trane 0.9.2

An automated system for learning complex skills
//! Trane is an automated practice system for the acquisition of complex and highly hierarchical
//! skills. It is based on the principles of spaced repetition, mastery learning, and chunking.
//! Given a set of exercises which have been bundled into lessons and further bundled in courses, as
//! well as the dependency relationships between those lessons and courses, Trane selects exercises
//! to present to the user. It makes sure that exercises from a course or lesson are not presented
//! to the user until the exercises in their dependencies have been sufficiently mastered. It also
//! makes sure to keep the balance of exercises so that the difficulty of the exercises lies
//! slightly outside the user's current mastery.
//! You can think of this process as progressing through the skill tree of a character in a video
//! game, but applied to arbitrary skills, which are defined in plain-text files which define the
//! exercises, their bundling into lessons and courses, and the dependency relationships between
//! them.
//! Trane is named after John Coltrane, whose nickname Trane was often used in wordplay with the
//! word train (as in the vehicle) to describe the overwhelming power of his playing. It is used
//! here as a play on its homophone (as in "training a new skill").
//! Here's an overview of some of the most important modules in this crate and their purpose:
//! - [data](crate::data): Contains the basic data structures used by Trane.
//! - [graph](crate::graph): Defines the graph used by Trane to list the units of material and the
//!   dependencies among them.
//! - [course_library](crate::course_library): Reads a collection of courses, lessons, and exercises
//!   from the file system and provides basic utilities for working with them.
//! - [scheduler](crate::scheduler): Defines the algorithm used by Trane to select exercises to
//!   present to the user.
//! - [practice_stats](crate::practice_stats): Stores the results of practice sessions for use in
//!   determining the next batch of exercises.
//! - [blacklist](crate::blacklist): Defines the list of units the student wishes to hide, either
//!   because their material has already been mastered or they do not wish to learn it.
//! - [scorer](crate::scorer): Calculates a score for an exercise based on the results and
//!   timestamps of previous trials.

pub mod blacklist;
pub mod course_builder;
pub mod course_library;
pub mod data;
pub mod filter_manager;
pub mod graph;
pub mod mantra_miner;
pub mod practice_stats;
pub mod review_list;
pub mod scheduler;
pub mod scorer;
pub mod testutil;

use anyhow::Result;
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use review_list::{ReviewList, ReviewListDB};
use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc};
use ustr::{Ustr, UstrMap, UstrSet};

use crate::mantra_miner::TraneMantraMiner;
use blacklist::{Blacklist, BlacklistDB};
use course_library::{CourseLibrary, GetUnitGraph, LocalCourseLibrary};
use data::{
    filter::{NamedFilter, UnitFilter},
    CourseManifest, ExerciseManifest, ExerciseTrial, LessonManifest, MasteryScore,
    SchedulerOptions, UnitType,
use filter_manager::{FilterManager, LocalFilterManager};
use graph::UnitGraph;
use practice_stats::{PracticeStats, PracticeStatsDB};
use scheduler::{data::SchedulerData, DepthFirstScheduler, ExerciseScheduler};

/// The path to the folder inside each course library containing the user data.
pub const TRANE_CONFIG_DIR_PATH: &str = ".trane";

/// The path to the SQLite database containing the results of previous exercise trials.
pub const PRACTICE_STATS_PATH: &str = "practice_stats.db";

/// The path to the SQLite database containing the list of units to ignore during scheduling.
pub const BLACKLIST_PATH: &str = "blacklist.db";

/// The path to the SQLite database containing the list of units the student wishes to review.
pub const REVIEW_LIST_PATH: &str = "review_list.db";

/// The path to the directory containing unit filters saved by the user.
pub const FILTERS_DIR: &str = "filters";

/// The path to the file containing user preferences.
pub const USER_PREFERENCES_PATH: &str = "user_preferences.json";

