 0.25,   // seconds
            threshold: -24., // dB
            channel_config: ChannelConfigOptions::default(),

/// `DynamicsCompressorNode` provides a compression effect.
/// It lowers the volume of the loudest parts of the signal and raises the volume
/// of the softest parts. Overall, a louder, richer, and fuller sound can be achieved.
/// It is especially important in games and musical applications where large numbers
/// of individual sounds are played simultaneous to control the overall signal level
/// and help avoid clipping (distorting) the audio output to the speakers.
/// - MDN documentation: <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DynamicsCompressorNode>
/// - specification: <https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#DynamicsCompressorNode>
/// - see also: [`BaseAudioContext::create_dynamics_compressor`](crate::context::BaseAudioContext::create_dynamics_compressor)
/// # Usage
/// ```no_run
/// use std::fs::File;
/// use web_audio_api::context::{BaseAudioContext, AudioContext};
/// use web_audio_api::node::{AudioNode, AudioScheduledSourceNode};
/// // create an `AudioContext`
/// let context = AudioContext::default();
/// // load and decode a soundfile into an audio buffer
/// let file = File::open("samples/sample.wav").unwrap();
/// let buffer = context.decode_audio_data_sync(file).unwrap();
/// // create compressor and connect to destination
/// let compressor = context.create_dynamics_compressor();
/// compressor.connect(&context.destination());
/// // pipe the audio source in the compressor
/// let src = context.create_buffer_source();
/// src.connect(&compressor);
/// src.set_buffer(buffer.clone());
/// src.start();
/// ```
/// # Examples
/// - `cargo run --release --example compressor`
pub struct DynamicsCompressorNode {
    registration: AudioContextRegistration,
    channel_config: ChannelConfig,
    attack: AudioParam,
    knee: AudioParam,
    ratio: AudioParam,
    release: AudioParam,
    threshold: AudioParam,
    reduction: Arc<AtomicF32>,

impl AudioNode for DynamicsCompressorNode {
    fn registration(&self) -> &AudioContextRegistration {

    fn channel_config(&self) -> &ChannelConfig {

    fn number_of_inputs(&self) -> usize {

    fn number_of_outputs(&self) -> usize {

impl DynamicsCompressorNode {
    pub fn new<C: BaseAudioContext>(context: &C, options: DynamicsCompressorOptions) -> Self {
        context.register(move |registration| {
            // attack, knee, ratio, release and threshold have automation rate constraints
            // https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#audioparam-automation-rate-constraints
            let attack_param_opts = AudioParamDescriptor {
                min_value: 0.,
                max_value: 1.,
                default_value: 0.003,
                automation_rate: crate::param::AutomationRate::K,
            let (mut attack_param, attack_proc) =
                context.create_audio_param(attack_param_opts, &registration);

            let knee_param_opts = AudioParamDescriptor {
                min_value: 0.,
                max_value: 40.,
                default_value: 30.,
                automation_rate: crate::param::AutomationRate::K,
            let (mut knee_param, knee_proc) =
                context.create_audio_param(knee_param_opts, &registration);

            let ratio_param_opts = AudioParamDescriptor {
                min_value: 1.,
                max_value: 20.,
                default_value: 12.,
                automation_rate: crate::param::AutomationRate::K,
            let (mut ratio_param, ratio_proc) =
                context.create_audio_param(ratio_param_opts, &registration);

            let release_param_opts = AudioParamDescriptor {
                min_value: 0.,
                max_value: 1.,
                default_value: 0.25,
                automation_rate: crate::param::AutomationRate::K,
            let (mut release_param, release_proc) =
                context.create_audio_param(release_param_opts, &registration);

            let threshold_param_opts = AudioParamDescriptor {
                min_value: -100.,
                max_value: 0.,
                default_value: -24.,
                automation_rate: crate::param::AutomationRate::K,
            let (mut threshold_param, threshold_proc) =
                context.create_audio_param(threshold_param_opts, &registration);

            let reduction = Arc::new(AtomicF32::new(0.));

