vgtk 0.3.0

A declarative UI framework for GTK
use futures::{
    channel::mpsc::{unbounded, UnboundedSender},
    stream::{select, Stream},
    task::{Context, Poll},
use glib::{Cast, MainContext, Object, ObjectExt, WeakRef};
use gtk::{Application, GtkApplicationExt, Widget, WidgetExt, Window};

use std::any::TypeId;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Error, Formatter};
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::RwLock;

use colored::Colorize;
use log::{debug, trace};

use crate::scope::{AnyScope, Scope};
use crate::vdom::State;
use crate::vnode::VNode;

/// An action resulting from a [`Component::update()`](trait.Component.html#method.update).
pub enum UpdateAction<C: Component> {
    /// No action is necessary.
    /// Use this when your update function didn't modify the component state in
    /// a way that alters the output of the view function.
    /// Re-render the widget tree.
    /// Use this when you've modified the component state and the component should
    /// call its view function and re-render itself to reflect the new state.
    /// Run an async task and update again when it completes, passing the message
    /// returned from the [`Future`][Future] to [`Component::update()`][update].
    /// You should call [`UpdateAction::defer()`][defer] or rely on the `From<Future>`
    /// implementation (see the example below) to construct this, rather than
    /// trying to box up your [`Future`][Future] yourself.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
    /// enum Message {
    ///     StartJob,
    ///     JobDone,
    /// }
    /// # use vgtk::{gtk, Component, VNode, UpdateAction};
    /// # use vgtk::lib::gtk::Box;
    /// # #[derive(Default)]
    /// # struct Foo;
    /// # impl Component for Foo {
    /// #     type Message = Message; type Properties = ();
    /// #     fn view(&self) -> VNode<Self> { gtk!{ <Box/> } }
    /// fn update(&mut self, message: Self::Message) -> UpdateAction<Self> {
    ///     match message {
    ///         Message::StartJob => async {
    ///             Message::JobDone
    ///         }.into(),
    ///         Message::JobDone => UpdateAction::Render,
    ///     }
    /// }
    /// # }
    /// ```
    /// [update]: trait.Component.html#method.update
    /// [defer]: #method.defer
    /// [Future]:
    Defer(Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = C::Message> + 'static>>),

impl<C: Component> UpdateAction<C> {
    /// Construct a deferred action given a [`Future`][Future].
    /// [Future]:
    pub fn defer(job: impl Future<Output = C::Message> + 'static) -> Self {

impl<C, F> From<F> for UpdateAction<C>
    C: Component,
    F: Future<Output = C::Message> + 'static,
    fn from(future: F) -> Self {

/// This is the trait your UI components should implement.
/// You must always provide `Message` and `Properties` types, and the `view()` method.
/// `Properties` only makes sense when used as a subcomponent, and should be set to the
/// unit type `()` for your top level component.
/// A default implementation for `update` is provided which does nothing and always
/// returns `UpdateAction::None`. You will probably want to reimplement this.
/// You don't have to implement `create` and `change` for a top level component, but
/// you'll have to implement them for a subcomponent. The default implementation for
/// `create` just constructs the default value for your component, ignoring its
/// properties entirely (which is what you want for a top level component) and the
/// default `change` will panic to remind you that you need to implement it.
/// A sensible pattern for a subcomponent without local state is to make
/// `Self::Properties = Self`. `create` can then just return its input argument,
/// and `change` could be as simple as `*self = props; UpdateAction::Render`, though
/// you might want to compare the input with the current state if possible and return
/// `UpdateAction::Render` only when they're different.
pub trait Component: Default + Unpin {
    /// The type of messages you can send to the `Component::update()` function.
    type Message: Clone + Send + Debug + Unpin;

    /// A struct type which holds the properties for your `Component`.
    /// The `gtk!` macro will construct this from the attributes on the
    /// corresponding component element.
    /// This is not relevant and should be set to `()` if you're writing a top
    /// level component.
    /// Note: if you need to emit signals from a subcomponent, please see the
    /// documentation for [`Callback`][Callback]. Subcomponents do not support the
    /// `on signal` syntax, as they aren't GTK objects and therefore can't emit signals,
    /// and the convention is to use a [`Callback`][Callback] property named `on_signal`
    /// instead.
    /// [Callback]: struct.Callback.html
    type Properties: Clone + Default;

    /// Process a `Component::Message` and update the state accordingly.
    /// If you've made changes which should be reflected in the UI state, return
    /// `UpdateAction::Render`. This will call `Component::view()` and update
    /// the widget tree accordingly.
    /// If you need to perform I/O, you can return `UpdateAction::Defer`, which
    /// will run an async action and call `Component::update()` again with its
    /// result.
    /// Otherwise, return `UpdateAction::None`.
    fn update(&mut self, _msg: Self::Message) -> UpdateAction<Self> {