/// Trane is a library for the acquisition of highly hierarchical knowledge and skills based on the
/// principles of mastery learning and spaced repetition. Given a list of courses, its lessons and
/// corresponding exercises, Trane presents the student with a list of exercises based on the
/// demonstrated mastery of previous exercises. It makes sure that new material and skills are not
/// introduced until the prerequisite material and skills have been sufficiently mastered.
pub struct Trane {
    /// The path to the root of the course library.
    library_root: String,

    /// The object containing the list of courses, lessons, and exercises to be skipped.
    blacklist: Arc<RwLock<dyn Blacklist + Send + Sync>>,

    /// The object containing all the course, lesson, and exercise info.
    course_library: Arc<RwLock<dyn CourseLibrary + Send + Sync>>,

    /// The object containing unit filters saved by the user.
    filter_manager: Arc<RwLock<dyn FilterManager + Send + Sync>>,

    /// The object containing the information on previous exercise trials.
    practice_stats: Arc<RwLock<dyn PracticeStats + Send + Sync>>,

    /// The object containing the list of units to review.
    review_list: Arc<RwLock<dyn ReviewList + Send + Sync>>,

    /// The object containing access to all the data needed by the scheduler. It's saved separately
    /// from the scheduler so that tests can have access to it.
    scheduler_data: SchedulerData,

    /// The object containing the scheduling algorithm.
    scheduler: DepthFirstScheduler,

    /// The dependency graph of courses and lessons in the course library.
    unit_graph: Arc<RwLock<dyn UnitGraph + Send + Sync>>,

    /// An instance of the mantra miner that "recites" Tara Sarasvati's mantra while Trane runs.
    mantra_miner: TraneMantraMiner,

impl Trane {
    /// Creates a new instance of the library given the path to the root of a course library. The
    /// user data will be stored in a directory named `.trane` inside the library root directory.
    /// The working directory will be used to resolve relative paths.
    pub fn new(working_dir: &Path, library_root: &Path) -> Result<Trane> {
        let config_path = library_root.join(Path::new(TRANE_CONFIG_DIR_PATH));

        // The course library must be created first because it makes sure to initialize all the
        // required directories if they are missing.
        let course_library = Arc::new(RwLock::new(LocalCourseLibrary::new(

        let unit_graph = course_library.write().get_unit_graph();
        let practice_stats = Arc::new(RwLock::new(PracticeStatsDB::new_from_disk(
        let blacklist = Arc::new(RwLock::new(BlacklistDB::new_from_disk(
        let review_list = Arc::new(RwLock::new(ReviewListDB::new_from_disk(
        let filter_manager = Arc::new(RwLock::new(LocalFilterManager::new(
        let mut mantra_miner = TraneMantraMiner::default();

        let options = SchedulerOptions::default();
        let scheduler_data = SchedulerData {
            course_library: course_library.clone(),
            unit_graph: unit_graph.clone(),
            practice_stats: practice_stats.clone(),
            blacklist: blacklist.clone(),
            review_list: review_list.clone(),
            frequency_map: Arc::new(RwLock::new(UstrMap::default())),

        Ok(Trane {
            library_root: library_root.to_str().unwrap().to_string(),
            scheduler_data: scheduler_data.clone(),
            scheduler: DepthFirstScheduler::new(scheduler_data, SchedulerOptions::default()),

    /// Returns the path to the root of the course library.
    pub fn library_root(&self) -> String {

    /// Returns the number of mantras that have been recited by the mantra miner.
    pub fn mantra_count(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns a clone of the data used by the scheduler. This function is needed by tests that
    /// need to verify internal methods.
    fn get_scheduler_data(&self) -> SchedulerData {

// grcov-excl-start: The following implementation blocks simply expose the interfaces already
// implemented and tested by the various submodules. Therefore, the next line excludes this section
// from the final report.

impl Blacklist for Trane {
    fn add_to_blacklist(&mut self, unit_id: &Ustr) -> Result<()> {
        // Make sure to invalidate any cached scores for the given unit.