            // define the number of buffers we need to have a delay line of ~6ms
            // const delay = new DelayNode(context, {delayTime: 0.006});
            let ring_buffer_size =
                (context.sample_rate() * 0.006 / RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE as f32).ceil() as usize + 1;
            let ring_buffer = Vec::<AudioRenderQuantum>::with_capacity(ring_buffer_size);

            let render = DynamicsCompressorRenderer {
                attack: attack_proc,
                knee: knee_proc,
                ratio: ratio_proc,
                release: release_proc,
                threshold: threshold_proc,
                reduction: reduction.clone(),
                ring_index: 0,
                prev_detector_value: 0.,

            let node = DynamicsCompressorNode {
                channel_config: options.channel_config.into(),
                attack: attack_param,
                knee: knee_param,
                ratio: ratio_param,
                release: release_param,
                threshold: threshold_param,

            (node, Box::new(render))

    pub fn attack(&self) -> &AudioParam {

    pub fn knee(&self) -> &AudioParam {

    pub fn ratio(&self) -> &AudioParam {

    pub fn release(&self) -> &AudioParam {

    pub fn threshold(&self) -> &AudioParam {

    pub fn reduction(&self) -> f32 {

struct DynamicsCompressorRenderer {
    attack: AudioParamId,
    knee: AudioParamId,
    ratio: AudioParamId,
    release: AudioParamId,
    threshold: AudioParamId,
    reduction: Arc<AtomicF32>,
    ring_buffer: Vec<AudioRenderQuantum>,
    ring_index: usize,
    prev_detector_value: f32,

// AudioRenderQuantums are not Send but we promise the `ring_buffer` Vec is
// empty before we ship it to the render thread.
unsafe impl Send for DynamicsCompressorRenderer {}

// https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#DynamicsCompressorOptions-processing
// see also https://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~josh/documents/2012/GiannoulisMassbergReiss-dynamicrangecompression-JAES2012.pdf
// follow Fig. 7 (c) diagram in paper
impl AudioProcessor for DynamicsCompressorRenderer {
    fn process(
        &mut self,
        inputs: &[AudioRenderQuantum],
        outputs: &mut [AudioRenderQuantum],
        params: AudioParamValues,
        scope: &RenderScope,
    ) -> bool {
        // single input/output node
        let input = inputs[0].clone();
        let output = &mut outputs[0];
        let sample_rate = scope.sample_rate;

        let ring_size = self.ring_buffer.capacity();
        // ensure ring buffer is filled with silence
        if self.ring_buffer.len() < ring_size {
            let mut silence = input.clone();
            self.ring_buffer.resize(ring_size, silence);

        // setup values for compression curve
        // https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#compression-curve
        let threshold = params.get(&self.threshold)[0];
        let knee = params.get(&self.knee)[0];
        let ratio = params.get(&self.ratio)[0];
        // @note: if knee != 0. we shadow threshold to match definitions of knee
        //   and threshold given in https://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~josh/documents/2012/
        //   where knee is centered around threshold.
        //   We can thus reuse their formula for the gain computer stage.
        // yG =
        //     xG                                      if 2(xG − T) < −W
        //     xG + (1/R − 1)(xG − T + W/2)^2 / (2W)   if 2|(xG − T)| ≤ W
        //     T + (xG − T)/R                          if 2(xG − T) > W
        // This is weird, and probably wrong because `knee` and `threshold` are not
        // independant, but matches the spec.
        let threshold = if knee > 0. {
            threshold + knee / 2.
        } else {
        let half_knee = knee / 2.;
        // pre-compute for this block the constant part of the formula of the knee
        let knee_partial = (1. / ratio - 1.) / (2. * knee);

