web-audio-api 0.28.0

A pure Rust implementation of the Web Audio API, for use in non-browser contexts
use crate::context::{AudioContextRegistration, AudioParamId, BaseAudioContext};
use crate::param::{AudioParam, AudioParamDescriptor};
use crate::render::{AudioParamValues, AudioProcessor, AudioRenderQuantum, RenderScope};

use super::{AudioNode, ChannelConfig, ChannelConfigOptions, ChannelInterpretation};

use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell, RefMut};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};

/// Options for constructing a [`DelayNode`]
// dictionary DelayOptions : AudioNodeOptions {
//   double maxDelayTime = 1;
//   double delayTime = 0;
// };
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct DelayOptions {
    pub max_delay_time: f64,
    pub delay_time: f64,
    pub channel_config: ChannelConfigOptions,

impl Default for DelayOptions {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            max_delay_time: 1.,
            delay_time: 0.,
            channel_config: ChannelConfigOptions::default(),

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
struct PlaybackInfo {
    prev_block_index: usize,
    prev_frame_index: usize,
    k: f32,

/// Node that delays the incoming audio signal by a certain amount
/// The current implementation does not allow for zero delay. The minimum delay is one render
/// quantum (e.g. ~2.9ms at 44.1kHz).
/// - MDN documentation: <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DelayNode>
/// - specification: <https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#DelayNode>
/// - see also: [`BaseAudioContext::create_delay`](crate::context::BaseAudioContext::create_delay)
/// # Usage
/// ```no_run
/// use std::fs::File;
/// use web_audio_api::context::{BaseAudioContext, AudioContext};
/// use web_audio_api::node::{AudioNode, AudioScheduledSourceNode};
/// // create an `AudioContext` and load a sound file
/// let context = AudioContext::default();
/// let file = File::open("samples/sample.wav").unwrap();
/// let audio_buffer = context.decode_audio_data_sync(file).unwrap();
/// // create a delay of 0.5s
/// let delay = context.create_delay(1.);
/// delay.delay_time().set_value(0.5);
/// delay.connect(&context.destination());
/// let src = context.create_buffer_source();
/// src.set_buffer(audio_buffer);
/// // connect to both delay and destination
/// src.connect(&delay);
/// src.connect(&context.destination());
/// src.start();
/// ```
/// # Examples
/// - `cargo run --release --example simple_delay`
/// - `cargo run --release --example feedback_delay`
 * For simplicity in the audio graph rendering, we have made the conscious decision to deviate from
 * the spec and split the delay node up front in a reader and writer node (instead of during the
 * render loop - see https://webaudio.github.io/web-audio-api/#rendering-loop )
 * This has a drawback: a delay of 0 is no longer possible. This would only be possible if the
 * writer end is rendered before the reader end in the graph, but we cannot enforce that here.
 * (The only way would be to connect the writer to the reader, but that would kill the
 * cycle-breaker feature of the delay node.)
 * @note: one possible strategy here would be to create a connection between Reader
 * and Writer in `DelayNode::new` just to guarantee the order of the processing if
 * the delay is not in a loop. In the graph process if the node is found in a cycle,
 * this connection could be removed and the Reader marked as "in_cycle" so that
 * it would clamp the min delay to quantum duration.
 * > no need to make this cancellable, once in a cycle the node behaves like that
 * even if the cycle is broken later (user have to know what they are doing)
pub struct DelayNode {
    reader_registration: AudioContextRegistration,
    writer_registration: AudioContextRegistration,
    delay_time: AudioParam,
    channel_config: ChannelConfig,

impl AudioNode for DelayNode {
     * We set the writer node as 'main' registration.  This means other nodes can say
     * `node.connect(delaynode)` and they will connect to the writer.
     * Below, we override the (dis)connect methods as they should operate on the reader node.
    fn registration(&self) -> &AudioContextRegistration {

