trane 0.9.2

An automated system for learning complex skills
//! Defines and implements the data structures used to schedule batches of exercises to show to the
//! user. This module is the core mechanism of how Trane guides students to mastery of the material.
//! The scheduler has a few core goals:
//! 1. Schedule exercises the user has practiced before in order to improve them and keep them up to
//!    date if they have been mastered already.
//! 2. Once the current material has been sufficiently mastered, schedule exercises that list the
//!    current material as a dependency.
//! 3. Optimize the difficulty of the schedule exercises so that the user is neither frustrated
//!    because many of the exercises are too difficult or bored because they have become too easy.
//!    The optimal are lies slightly outside their current comfort zone.
//! 4. Record the scores self-reported by the user to use them to drive the decisions done in
//!    service of all the other goals.
//! In more formal terms, the scheduler's job is to plan the most optimal traversal of the graph of
//! skills as the student's performance blocks or unblocks certain paths. The current implementation
//! uses depth-first search to traverse the graph and collect a large pool of exercises, a multiple
//! of the actual exercises included in the final batch. From this large pool, the candidates are
//! split in groups of exercises which each match a disjoint range of scores to be randomly selected
//! into a list of fixed size. The result is combined, shuffled, and becomes the final batch
//! presented to the student.

mod cache;
pub mod data;
mod filter;

use anyhow::Result;
use rand::{seq::SliceRandom, thread_rng};
use ustr::{Ustr, UstrMap, UstrSet};

use crate::{
        filter::{MetadataFilter, UnitFilter},
        ExerciseManifest, MasteryScore, SchedulerOptions, UnitType,
    scheduler::{cache::ScoreCache, data::SchedulerData, filter::CandidateFilter},

/// The scheduler returns early if the search reaches a dead end and the number of candidates is
/// bigger than the multiple of the final batch size and this value. This is to avoid the need to
/// search the entire graph if the search already found a decently sized pool of candidates.
const MAX_CANDIDATE_FACTOR: usize = 10;

/// The trait that defines the interface for the scheduler. Contains functions to request a new
/// batch of exercises and to provide Trane the self-reported scores for said exercises.
pub trait ExerciseScheduler {
    /// Gets a new batch of exercises scheduled for a new trial. Contains an optimal filter to
    /// restrict the units visited during the search with the purpose of allowing students to choose
    /// which material to practice. If the filter is not provided, the scheduler will search the
    /// entire graph.
    fn get_exercise_batch(
        filter: Option<&UnitFilter>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(Ustr, ExerciseManifest)>>;

    /// Records the score of the given exercise's trial. The scores are used by the scheduler to
    /// decide when to stop traversing a path and how to sort and filter all the found candidates
    /// into a final batch.
    fn score_exercise(&self, exercise_id: &Ustr, score: MasteryScore, timestamp: i64)
        -> Result<()>;

    /// Removes any cached scores for the given unit. The score will be recomputed the next time the
    /// score is needed.
    /// The scores for lessons and exercises are cached to save a large amount of unnecessary
    /// computation. Without the caller manually invalidating the cache using this call, it is not
    /// possible to know when the cached value becomes outdated with the current interface. The
    /// reason is that the calls to modify the blacklist are not known by the scheduler.
    /// However, the final users of Trane do not need to call this function because the `Trane`
    /// object in takes care of clearing the cache when exposing the interface that modifies
    /// the blacklist.
    fn invalidate_cached_score(&self, unit_id: &Ustr);

/// An item in the stack of units that are scheduled for traversal during the process of scheduling
/// the next batch of exercises.
struct StackItem {
    /// The ID of the unit contained in the item.
    unit_id: Ustr,

    /// The number of hops the search needed to reach this item.
    num_hops: usize,

/// An exercise selected during the initial phase of the search and which will be grouped with all
/// the other candidates which fall in the same mastery window and filtered and randomly selected
/// to form the final batch.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Candidate {
    /// The ID of the exercise.
    exercise_id: Ustr,

    /// The number of hops the graph search needed to reach this exercise.
    num_hops: f32,

    /// The score assigned to the exercise represented as a float number between 0.0 and 5.0
    /// inclusive. This score will be computed from the previous trials of this exercise.
    score: f32,

    /// The number of times this exercise has been scheduled during the run of this scheduler. This
    /// value will be used to assign more weight to exercises that have been scheduled less often.
    frequency: f32,