    /// Construct a new `Component` given a `Component::Properties` object.
    /// The default implementation ignores the `Properties` argument and constructs
    /// the component using [`Default::default()`][default]. This is what you want
    /// for a top level component, and almost certainly not what you want for a
    /// subcomponent.
    /// [default]:
    fn create(_props: Self::Properties) -> Self {

    /// Update a `Component`'s properties.
    /// This method will never be called on a top level component. Its default
    /// implementation panics with a message telling you to implement it for
    /// your subcomponent.
    fn change(&mut self, _props: Self::Properties) -> UpdateAction<Self> {
        unimplemented!("add a Component::change() implementation")

    /// This method is called when the `Component` becomes visible to the user.
    /// The default implementation does nothing. You can reimplement it if you
    /// need to be aware of when this happens.
    fn mounted(&mut self) {}

    /// This method is called just before the `Component` becomes hidden or is
    /// removed entirely.
    /// The default implementation does nothing. You can reimplement it if you
    /// need to be aware of when this happens.
    fn unmounted(&mut self) {}

    /// Build a `VNode` tree to represent your UI.
    /// This is called whenever the `Component` needs to re-render, and its UI
    /// state will be updated to reflect the `VNode` tree.
    /// You'll generally want to use the [`gtk!`][gtk!] macro to build your `VNode`
    /// tree.
    /// [gtk!]: macro.gtk.html
    fn view(&self) -> VNode<Self>;

impl Component for () {
    type Message = ();
    type Properties = ();
    fn view(&self) -> VNode<Self> {
        unimplemented!("tried to render a null component")

pub(crate) enum ComponentMessage<C: Component> {

impl<C: Component> Debug for ComponentMessage<C> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
        match self {
            ComponentMessage::Update(msg) => write!(
                    format!("{:?}", msg).bright_white().bold()
            ComponentMessage::Props(_) => write!(f, "{}", "ComponentMessage::Props(...)".green()),
            ComponentMessage::Mounted => write!(f, "{}", "ComponentMessage::Mounted".green()),
            ComponentMessage::Unmounted => write!(f, "{}", "ComponentMessage::Unmounted".green()),

impl<C: Component> Clone for ComponentMessage<C> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        match self {
            ComponentMessage::Update(msg) => ComponentMessage::Update(msg.clone()),
            ComponentMessage::Props(props) => ComponentMessage::Props(props.clone()),
            ComponentMessage::Mounted => ComponentMessage::Mounted,
            ComponentMessage::Unmounted => ComponentMessage::Unmounted,

pub(crate) struct PartialComponentTask<C, P>
    C: Component,
    P: Component,
    task: ComponentTask<C, P>,
    view: VNode<C>,
    sender: UnboundedSender<ComponentMessage<C>>,

impl<C, P> PartialComponentTask<C, P>
    C: 'static + Component,
    P: 'static + Component,
    /// Start building a `ComponentTask` by initialising the task and the root
    /// object but not the children.
    /// This is generally only useful when you're constructing an `Application`,
    /// where windows should not be added to it until it's been activated, but
    /// you need to have the `Application` object in order to activate it.
    pub(crate) fn new(
        props: C::Properties,
        parent: Option<&Object>,
        parent_scope: Option<&Scope<P>>,
    ) -> Self {
        let (sys_send, sys_recv) = unbounded();
        let (user_send, user_recv) = unbounded();

        // As `C::Message` must be `Send` but `C::Properties` can't be,
        // we keep two senders but merge them into a single receiver at
        // the task end.
        let channel = Pin::new(Box::new(select(

        let type_name = std::any::type_name::<C>();
        let scope = match parent_scope {
            Some(ref p) => p.inherit(type_name, user_send),
            None => Scope::new(type_name, user_send),
        let state = C::create(props);
        let initial_view = state.view();
        let ui_state = State::build_root(&initial_view, parent, &scope);
        PartialComponentTask {
            task: ComponentTask {
                parent_scope: parent_scope.cloned(),
                ui_state: Some(ui_state),
            view: initial_view,
            sender: sys_send,

    /// Finalise the partially constructed `ComponentTask` by constructing its
    /// children.
    pub(crate) fn finalise(
        mut self,
    ) -> (UnboundedSender<ComponentMessage<C>>, ComponentTask<C, P>) {
        if let Some(ref mut ui_state) = self.task.ui_state {
            ui_state.build_children(&self.view, &self.task.scope);
        (self.sender, self.task)

    pub(crate) fn object(&self) -> Object {

    pub(crate) fn scope(&self) -> Scope<C> {

pub(crate) struct ComponentTask<C, P>
    C: Component,
    P: Component,
    scope: Scope<C>,
    parent_scope: Option<Scope<P>>,
    state: C,
    ui_state: Option<State<C>>,
    channel: Pin<Box<dyn Stream<Item = ComponentMessage<C>>>>,

impl<C, P> ComponentTask<C, P>
    C: 'static + Component,
    P: 'static + Component,
    pub(crate) fn new(
        props: C::Properties,
        parent: Option<&Object>,
        parent_scope: Option<&Scope<P>>,
    ) -> (UnboundedSender<ComponentMessage<C>>, Self) {
        PartialComponentTask::new(props, parent, parent_scope).finalise()