    fn channel_config(&self) -> &ChannelConfig {

    fn number_of_inputs(&self) -> usize {

    fn number_of_outputs(&self) -> usize {

    /// Connect a specific output of this AudioNode to a specific input of another node.
    fn connect_at<'a>(
        dest: &'a dyn AudioNode,
        output: usize,
        input: usize,
    ) -> &'a dyn AudioNode {
        if self.context() != dest.context() {
            panic!("InvalidAccessError: Attempting to connect nodes from different contexts");
        if self.number_of_outputs() <= output {
            panic!("IndexSizeError: output port {} is out of bounds", output);
        if dest.number_of_inputs() <= input {
            panic!("IndexSizeError: input port {} is out of bounds", input);



    /// Disconnects all outputs of the AudioNode that go to a specific destination AudioNode.
    fn disconnect_from<'a>(&self, dest: &'a dyn AudioNode) -> &'a dyn AudioNode {
        if self.context() != dest.context() {
            panic!("attempting to disconnect nodes from different contexts");

            .disconnect_from(self.reader_registration.id(), dest.registration().id());


    /// Disconnects all outgoing connections from the AudioNode.
    fn disconnect(&self) {

impl DelayNode {
    /// Create a new DelayNode
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics when the max delay value is smaller than zero or langer than three minutes.
    pub fn new<C: BaseAudioContext>(context: &C, options: DelayOptions) -> Self {
        let sample_rate = context.sample_rate() as f64;

        // Specifies the maximum delay time in seconds allowed for the delay line.
        // If specified, this value MUST be greater than zero and less than three
        // minutes or a NotSupportedError exception MUST be thrown. If not specified,
        // then 1 will be used.
        if options.max_delay_time <= 0. || options.max_delay_time >= 180. {
            panic!("NotSupportedError: MUST be greater than zero and less than three minutes");

        // we internally clamp max delay to quantum duration because the current
        // implementation doesn't allow sub-quantum delays. Later, this will
        // ensure that even if the declared max_delay_time and max_delay are smaller
        // than quantum duration, the node, if found in a loop, will gracefully
        // fallback to the clamped behavior. (e.g. we ensure that ring buffer size
        // is always >= 2)
        let quantum_duration = 1. / sample_rate * RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE as f64;
        let max_delay_time = options.max_delay_time.max(quantum_duration);

        // allocate large enough buffer to store all delayed samples
        // we add 1 here so that in edge cases where num_samples is a multiple of
        // RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE and delay_time == max_delay_time we are sure to
        // enough room for history. (see. test_max_delay_multiple_of_quantum_size)
        let num_samples = max_delay_time * sample_rate + 1.;
        let num_quanta =
            (num_samples.ceil() as usize + RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE - 1) / RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE;
        let ring_buffer = Vec::with_capacity(num_quanta);

        let shared_ring_buffer = Rc::new(RefCell::new(ring_buffer));
        let shared_ring_buffer_clone = shared_ring_buffer.clone();

        // shared value set by the writer when it is dropped
        let last_written_index = Rc::new(Cell::<Option<usize>>::new(None));
        let last_written_index_clone = last_written_index.clone();

        // shared value for reader/writer to determine who was rendered first,
        // this will indicate if the delay node acts as a cycle breaker
        let latest_frame_written = Rc::new(AtomicU64::new(u64::MAX));
        let latest_frame_written_clone = latest_frame_written.clone();

        let node = context.register(move |writer_registration| {
            let node = context.register(move |reader_registration| {
                let param_opts = AudioParamDescriptor {
                    min_value: 0.,
                    max_value: max_delay_time as f32,
                    default_value: 0.,
                    automation_rate: crate::param::AutomationRate::A,
                let (param, proc) = context.create_audio_param(param_opts, &reader_registration);

                param.set_value_at_time(options.delay_time as f32, 0.);

                let reader_render = DelayReader {
                    delay_time: proc,
                    ring_buffer: shared_ring_buffer_clone,
                    index: 0,
                    last_written_index: last_written_index_clone,
                    in_cycle: false,
                    last_written_index_checked: None,
                    latest_frame_written: latest_frame_written_clone,

                let node = DelayNode {
                    channel_config: options.channel_config.into(),
                    delay_time: param,

