warpgrapher 0.11.2

Automate web service creation with GraphQL and Graph Databases
# Contributing

Note that the steps below are for doing development on the Warpgrapher itself,
to contribute to the project. In order to develop with Warpgrapher, on your own
project, see the Documentation.

## Clone the Warpgrapher Repository

git clone https://github.com/warpforge/warpgrapher.git

## Build Warpgrapher

To build for use with Cypher-based databases, such as AWS Neptune and Neo4J:

cargo build --features cypher

To build for use with a Gremlin-based database, such as Apache Tinkerpop or Azure CosmosDB:

cargo build --features gremlin

## Test

### Set Environment Variables

export WG_POOL_SIZE=1

Setting the pool size to one during testing helps assure that Warpgrapher will continue to operate 
correctly with constrianed connection pools, even when recursing through resolvers.

For Cypher-based databases:

export WG_CYPHER_PORT=7687
export WG_CYPHER_USER=neo4j

For Gremlin-based DB graphs:

export WG_GREMLIN_HOST=localhost
export WG_GREMLIN_PORT=8182
export WG_GREMLIN_USE_TLS=false

### Run the Database

For Cypher-based databases:

Start your database in accordance with its instructions. For example, for Neo4J, run:

docker run --rm -e NEO4J_AUTH="${WG_CYPHER_USER}/${WG_CYPHER_PASS}" -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 neo4j:4.4

For Gremlin-based databases:

Start your database in accordance with it's instructions.  For example, for Apache Tinkerpop, run:

docker run -it --rm -p 8182:8182 tinkerpop/gremlin-server:latest

### Run Tests

Run unit tests.

cargo test --lib

Run all tests (unit and integration).

For Cypher-based DBs:

cargo test --features cypher -- --test-threads=1

For Gremlin-based DBs:

cargo test --features gremlin --tests -- --test-threads=1

For all databases:

cargo test --all-features -- --test-threads=1

Enable full logging and stack traces when running tests:

RUST_BACKTRACE=full RUST_LOG=warpgrapher cargo test --features *DB_FEATURE* -- --nocapture --test-threads=1

## Lint Code

cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings

## Check Dependencies for Vulnerabilities

cargo audit

## Format code

cargo fmt

## Generate Documentation

cd book; ./build.sh

## Check API Docs for Dead Links

Reorganizing types and functions in a crate can leave dead cross-reference links in the 
documentation. Use the cargo-deadlinks subcommand to check for these dead links.

cargo deadlinks

## Review Against API Style Guide

Review your change against the following Rust language API style guidelines.


If reviewing a PR, use the following as a review checklist:


## Updating version prior to release

Open an rc-X.Y.Z branch.

Update version in `Cargo.toml`, `src/lib.rs`, and `book/src/warpgrapher/quickstart.md`. 

Commit and merge the rc-X.Y.Z branch. Add a release version tag using the GitHub UI.