        // compute time constants for attack and release - eq. (7) in paper
        let attack = params.get(&self.attack)[0];
        let release = params.get(&self.release)[0];
        let attack_tau = (-1. / (attack * sample_rate)).exp();
        let release_tau = (-1. / (release * sample_rate)).exp();

        // Computing the makeup gain means executing the following steps:
        // - Let full range gain be the value returned by applying the compression curve to the value 1.0.
        // - Let full range makeup gain be the inverse of full range gain.
        // - Return the result of taking the 0.6 power of full range makeup gain.
        // @note: this should be confirmed / simplified, maybe could do all this in dB
        // seems coherent with chrome implementation
        let full_range_gain = threshold + (-threshold / ratio);
        let full_range_makeup = 1. / db_to_lin(full_range_gain);
        let makeup_gain = lin_to_db(full_range_makeup.powf(0.6));

        let mut prev_detector_value = self.prev_detector_value;

        let mut reduction_gain = 0.; // dB
        let mut reduction_gains = [0.; 128]; // lin
        let mut detector_values = [0.; 128]; // lin

        for i in 0..RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE {
            // pick highest value for this index across all input channels
            // @tbc - this seems to be what is done in chrome
            let mut max = f32::MIN;

            for channel in input.channels().iter() {
                let sample = channel[i].abs();
                if sample > max {
                    max = sample;

            // pick absolute value and convert to dB domain
            // var xG in paper
            let sample_db = lin_to_db(max);

            // Gain Computer stage
            // ------------------------------------------------
            // var yG - eq. 4 in paper
            // if knee == 0. (hard knee), the `else if` branch is bypassed
            let sample_attenuated = if sample_db <= threshold - half_knee {
            } else if sample_db <= threshold + half_knee {
                sample_db + (sample_db - threshold + half_knee).powi(2) * knee_partial
            } else {
                threshold + (sample_db - threshold) / ratio
            // variable xL in paper
            let sample_attenuation = sample_db - sample_attenuated;

            // Level Detector stage
            // ------------------------------------------------
            // Branching peak detector - eq. 16 in paper - var yL
            // attack branch
            let detector_value = if sample_attenuation > prev_detector_value {
                attack_tau * prev_detector_value + (1. - attack_tau) * sample_attenuation
            // release branch
            } else {
                release_tau * prev_detector_value + (1. - release_tau) * sample_attenuation

            detector_values[i] = detector_value;
            // cdB = -yL + make up gain
            reduction_gain = -1. * detector_value + makeup_gain;
            // convert to lin now, so we just to multiply samples later
            reduction_gains[i] = db_to_lin(reduction_gain);
            // update prev_detector_value for next sample
            prev_detector_value = detector_value;

        // update prev_detector_value for next block
        self.prev_detector_value = prev_detector_value;
        // update reduction shared w/ main thread
        self.reduction.store(reduction_gain, Ordering::SeqCst);

        // store input in delay line
        self.ring_buffer[self.ring_index] = input;

        // apply compression to delayed signal
        let read_index = (self.ring_index + 1) % ring_size;
        let delayed = &self.ring_buffer[read_index];

        self.ring_index = read_index;

        *output = delayed.clone();

        // if delayed signal is silent, there is no compression to apply
        // thus we can consider the node has reach is tail time. (TBC)
        if output.is_silent() {
            output.make_silent(); // truncate to 1 channel if needed
            return false;

        output.channels_mut().iter_mut().for_each(|channel| {
                .for_each(|(o, g)| *o *= g);


mod tests {
    use float_eq::assert_float_eq;

    use crate::context::OfflineAudioContext;
    use crate::node::AudioScheduledSourceNode;

    use super::*;

    fn test_constructor() {
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 0, 44_100.);
            let compressor = DynamicsCompressorNode::new(&context, Default::default());

            assert_float_eq!(compressor.attack().value(), 0.003, abs <= 0.);
            assert_float_eq!(compressor.knee().value(), 30., abs <= 0.);
            assert_float_eq!(compressor.ratio().value(), 12., abs <= 0.);
            assert_float_eq!(compressor.release().value(), 0.25, abs <= 0.);
            assert_float_eq!(compressor.threshold().value(), -24., abs <= 0.);

