tree-sitter-graph 0.6.1

Construct graphs from parsed source code
# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## 0.6.1 -- 2022-09-06

### Library

#### Fixed

- Cancellation errors during execution are now propagated all the way up, instead of being wrapped in other errors.

#### Added

- The `ExecutionError` type now supports formatting errors with excerpts from the program and TSG source by using the `.display_pretty` method.

#### Changed

- `Variables::nested` does now accept a non-mutable reference.

### CLI

#### Added

- Execution errors now include excerpts from the program and TSG source when printed.

## 0.6.0 -- 20220-08-23

### Library

#### Added

- Cancellation of `ast::File` execution is now supported by passing an implementation of the `CancellationFlag` trait.
  The `NoCancellation` type provides a noop implementation.

#### Fixed

- Fixed bug in `Identifier` so `ast::File` instances can be safely shared between threads.

#### Changed

- Functions are not passed as mutable anymore, so that they can safely used concurrently and reused between executions.
- `ast::File::execute` requires an extra `CancellationFlag` parameter. Use `&NoCancellation` if no cancellation is required.

### CLI

#### Added

- Global variables can be provided by passing `--global VAR=VAL` flags. Only string values are supported.

## 0.5.1 -- 2022-05-11

### DSL

- Reference the new VS Code extension in the README.

## 0.5.0 -- 2022-05-09

### DSL

#### Fixed

- Report query errors with correct source locations.

### Library

#### Changed

- In JSON output, all values are represented as objects with a `type` field
  indicating the value type, and additional value fields that vary per type.

### CLI

#### Added

- Flag `--output`/`-o` to set JSON output path.

## 0.4.0 -- 2022-03-21

### DSL

#### Added

- Global variable declarations.
- Attribute shorthands.
- List and set comprehensions.

#### Deprecated

- Use of undeclared global variables.

### Library

#### Added

- Module `parse_error` for finding and displaying `tree-sitter` parse errors.
- Option in `ExecutionConfig` to automatically add debug graph node attributes that describe the source location and variable name of the originating `node` statement in the DSL source.

#### Changed

- Calls to `execute` will fail with a runtime error if declared global variables are missing in the global environment.
- Calls to `execute` will not fail early on parse trees with errors. Errors may occur during query execution if matched parts of the tree are missing.
- The seperate arguments to `execute` are replaced by a single `ExecutionConfig` argument, which makes it easier to add optional arguments without breaking all use sites.

#### Removed

- The `execute_lazy` method has been removed. Lazy evalaution is enabled by setting the `lazy` flag in the `ExecutionConfig`.

### CLI

#### Added

- Flag `--allow-parse-errors` that allows running against input files with parse errors.

#### Changed

- Improved formatting of parse error messages.

## 0.3.0 - 2022-02-08

### DSL

#### Added

- Loop statement to iterate over list values.
- Conditional statement to check optional and boolean values.
- Boolean functions `and`, `or`, and `not`.
- Lazy evaluation strategy that does not rely on textual stanza order.

#### Changed

- Variables are now scoped in blocks, and will not escape or overwrite variables defined in enclosing blocks.
- Fix nested function calls, which would lose their arguments.
- Fix nested `scan` statements, which would lose outer captures after the inner statement.
- Construct capture values based in query quantifiers, e.g., create a list for `@cap*` or an optional value for `@cap?`.
- Rename `child-index` to the more accurate `named-child-index`

#### Removed

- The `scan` statement cannot be applied to values that are not local to the stanza, i.e., values that depend on scoped variables.

### Library

#### Added

- Method `File::execute_lazy` to use lazy evaluation strategy.
- Methods `File::execute_into` and `File::execute_lazy_into` to use an existing graph instance, instead of creating a new one.
- Various `Value::into_*` and `Value::as_*` methods.

#### Changed

- The method `Graph::display_with` is renamed to `Graph::pretty_print`.

#### Deprecated

- The method `File::parse` is deprecated because it it not sound anymore, and should be replaced by the `File::from_str` method.
- The method `Value::into_syntax_node` is deprecated, and should be replaced by explicit graph indexing.

#### Removed

- The `Context` object for string interning is removed, along with the `ctx` parameters of methods.

### CLI

#### Added

- JSON output mode for the resulting graph, controlled by the `--json` flag.
- A `--lazy` flag to use the lazy evaluation strategy.
- A `--quiet` flag to suppress graph output.