                (node, Box::new(reader_render))

            let writer_render = DelayWriter {
                ring_buffer: shared_ring_buffer,
                index: 0,

            (node, Box::new(writer_render))

        let writer_id = node.writer_registration.id();
        let reader_id = node.reader_registration.id();
        // connect Writer to Reader to guarantee order of processing and enable
        // sub-quantum delay. If found in cycle this connection will be deleted
        // by the graph and the minimum delay clamped to one render quantum
        context.base().connect(writer_id, reader_id, 0, 0);


    /// A-rate [`AudioParam`] representing the amount of delay (in seconds) to apply.
    pub fn delay_time(&self) -> &AudioParam {

struct DelayWriter {
    ring_buffer: Rc<RefCell<Vec<AudioRenderQuantum>>>,
    index: usize,
    latest_frame_written: Rc<AtomicU64>,
    last_written_index: Rc<Cell<Option<usize>>>,

// AudioRenderQuantums are not Send but we promise the `ring_buffer` Vec is
// empty before we ship it to the render thread.
unsafe impl Send for DelayWriter {}

trait RingBufferChecker {
    fn ring_buffer_mut(&self) -> RefMut<Vec<AudioRenderQuantum>>;

    // This step guarantees the ring buffer is filled with silence buffers,
    // This allow to simplify the code in both Writer and Reader as we know
    // `len() == capacity()` and all inner buffers are initialized with zeros.
    fn check_ring_buffer_size(&self, render_quantum: &AudioRenderQuantum) {
        let mut ring_buffer = self.ring_buffer_mut();

        if ring_buffer.len() < ring_buffer.capacity() {
            let len = ring_buffer.capacity();
            let mut silence = render_quantum.clone();

            ring_buffer.resize(len, silence);

impl Drop for DelayWriter {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let last_written_index = if self.index == 0 {
            self.ring_buffer.borrow().capacity() - 1
        } else {
            self.index - 1


impl RingBufferChecker for DelayWriter {
    fn ring_buffer_mut(&self) -> RefMut<Vec<AudioRenderQuantum>> {

impl AudioProcessor for DelayWriter {
    fn process(
        &mut self,
        inputs: &[AudioRenderQuantum],
        outputs: &mut [AudioRenderQuantum],
        _params: AudioParamValues,
        scope: &RenderScope,
    ) -> bool {
        // single input/output node
        let input = inputs[0].clone();
        let output = &mut outputs[0];

        // We must perform this check on both Writer and Reader as the order of
        // the rendering between them is not guaranteed.
        // `check_ring_buffer_up_down_mix` can only be done on the Writer
        // side as Reader do not access the "real" input

        // populate ring buffer
        let mut buffer = self.ring_buffer.borrow_mut();
        buffer[self.index] = input;

        // increment cursor and last written frame
        self.index = (self.index + 1) % buffer.capacity();
            .store(scope.current_frame, Ordering::SeqCst);

        // The writer end does not produce output,
        // clear the buffer so that it can be re-used

        // let the node be decommisioned if it has no input left

impl DelayWriter {
    fn check_ring_buffer_up_down_mix(&self, input: &AudioRenderQuantum) {
        // [spec]
        // When the number of channels in a DelayNode's input changes (thus changing
        // the output channel count also), there may be delayed audio samples which
        // have not yet been output by the node and are part of its internal state.
        // If these samples were received earlier with a different channel count,
        // they MUST be upmixed or downmixed before being combined with newly received
        // input so that all internal delay-line mixing takes place using the single
        // prevailing channel layout.
        let mut ring_buffer = self.ring_buffer_mut();
        let buffer_number_of_channels = ring_buffer[0].number_of_channels();
        let input_number_of_channels = input.number_of_channels();

