tree-sitter 0.20.1

Rust bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library

#include "tree_sitter/api.h"

#define POINT_ZERO ((TSPoint) {0, 0})
#define POINT_MAX ((TSPoint) {UINT32_MAX, UINT32_MAX})

static inline TSPoint point__new(unsigned row, unsigned column) {
  TSPoint result = {row, column};
  return result;

static inline TSPoint point_add(TSPoint a, TSPoint b) {
  if (b.row > 0)
    return point__new(a.row + b.row, b.column);
    return point__new(a.row, a.column + b.column);

static inline TSPoint point_sub(TSPoint a, TSPoint b) {
  if (a.row > b.row)
    return point__new(a.row - b.row, a.column);
    return point__new(0, a.column - b.column);

static inline bool point_lte(TSPoint a, TSPoint b) {
  return (a.row < b.row) || (a.row == b.row && a.column <= b.column);

static inline bool point_lt(TSPoint a, TSPoint b) {
  return (a.row < b.row) || (a.row == b.row && a.column < b.column);

static inline bool point_gt(TSPoint a, TSPoint b) {
  return (a.row > b.row) || (a.row == b.row && a.column > b.column);

static inline bool point_eq(TSPoint a, TSPoint b) {
  return a.row == b.row && a.column == b.column;

static inline TSPoint point_min(TSPoint a, TSPoint b) {
  if (a.row < b.row || (a.row == b.row && a.column < b.column))
    return a;
    return b;

static inline TSPoint point_max(TSPoint a, TSPoint b) {
  if (a.row > b.row || (a.row == b.row && a.column > b.column))
    return a;
    return b;