/// An implementation of [ExerciseScheduler] based on depth-first search.
pub(crate) struct DepthFirstScheduler {
    /// The external data used by the scheduler. Contains pointers to the graph, blacklist, and
    /// course library and provides convenient functions.
    data: SchedulerData,

    /// A cache of unit scores. Scores are cached to avoid unnecessary computation, an issue that
    /// was found during profiling of Trane's performance. The memory footprint of Trane is low, so
    /// the trade-off is worth it.
    score_cache: ScoreCache,

    /// The filter used to build the final batch of exercises among the candidates found during the
    /// graph search.
    filter: CandidateFilter,

impl DepthFirstScheduler {
    /// Creates a new scheduler.
    pub fn new(data: SchedulerData, options: SchedulerOptions) -> Self {
        Self {
            data: data.clone(),
            score_cache: ScoreCache::new(data.clone(), options),
            filter: CandidateFilter::new(data),

    /// Shuffles the units and pushes them to the given stack. Used with the goal of ensuring that
    /// the units are traversed in a different order each time a new batch is requested.
    fn shuffle_to_stack(curr_unit: &StackItem, mut units: Vec<Ustr>, stack: &mut Vec<StackItem>) {
        units.shuffle(&mut thread_rng());
        stack.extend(units.iter().map(|id| StackItem {
            unit_id: *id,
            num_hops: curr_unit.num_hops + 1,

    /// Returns all the courses and lessons without dependencies which are used to initialize a
    /// search of the entire graph.
    fn get_all_starting_units(&self) -> UstrSet {
        // Replace any missing units with their dependents and repeat this process until there are
        // no missing courses.
        let mut starting_courses =;
        loop {
            let mut new_starting_courses = UstrSet::default();
            for course_id in &starting_courses {
                if {
                } else {
            if new_starting_courses.len() == starting_courses.len() {
            starting_courses = new_starting_courses;

        // Some courses added to the original list in the previous steps might have other
        // dependencies, some of which exist in the course library. This means they cannot be
        // considered a starting course, so remove them from the final output.
            .filter(|course_id| {
                    .all(|id| !

    /// Returns the lessons in the course that have no dependencies with other lessons in the course
    /// and whose dependencies are satisfied.
    pub fn get_course_valid_starting_lessons(
        course_id: &Ustr,
        metadata_filter: Option<&MetadataFilter>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Ustr>> {
            .filter(|id| {
                // Filter out lessons whose dependencies are not satisfied. Otherwise, those lessons
                // would be traversed prematurely.
                self.all_satisfied_dependencies(id, metadata_filter)

    /// Returns an initial stack with all the starting units in the graph that are used to search
    /// the entire graph.
    fn get_initial_stack(&self, metadata_filter: Option<&MetadataFilter>) -> Vec<StackItem> {
        // First get all the starting units and then all of their starting lessons.
        let starting_units = self.get_all_starting_units();
        let mut initial_stack: Vec<StackItem> = vec![];
        for course_id in starting_units {
            let lesson_ids = self
                .get_course_valid_starting_lessons(&course_id, metadata_filter)

            if lesson_ids.is_empty() {
                // For units with no lessons, insert the unit itself as a starting unit so that its
                // dependents are traversed.
                initial_stack.push(StackItem {
                    unit_id: course_id,
                    num_hops: 0,
            } else {
                // Insert all the starting lessons in the stack.
                initial_stack.extend(lesson_ids.into_iter().map(|unit_id| StackItem {
                    num_hops: 0,

        // Shuffle the lessons to follow a different ordering each time a new batch is requested.
        initial_stack.shuffle(&mut thread_rng());

    /// Gets the scores for the given exercises.
    fn get_exercise_scores(&self, exercises: &[Ustr]) -> Result<Vec<f32>> {
            .map(|exercise_id| {
                    .get_unit_score(exercise_id)? // grcov-excl-line

    /// Returns the list of candidates selected from the given lesson along with the average score.
    /// The average score is used to help decide whether to continue searching a path in the graph.
    fn get_candidates_from_lesson_helper(&self, item: &StackItem) -> Result<(Vec<Candidate>, f32)> {
        //  Return an empty set of candidates if the lesson does not exist.
        if ! {
            return Ok((vec![], 0.0));