        if buffer_number_of_channels != input_number_of_channels {
            for render_quantum in ring_buffer.iter_mut() {
                render_quantum.mix(input_number_of_channels, ChannelInterpretation::Speakers);

struct DelayReader {
    delay_time: AudioParamId,
    ring_buffer: Rc<RefCell<Vec<AudioRenderQuantum>>>,
    index: usize,
    latest_frame_written: Rc<AtomicU64>,
    in_cycle: bool,
    last_written_index: Rc<Cell<Option<usize>>>,
    // local copy of shared `last_written_index` so as to avoid render ordering issues
    last_written_index_checked: Option<usize>,

// AudioRenderQuantums are not Send but we promise the `ring_buffer` Vec is
// empty before we ship it to the render thread.
unsafe impl Send for DelayReader {}

impl RingBufferChecker for DelayReader {
    fn ring_buffer_mut(&self) -> RefMut<Vec<AudioRenderQuantum>> {

impl AudioProcessor for DelayReader {
    fn process(
        &mut self,
        _inputs: &[AudioRenderQuantum], // cannot be used
        outputs: &mut [AudioRenderQuantum],
        params: AudioParamValues,
        scope: &RenderScope,
    ) -> bool {
        // single input/output node
        let output = &mut outputs[0];
        // We must perform the checks (buffer size and up/down mix) on both Writer
        // and Reader as the order of processing between them is not guaranteed.

        let ring_buffer = self.ring_buffer.borrow();

        // we need to rely on ring buffer to know the actual number of output channels
        let number_of_channels = ring_buffer[0].number_of_channels();

        if !self.in_cycle {
            // check the latest written frame by the delay writer
            let latest_frame_written = self.latest_frame_written.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
            // if the delay writer has not rendered before us, the cycle breaker has been applied
            self.in_cycle = latest_frame_written != scope.current_frame;
            // once we store in_cycle = true, we do not want to go back to false
            // https://github.com/orottier/web-audio-api-rs/pull/198#discussion_r945326200

        // compute all playback infos for this block
        let delay = params.get(&self.delay_time);
        let sample_rate = scope.sample_rate as f64;
        let dt = 1. / sample_rate;
        let quantum_duration = RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE as f64 * dt;
        let ring_size = ring_buffer.len() as i32;
        let ring_index = self.index as i32;
        let mut playback_infos = [PlaybackInfo::default(); RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE];

        if delay.len() == 1 {
            playback_infos[0] = Self::get_playback_infos(

            for i in 1..RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE {
                let PlaybackInfo {
                } = playback_infos[i - 1];

                let mut prev_block_index = prev_block_index;
                let mut prev_frame_index = prev_frame_index + 1;

                if prev_frame_index >= RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE {
                    prev_block_index = (prev_block_index + 1) % ring_buffer.len();
                    prev_frame_index = 0;

                playback_infos[i] = PlaybackInfo {
        } else {
                .for_each(|(index, (&d, infos))| {
                    *infos = Self::get_playback_infos(
                        index as f64,

        // [spec] A DelayNode in a cycle is actively processing only when the absolute
        // value of any output sample for the current render quantum is greater
        // than or equal to 2^−126 (smallest f32 value).
        // @note: we use the same strategy even if not in a cycle
        let mut is_actively_processing = false;

        // render channels aligned
        for (channel_number, output_channel) in output.channels_mut().iter_mut().enumerate() {
            // store channel data locally and update pointer only when needed
            let mut block_index = playback_infos[0].prev_block_index;
            let mut channel_data = ring_buffer[block_index].channel_data(channel_number);

                .for_each(|(o, infos)| {
                    let PlaybackInfo {
                    } = *infos;