    fn run_job(&self, job: impl Future<Output = C::Message> + 'static) {
        let scope = self.scope.clone();
        MainContext::ref_thread_default().spawn_local(async move {

    pub(crate) fn process(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> {
        let mut render = false;
        loop {
            let next = Stream::poll_next(, ctx);
                "{} {}",
                format!("{:?}", next).bright_black().bold()
            match next {
                Poll::Ready(Some(msg)) => match msg {
                    ComponentMessage::Update(msg) => match self.state.update(msg) {
                        UpdateAction::Defer(job) => {
                        UpdateAction::Render => {
                            render = true;
                        UpdateAction::None => {}
                    ComponentMessage::Props(props) => match self.state.change(props) {
                        UpdateAction::Defer(job) => {
                        UpdateAction::Render => {
                            render = true;
                        UpdateAction::None => {}
                    ComponentMessage::Mounted => {
                            "{} {}",
                            "Component mounted:".bright_blue(),
                    ComponentMessage::Unmounted => {
                        if let Some(state) = self.ui_state.take() {
                            "{} {}",
                            "Component unmounted:".bright_red(),
                        return Poll::Ready(());
                Poll::Pending if render => {
                    if let Some(ref mut ui_state) = self.ui_state {
                        // we patch
                        let new_view = self.state.view();
                        if !ui_state.patch(&new_view, None, &self.scope) {
                                "{}: don't know how to propagate failed patch",
                        return Poll::Pending;
                    } else {
                            "{} {}",
                            "rendering in the absence of a UI state; exiting".bright_red()
                        return Poll::Ready(());
                Poll::Ready(None) => {
                        "{} {}",
                        "terminating because all channel handles dropped".bright_red()
                    return Poll::Ready(());
                Poll::Pending => return Poll::Pending,

    pub(crate) fn object(&self) -> Option<Object> {
        self.ui_state.as_ref().map(|state| state.object().clone())

    pub(crate) fn current_parent_scope() -> Scope<C> {
        LOCAL_CONTEXT.with(|key| {
            let lock =;
            match &lock.parent_scope {
                None => panic!("current task has no parent scope set!"),
                Some(any_scope) => match any_scope.try_get::<C>() {
                    None => panic!(
                        "unexpected type for current parent scope (expected {:?})",
                    Some(scope) => scope.clone(),

/// Get the current [`Object`][Object].
/// When called from inside a [`Component`][Component], it will return the top level [`Object`][Object]
/// for this component, if it currently exists.
/// When called from outside a [`Component`][Component]'s lifecycle, you should hopefully
/// just receive a `None`, but, generally, try not to do that.
/// [Object]: ../glib/object/struct.Object.html
/// [Component]: trait.Component.html
pub fn current_object() -> Option<Object> {
    LOCAL_CONTEXT.with(|key| {
        let lock =;
            .and_then(|object| object.upgrade())

/// Get the current [`Window`][Window].
/// When called from inside a [`Component`][Component], it will return the [`Window`][Window] to which
/// its top level [`Object`][Object] is attached.
/// If the top level [`Object`][Object] is a [`Window`][Window], it will return that.
/// If the top level [`Object`][Object] is an `Application`, it will return that
/// `Application`'s idea of what its currently active [`Window`][Window] is, as determined
/// by `Application::get_active_window()`.
/// If it's unable to determine what the current [`Window`][Window] is, you'll get a
/// `None`.
/// When called from outside a [`Component`][Component]'s lifecycle, you should hopefully
/// just receive a `None`, but, generally, try not to do that.
/// [Object]: ../glib/object/struct.Object.html
/// [Window]: ../gtk/struct.Window.html
/// [Component]: trait.Component.html
pub fn current_window() -> Option<Window> {
    current_object().and_then(|obj| match obj.downcast::<Window>() {
        Ok(window) => Some(window),
        Err(obj) => match obj.downcast::<Application>() {
            Ok(app) => app.get_active_window(),
            Err(obj) => match obj.downcast::<Widget>() {
                Ok(widget) => widget
                    .and_then(|toplevel| toplevel.downcast::<Window>().ok()),
                _ => None,

struct LocalContext {
    parent_scope: Option<AnyScope>,
    current_object: Option<WeakRef<Object>>,

thread_local! {
    static LOCAL_CONTEXT: RwLock<LocalContext> = RwLock::new(Default::default())

impl<C, P> Future for ComponentTask<C, P>
    C: 'static + Component,
    P: 'static + Component,
    type Output = ();

    fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
        LOCAL_CONTEXT.with(|key| {
            *key.write().unwrap() = LocalContext {
                parent_scope: self.parent_scope.as_ref().map(|scope| scope.clone().into()),
                current_object: self
                    .map(|state| state.object().downgrade()),
        let polled = self.get_mut().process(ctx);
        LOCAL_CONTEXT.with(|key| {
            *key.write().unwrap() = Default::default();