tree-sitter-graph 0.6.1

Construct graphs from parsed source code
# tree-sitter-graph

The `tree-sitter-graph` library defines a DSL for constructing arbitrary graph
structures from source code that has been parsed using [tree-sitter][].


- [Language Reference]*/tree_sitter_graph/reference/
- [API documentation]
- [Release notes]
- [VS Code Extension]

## Usage

This package can be used either as a library or command-line program.

To use it as a library, add the following to your `Cargo.toml`:

``` toml
tree-sitter-graph = "0.6"

To use it as a program, install it via `cargo install`:

$ cargo install --features cli tree-sitter-graph
$ tree-sitter-graph --help

## Development

The project is written in Rust, and requires a recent version installed.
Rust can be installed and updated using [rustup][].


Build the project by running:

$ cargo build

Run the tests by running:

$ cargo test

The project consists of a library and a CLI.
By default, running `cargo` only applies to the library.
To run `cargo` commands on the CLI as well, add `--features cli` or `--all-features`.

Sources are formatted using the standard Rust formatted, which is applied by running:

$ cargo fmt