                    // find next sample address
                    let mut next_block_index = prev_block_index;
                    let mut next_frame_index = prev_frame_index + 1;

                    if next_frame_index >= RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE {
                        next_block_index = (next_block_index + 1) % ring_buffer.len();
                        next_frame_index = 0;

                    // update pointer to channel_data if needed
                    // @note: most of the time the step is not necessary but can
                    // be in case of an automotation with increasing delay time
                    if block_index != prev_block_index {
                        block_index = prev_block_index;
                        channel_data = ring_buffer[block_index].channel_data(channel_number);

                    let prev_sample = channel_data[prev_frame_index];

                    // update pointer to channel_data if needed
                    if block_index != next_block_index {
                        block_index = next_block_index;
                        channel_data = ring_buffer[block_index].channel_data(channel_number);

                    let next_sample = channel_data[next_frame_index];

                    let value = (1. - k).mul_add(prev_sample, k * next_sample);

                    if value.is_normal() {
                        is_actively_processing = true;

                    *o = value;

        if !is_actively_processing {

        if matches!(self.last_written_index_checked, Some(index) if index == self.index) {
            return false;

        // check if the writer has been decommissioned
        // we need this local copy because if the writer has been processed
        // before the reader, the direct check against `self.last_written_index`
        // would be true earlier than we want
        let last_written_index = self.last_written_index.get();

        if last_written_index.is_some() && self.last_written_index_checked.is_none() {
            self.last_written_index_checked = last_written_index;
        // increment ring buffer cursor
        self.index = (self.index + 1) % ring_buffer.capacity();


impl DelayReader {
    fn get_playback_infos(
        delay: f64,
        in_cycle: bool,
        sample_index: f64,
        quantum_duration: f64,
        sample_rate: f64,
        ring_size: i32,
        ring_index: i32,
    ) -> PlaybackInfo {
        // param is already clamped to max_delay_time internally, so it is
        // safe to only check lower boundary
        let clamped_delay = if in_cycle {
        } else {
        let num_samples = clamped_delay * sample_rate;
        // negative position of the playhead relative to this block start
        let position = sample_index - num_samples;
        let position_floored = position.floor();
        // find address of the frame in the ring buffer just before `position`
        let num_frames = RENDER_QUANTUM_SIZE as i32;

        // offset of the block in which the target sample is recorded
        // we need to be `float` here so that `floor()` behaves as expected
        let block_offset = (position_floored / num_frames as f64).floor();
        // index of the block in which the target sample is recorded
        let mut prev_block_index = ring_index + block_offset as i32;
        // unroll ring buffer is needed
        if prev_block_index < 0 {
            prev_block_index += ring_size;

        // find frame index in the target block
        let mut frame_offset = position_floored as i32 % num_frames;
        // handle special 0 case
        if frame_offset == 0 {
            frame_offset = -num_frames;

        let prev_frame_index = if frame_offset <= 0 {
            num_frames + frame_offset
        } else {
            // sub-quantum delay

        // as position is negative k will be what we expect
        let k = (position - position_floored) as f32;

        PlaybackInfo {
            prev_block_index: prev_block_index as usize,
            prev_frame_index: prev_frame_index as usize,

mod tests {
    use float_eq::assert_float_eq;

    use crate::context::OfflineAudioContext;
    use crate::node::AudioScheduledSourceNode;

    use super::*;

    fn test_sample_accurate() {
        for delay_in_samples in [128., 131., 197.].iter() {
            let sample_rate = 48000.;
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 256, sample_rate);

            let delay = context.create_delay(2.);
            delay.delay_time.set_value(delay_in_samples / sample_rate);

            let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
            dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

            let src = context.create_buffer_source();

            let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
            let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

            let mut expected = vec![0.; 256];
            expected[*delay_in_samples as usize] = 1.;

            assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 0.00001);

    fn test_sub_sample_accurate() {
            let delay_in_samples = 128.5;
            let sample_rate = 48000.;
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 256, sample_rate);