            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 0, 44_100.);
            let compressor = DynamicsCompressorNode::new(
                DynamicsCompressorOptions {
                    attack: 0.5,
                    knee: 12.,
                    ratio: 1.,
                    release: 0.75,
                    threshold: -60.,

            assert_float_eq!(compressor.attack().value(), 0.5, abs <= 0.);
            assert_float_eq!(compressor.knee().value(), 12., abs <= 0.);
            assert_float_eq!(compressor.ratio().value(), 1., abs <= 0.);
            assert_float_eq!(compressor.release().value(), 0.75, abs <= 0.);
            assert_float_eq!(compressor.threshold().value(), -60., abs <= 0.);

    fn test_inner_delay() {
        let sample_rate = 44_100.;
        let compressor_delay = 0.006;
        // index of the first non zero sample, rounded at next block after
        // compressor theoretical delay, i.e. 3 blocks at this sample_rate
        let non_zero_index = (compressor_delay * sample_rate / RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE as f32).ceil()
            as usize
            * RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE;

        let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 128 * 8, sample_rate);

        let compressor = DynamicsCompressorNode::new(&context, Default::default());

        let mut buffer = context.create_buffer(1, 128 * 5, sample_rate);
        let signal = [1.; 128 * 5];
        buffer.copy_to_channel(&signal, 0);

        let src = context.create_buffer_source();

        let res = context.start_rendering_sync();
        let chan = res.channel_data(0).as_slice();

        // this is the delay
            vec![0.; non_zero_index][..],
            abs_all <= 0.

        // as some compresssion is applied, we just check the remaining is non zero
        for sample in chan.iter().take(128 * 8).skip(non_zero_index) {
            assert!(*sample != 0.);

    fn test_db_to_lin() {
        assert_float_eq!(db_to_lin(0.), 1., abs <= 0.);
        assert_float_eq!(db_to_lin(-20.), 0.1, abs <= 1e-8);
        assert_float_eq!(db_to_lin(-40.), 0.01, abs <= 1e-8);
        assert_float_eq!(db_to_lin(-60.), 0.001, abs <= 1e-8);

    fn test_lin_to_db() {
        assert_float_eq!(lin_to_db(1.), 0., abs <= 0.);
        assert_float_eq!(lin_to_db(0.1), -20., abs <= 0.);
        assert_float_eq!(lin_to_db(0.01), -40., abs <= 0.);
        assert_float_eq!(lin_to_db(0.001), -60., abs <= 0.);
        // special case
        assert_float_eq!(lin_to_db(0.), -1000., abs <= 0.);

    // @note: keep this, is usefull to grab some internal value to be plotted
    // #[test]
    // fn test_attenuated_values() {
    //     // threshold: -40.
    //     // knee: 0.
    //     // ratio: 12.
    //     let sample_rate = 1_000.;
    //     let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 128, sample_rate);

    //     let compressor = DynamicsCompressorNode::new(&context, Default::default());
    //     compressor.knee().set_value(0.);
    //     compressor.threshold().set_value(-30.);
    //     compressor.attack().set_value(0.05);
    //     compressor.release().set_value(0.1);
    //     compressor.connect(&context.destination());

    //     let mut buffer = context.create_buffer(1, 128 * 8, sample_rate);
    //     let mut signal = [0.; 128 * 8];

    //     for (i, s) in signal.iter_mut().enumerate() {
    //         *s = if i < 300 { 1. } else { 0.3 };
    //     }

    //     // println!("{:?}", signal);
    //     buffer.copy_to_channel(&signal, 0);

    //     let src = context.create_buffer_source();
    //     src.set_buffer(buffer);
    //     src.connect(&compressor);
    //     src.start();

    //     let _res = context.start_rendering_sync();
    // }