        // Check whether the lesson or its course have been blacklisted.
        if {
            return Ok((vec![], 0.0));
        let course_id =;
        if {
            return Ok((vec![], 0.0));

        // Generate a list of candidates from the lesson's exercises.
        let exercises =;
        let exercise_scores = self.get_exercise_scores(&exercises)?;
        let candidates = exercises
            .filter(|(exercise_id, _)| !
            .map(|(exercise_id, score)| Candidate {
                num_hops: (item.num_hops + 1) as f32,
                score: *score,

        // Calculate the average score of the candidates.
        let avg_score = if candidates.is_empty() {
            // Return 0.0 to avoid division by zero.
        } else {
            candidates.iter().map(|c| c.score).sum::<f32>() / (candidates.len() as f32)
        Ok((candidates, avg_score))

    /// Returns whether the given dependency can be considered as satisfied. If all the dependencies
    /// of a unit are met, the search can continue with the unit.
    fn satisfied_dependency(
        dependency_id: &Ustr,
        metadata_filter: Option<&MetadataFilter>,
    ) -> bool {
        // Dependencies which do not pass the metadata filter are considered as satisfied, so the
        // search can continue past them.
        let passes_filter = self
            .unit_passes_filter(dependency_id, metadata_filter)
        if !passes_filter {
            return true;

        // Dependencies in the blacklist are considered as satisfied, so the search can continue
        // past them.
        let blacklisted =;
        if blacklisted.unwrap_or(false) {
            return true;

        // Dependencies which are a lesson belonging to a blacklisted course are considered as
        // satisfied, so the search can continue past them.
        let course_id = self
        if {
            return true;

        // Finally, dependencies with a score equal or greater than the passing score are considered
        // as satisfied.
        let score = self.score_cache.get_unit_score(dependency_id);
        if score.is_err() || score.as_ref().unwrap().is_none() {
            return true;
        let avg_score = score.unwrap().unwrap();
        avg_score >=

    /// Returns whether all the dependencies of the given unit are satisfied.
    fn all_satisfied_dependencies(
        unit_id: &Ustr,
        metadata_filter: Option<&MetadataFilter>,
    ) -> bool {
            .all(|dependency_id| self.satisfied_dependency(&dependency_id, metadata_filter))

    /// Returns the valid dependents which can be visited after the given unit. A valid dependent is
    /// a unit whose full dependencies are met.
    fn get_valid_dependents(
        unit_id: &Ustr,
        metadata_filter: Option<&MetadataFilter>,
    ) -> Vec<Ustr> {
            .filter(|unit_id| self.all_satisfied_dependencies(unit_id, metadata_filter))

    /// Searches for candidates across the entire graph. An optional metadata filter can be used to
    /// only select exercises from the courses and lessons that match the filter and ignore the rest
    /// of the graph while still respecting the dependency relationships.
    fn get_candidates_from_graph(
        metadata_filter: Option<&MetadataFilter>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Candidate>> {
        // Initialize the stack with every starting lesson, which are those units with no
        // dependencies that are needed to reach all the units in the graph.
        let mut stack: Vec<StackItem> = Vec::new();
        let starting_lessons = self.get_initial_stack(metadata_filter);

        // Initialize the list of candidates and the set of visited units.
        let max_candidates = * MAX_CANDIDATE_FACTOR;
        let mut all_candidates: Vec<Candidate> = Vec::new();
        let mut visited = UstrSet::default();

        // The dependency relationships between a course and its lessons are not explicitly encoded
        // in the graph. While this would simplify this section of the search logic, it would
        // require that courses are represented by two nodes. The first incoming node would connect
        // the course dependencies to the first lessons in the course. The second outgoing node
        // would connect the last lessons in the course to the course dependents.
        // To get past this limitation, the search will only add the course dependents until all of
        // its lessons have been visited and mastered. This value is tracked by the
        // `pending_course_lessons` map.
        let mut pending_course_lessons: UstrMap<i64> = UstrMap::default();

        // Perform a depth-first search of the graph.
        while !stack.is_empty() {
            // Pop the next unit from the stack. Immediately skip the item if it has been visited.
            let curr_unit = stack.pop().unwrap();
            if visited.contains(&curr_unit.unit_id) {

            // The logic past this point depends on the type of the unit.
            let unit_type =;