            let delay = context.create_delay(2.);
            delay.delay_time.set_value(delay_in_samples / sample_rate);

            let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
            dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

            let src = context.create_buffer_source();

            let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
            let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

            let mut expected = vec![0.; 256];
            expected[128] = 0.5;
            expected[129] = 0.5;

            assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 0.00001);

            let delay_in_samples = 128.8;
            let sample_rate = 48000.;
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 256, sample_rate);

            let delay = context.create_delay(2.);
            delay.delay_time.set_value(delay_in_samples / sample_rate);

            let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
            dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

            let src = context.create_buffer_source();

            let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
            let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

            let mut expected = vec![0.; 256];
            expected[128] = 0.2;
            expected[129] = 0.8;

            assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

    fn test_multichannel() {
        let delay_in_samples = 128.;
        let sample_rate = 48000.;
        let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(2, 2 * 128, sample_rate);

        let delay = context.create_delay(2.);
        delay.delay_time.set_value(delay_in_samples / sample_rate);

        let mut two_chan_dirac = context.create_buffer(2, 256, sample_rate);
        // different channels
        two_chan_dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);
        two_chan_dirac.copy_to_channel(&[0., 1.], 1);

        let src = context.create_buffer_source();

        let result = context.start_rendering_sync();

        let channel_left = result.get_channel_data(0);
        let mut expected_left = vec![0.; 256];
        expected_left[128] = 1.;
        assert_float_eq!(channel_left[..], expected_left[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

        let channel_right = result.get_channel_data(1);
        let mut expected_right = vec![0.; 256];
        expected_right[128 + 1] = 1.;
        assert_float_eq!(channel_right[..], expected_right[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

    fn test_input_number_of_channels_change() {
        let delay_in_samples = 128.;
        let sample_rate = 48000.;
        let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(2, 3 * 128, sample_rate);

        let delay = context.create_delay(2.);
        delay.delay_time.set_value(delay_in_samples / sample_rate);

        let mut one_chan_dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 128, sample_rate);
        one_chan_dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

        let src1 = context.create_buffer_source();

        let mut two_chan_dirac = context.create_buffer(2, 256, sample_rate);
        // the two channels are different
        two_chan_dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);
        two_chan_dirac.copy_to_channel(&[0., 1.], 1);
        // start second buffer at next block
        let src2 = context.create_buffer_source();
        src2.start_at(delay_in_samples as f64 / sample_rate as f64);

        let result = context.start_rendering_sync();

        let channel_left = result.get_channel_data(0);
        let mut expected_left = vec![0.; 3 * 128];
        expected_left[128] = 1.;
        expected_left[256] = 1.;
        assert_float_eq!(channel_left[..], expected_left[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

        let channel_right = result.get_channel_data(1);
        let mut expected_right = vec![0.; 3 * 128];
        expected_right[128] = 1.;
        expected_right[256 + 1] = 1.;
        assert_float_eq!(channel_right[..], expected_right[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

    fn test_node_stays_alive_long_enough() {
        // make sure there are no hidden order problem
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let sample_rate = 48000.;
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 5 * 128, sample_rate);

            // Set up a source that starts only after 5 render quanta.
            // The delay writer and reader should stay alive in this period of silence.
            // We set up the nodes in a separate block {} so they are dropped in the control thread,
            // otherwise the lifecycle rules do not kick in
                let delay = context.create_delay(1.);
                delay.delay_time.set_value(128. / sample_rate);

                let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
                dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

                let src = context.create_buffer_source();
                // 3rd block - play buffer
                // 4th block - play silence and dropped in render thread
                src.start_at(128. * 3. / sample_rate as f64);
            } // src and delay nodes are dropped

            let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
            let mut expected = vec![0.; 5 * 128];
            // source starts after 2 * 128 samples, then is delayed another 128
            expected[4 * 128] = 1.;

            assert_float_eq!(result.get_channel_data(0), &expected[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