            // Handle exercises. All of them should be skipped as the search only considers lessons
            // and courses.
            if unit_type == UnitType::Exercise {

            // Handle courses.
            if unit_type == UnitType::Course {
                // Retrieve the starting lessons in the course and add them to the stack.
                let starting_lessons: Vec<Ustr> = self
                    .get_course_valid_starting_lessons(&curr_unit.unit_id, metadata_filter)
                Self::shuffle_to_stack(&curr_unit, starting_lessons, &mut stack);

                // Retrieve the number of pending lessons in the course, whether the course passes
                // the unit filter, and whether the course is blacklisted.
                let pending_lessons = pending_course_lessons
                let passes_filter = self
                    .unit_passes_filter(&curr_unit.unit_id, metadata_filter)
                let blacklisted =;

                if *pending_lessons <= 0 || !passes_filter || blacklisted {
                    // The conditions to add the course dependents have been met. Add it to the
                    // visited set, push its valid dependents onto the stack, and continue.
                    let valid_deps = self.get_valid_dependents(&curr_unit.unit_id, metadata_filter);
                    Self::shuffle_to_stack(&curr_unit, valid_deps, &mut stack);

                // The course has pending lessons, so it cannot be marked as visited yet. Simply
                // continue with the search.

            // If the searched reached this point, the unit must be a lesson.

            // Update the number of lessons pending to be processed.
            let course_id =;
            let pending_lessons = pending_course_lessons
            *pending_lessons -= 1;

            // Check whether there are pending lessons.
            if *pending_lessons <= 0 {
                // Once all the lessons in the course have been visited, re-add the course to the
                // stack, so the search can continue exploring its dependents.
                stack.push(StackItem {
                    unit_id: course_id,
                    num_hops: curr_unit.num_hops + 1,

            // Retrieve the valid dependents of the lesson and whether the lesson passes the unit
            // filter.
            let valid_deps = self.get_valid_dependents(&curr_unit.unit_id, metadata_filter);
            let passes_filter = self
                .unit_passes_filter(&curr_unit.unit_id, metadata_filter)
            if !passes_filter {
                // If the lesson does not pass the metadata filter, push its valid dependents and
                // continue with the search.
                Self::shuffle_to_stack(&curr_unit, valid_deps, &mut stack);

            // Retrieve the candidates from the lesson and add them to the list of candidates.
            let (candidates, avg_score) = self.get_candidates_from_lesson_helper(&curr_unit)?;
            let num_candidates = candidates.len();

            // The average score is considered valid only if at least one candidate was retrieved
            // from the lesson. This would not be the case if the lesson is blacklisted, all the
            // exercises are individually blacklisted, or the lesson is empty. If the score is
            // valid, compare it to the passing score to decide whether the search should continue
            // exploring past this lesson.
            if num_candidates > 0 && avg_score < {
                // If the search reaches a dead-end and there are already enough candidates,
                // terminate the search. Otherwise, continue with the search.
                if all_candidates.len() >= max_candidates {

            // The search should continue past this lesson. Add its valid dependents to the stack.
            Self::shuffle_to_stack(&curr_unit, valid_deps, &mut stack);


    /// Searches for candidates from the given course.
    fn get_candidates_from_course(&self, course_ids: &[Ustr]) -> Result<Vec<Candidate>> {
        // Initialize the set of visited units and the stack with the starting lessons from the
        // courses. Add all starting lessons, even if their dependencies are not satisfied, because
        // the user specifically asked for questions from these courses.
        let mut stack: Vec<StackItem> = Vec::new();
        let mut visited = UstrSet::default();
        for course_id in course_ids {
            let starting_lessons = self
                .map(|id| StackItem {
                    unit_id: id,
                    num_hops: 0,

        // Initialize the list of candidates.
        let max_candidates = * MAX_CANDIDATE_FACTOR;
        let mut all_candidates: Vec<Candidate> = Vec::new();

        // Perform a depth-first search to find the candidates.
        while !stack.is_empty() {
            // Pop the next unit from the stack and update the set of visited units.
            let curr_unit = stack.pop().unwrap();
            if visited.contains(&curr_unit.unit_id) {
            } else {

            // The logic past this point depends on the type of the unit.
            let unit_type =;