    fn test_subquantum_delay() {
        for i in 0..128 {
            let sample_rate = 48000.;
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 128, sample_rate);

            let delay = context.create_delay(1.);
            delay.delay_time.set_value(i as f32 / sample_rate);

            let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
            dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

            let src = context.create_buffer_source();

            let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
            let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

            let mut expected = vec![0.; 128];
            expected[i] = 1.;

            assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

    fn test_min_delay_when_in_loop() {
        let sample_rate = 480000.;
        let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 256, sample_rate);

        let delay = context.create_delay(1.);
        delay.delay_time.set_value(1. / sample_rate);
        // create a loop with a gain at 0 to avoid feedback
        // therefore delay_time will be clamped to 128 * sample_rate by the Reader
        let gain = context.create_gain();

        let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
        dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

        let src = context.create_buffer_source();

        let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
        let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

        let mut expected = vec![0.; 256];
        expected[128] = 1.;

        assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 0.);

    fn test_max_delay_smaller_than_quantum_size() {
        // regression test that even if the declared max_delay_time is smaller than
        // a quantum duration, the node internally clamps it to quantum duration so
        // that everything works even if order of processing is not garanteed
        // (i.e. when delay is in a loop)
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let sample_rate = 480000.;
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 256, sample_rate);

            // this will be internally clamped to 128 * sample_rate
            let delay = context.create_delay((64. / sample_rate).into());
            // this will be clamped to 128 * sample_rate by the Reader
            delay.delay_time.set_value(64. / sample_rate);

            // create a loop with a gain at 0 to avoid feedback
            let gain = context.create_gain();

            let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
            dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

            let src = context.create_buffer_source();

            let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
            let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

            let mut expected = vec![0.; 256];
            expected[128] = 1.;

            assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 0.);

    fn test_max_delay_multiple_of_quantum_size() {
        // regression test that delay node has always enough internal buffer size
        // when max_delay is a multiple of quantum size and delay == max_delay.
        // This bug only occurs when the Writer is called before than the Reader,
        // which is the case when not in a loop

        // set delay and max delay time exactly 1 render quantum
            let sample_rate = 48000.;
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 256, sample_rate);

            let delay = context.create_delay(1.);
            delay.delay_time.set_value(128. / sample_rate);

            let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
            dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

            let src = context.create_buffer_source();

            let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
            let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

            let mut expected = vec![0.; 256];
            expected[128] = 1.;

            assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

        // set delay and max delay time exactly 2 render quantum
            let sample_rate = 48000.;
            let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 3 * 128, sample_rate);

            let delay = context.create_delay(2.);
            delay.delay_time.set_value(128. * 2. / sample_rate);

            let mut dirac = context.create_buffer(1, 1, sample_rate);
            dirac.copy_to_channel(&[1.], 0);

            let src = context.create_buffer_source();

            let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
            let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

            let mut expected = vec![0.; 3 * 128];
            expected[256] = 1.;

            assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);

    fn test_subquantum_delay_dynamic_lifetime() {
        let sample_rate = 48000.;
        let context = OfflineAudioContext::new(1, 3 * 128, sample_rate);

        // Setup a source that emits for 120 frames, so it deallocates after the first render
        // quantum. Delay the signal with 64 frames. Deallocation of the delay writer might trick
        // the delay reader into thinking it is part of a cycle, and would clamp the delay to a
        // full render quantum.
            let delay = context.create_delay(1.);
            delay.delay_time.set_value(64_f32 / sample_rate);

            // emit 120 samples
            let src = context.create_constant_source();
            src.stop_at(120. / sample_rate as f64);
        } // drop all nodes, trigger dynamic lifetimes

        let result = context.start_rendering_sync();
        let channel = result.get_channel_data(0);

        let mut expected = vec![0.; 3 * 128];
        expected[64..64 + 120].fill(1.);

        assert_float_eq!(channel[..], expected[..], abs_all <= 1e-5);