            // Handle courses. They should be skipped, as all the courses that should be considered
            // were already handled when their starting lessons were added to the stack.
            if unit_type == UnitType::Course {

            // Handle exercises. They should be skipped as well, as only lessons should be
            // traversed.
            if unit_type == UnitType::Exercise {

            // If the searched reached this point, the unit must be a lesson. Ignore lessons from
            // other courses that might have been added to the stack.
            let lesson_course_id = self
            if !course_ids.contains(&lesson_course_id) {

            // Retrieve the candidates from the lesson and add them to the list of candidates.
            let (candidates, avg_score) = self.get_candidates_from_lesson_helper(&curr_unit)?;
            let num_candidates = candidates.len();

            // The average score is considered valid only if at least one candidate was retrieved.
            // Compare it against the passing score to decide whether the search should continue
            // past this lesson.
            if num_candidates > 0 && avg_score < {
                // If the search reaches a dead-end and there are already enough candidates,
                // terminate the search. Continue otherwise.
                if all_candidates.len() >= max_candidates {

            // Add the lesson's valid dependents to the stack.
            let valid_deps = self.get_valid_dependents(&curr_unit.unit_id, None);
            Self::shuffle_to_stack(&curr_unit, valid_deps, &mut stack);


    /// Searches for candidates from the given lesson.
    fn get_candidates_from_lesson(&self, lesson_id: &Ustr) -> Result<Vec<Candidate>> {
        let (candidates, _) = self.get_candidates_from_lesson_helper(&StackItem {
            unit_id: *lesson_id,
            num_hops: 0,
        })?; // grcov-excl-line

    /// Searches from candidates from the units in the review list. This mode allows the student to
    /// exclusively practice the courses, lessons, and exercises they have marked for review.
    fn get_candidates_from_review_list(&self) -> Result<Vec<Candidate>> {
        // Retrieve candidates from each entry in the review list.
        let mut candidates = vec![];
        let review_list =;
        for unit_id in &review_list {
            match {
                UnitType::Course => {
                    // If the unit is a course, use the course scheduler to retrieve candidates.
                    let course_ids = vec![*unit_id];
                UnitType::Lesson => {
                    // If the unit is a lesson, use the lesson scheduler to retrieve candidates.
                UnitType::Exercise => {
                    // If the unit is an exercise, directly add it to the list of candidates.
                    candidates.push(Candidate {
                        exercise_id: *unit_id,
                        num_hops: 0.0,
                        score: self
                            .get_unit_score(unit_id)? // grcov-excl-line
                        frequency: *,


impl ExerciseScheduler for DepthFirstScheduler {
    fn get_exercise_batch(
        filter: Option<&UnitFilter>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(Ustr, ExerciseManifest)>> {
        // Retrieve an initial batch of candidates based on the type of the filter.
        let candidates = match filter {
            None => {
                // If the filter is empty, retrieve candidates from the entire graph. This mode is
                // Trane's default.
            Some(filter) => match filter {
                UnitFilter::CourseFilter { course_ids } => {
                    // Retrieve candidates from the given courses.
                UnitFilter::LessonFilter { lesson_ids } => {
                    // Retrieve candidate from the given lessons.
                    let mut candidates = Vec::new();
                    for lesson_id in lesson_ids {
                UnitFilter::MetadataFilter { filter } => {
                    // Retrieve candidates from the entire graph but only if the exercises belongs
                    // to a course or lesson matching the given metadata filter.
                // Retrieve candidates from the units the student has marked for review.
                UnitFilter::ReviewListFilter => self.get_candidates_from_review_list()?,

        // Sort the candidates into buckets, select the right number from each, and convert them
        // into a final batch of exercises.
        let final_candidates = self.filter.filter_candidates(candidates)?;

        // Increment the frequency of the exercises in the batch. These exercises will have a lower
        // chance of being selected in the future so that exercises that have not been selected as
        // often have a higher chance of being selected.
        for (exercise_id, _) in &final_candidates {


    fn score_exercise(
        exercise_id: &Ustr,
        score: MasteryScore,
        timestamp: i64,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // Write the score to the practice stats database.
            .record_exercise_score(exercise_id, score, timestamp)?;

        // Any cached score for this exercise and its parent lesson is now invalid. Remove it from
        // the exercise and lesson caches.

    fn invalidate_cached_score(&self, unit_id: &Ustr) {