    fn remove_from_blacklist(&mut self, unit_id: &Ustr) -> Result<()> {
        // Make sure to invalidate any cached scores for the given unit.

    fn blacklisted(&self, unit_id: &Ustr) -> Result<bool> {

    fn all_blacklist_entries(&self) -> Result<Vec<Ustr>> {

impl CourseLibrary for Trane {
    fn get_course_manifest(&self, course_id: &Ustr) -> Option<CourseManifest> {

    fn get_lesson_manifest(&self, lesson_id: &Ustr) -> Option<LessonManifest> {

    fn get_exercise_manifest(&self, exercise_id: &Ustr) -> Option<ExerciseManifest> {

    fn get_course_ids(&self) -> Vec<Ustr> {

    fn get_lesson_ids(&self, course_id: &Ustr) -> Result<Vec<Ustr>> {

    fn get_exercise_ids(&self, lesson_id: &Ustr) -> Result<Vec<Ustr>> {

    fn get_all_exercise_ids(&self) -> Result<Vec<Ustr>> {

    fn search(&self, query: &str) -> Result<Vec<Ustr>> {

impl FilterManager for Trane {
    fn get_filter(&self, id: &str) -> Option<NamedFilter> {

    fn list_filters(&self) -> Vec<(String, String)> {

impl PracticeStats for Trane {
    fn get_scores(&self, exercise_id: &Ustr, num_scores: usize) -> Result<Vec<ExerciseTrial>> {
            .get_scores(exercise_id, num_scores)

    fn record_exercise_score(
        &mut self,
        exercise_id: &Ustr,
        score: MasteryScore,
        timestamp: i64,
    ) -> Result<()> {
            .record_exercise_score(exercise_id, score, timestamp)

    fn trim_scores(&mut self, num_scores: usize) -> Result<()> {

impl ReviewList for Trane {
    fn add_to_review_list(&mut self, unit_id: &Ustr) -> Result<()> {

    fn remove_from_review_list(&mut self, unit_id: &Ustr) -> Result<()> {

    fn all_review_list_entries(&self) -> Result<Vec<Ustr>> {

impl ExerciseScheduler for Trane {
    fn get_exercise_batch(
        filter: Option<&UnitFilter>,
    ) -> Result<Vec<(Ustr, ExerciseManifest)>> {

    fn score_exercise(
        exercise_id: &Ustr,
        score: MasteryScore,
        timestamp: i64,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        self.scheduler.score_exercise(exercise_id, score, timestamp)

    fn invalidate_cached_score(&self, unit_id: &Ustr) {

impl UnitGraph for Trane {
    fn add_course(&mut self, course_id: &Ustr) -> Result<()> {

    fn add_lesson(&mut self, lesson_id: &Ustr, course_id: &Ustr) -> Result<()> {
        self.unit_graph.write().add_lesson(lesson_id, course_id)

    fn add_exercise(&mut self, exercise_id: &Ustr, lesson_id: &Ustr) -> Result<()> {
        self.unit_graph.write().add_exercise(exercise_id, lesson_id)

    fn add_dependencies(
        &mut self,
        unit_id: &Ustr,
        unit_type: UnitType,
        dependencies: &[Ustr],
    ) -> Result<()> {
            .add_dependencies(unit_id, unit_type, dependencies)

    fn get_unit_type(&self, unit_id: &Ustr) -> Option<UnitType> {

    fn get_course_lessons(&self, course_id: &Ustr) -> Option<UstrSet> {

    fn get_course_starting_lessons(&self, course_id: &Ustr) -> Option<UstrSet> {

    fn update_starting_lessons(&mut self) {

    fn get_lesson_course(&self, lesson_id: &Ustr) -> Option<Ustr> {

    fn get_lesson_exercises(&self, lesson_id: &Ustr) -> Option<UstrSet> {

    fn get_exercise_lesson(&self, exercise_id: &Ustr) -> Option<Ustr> {

    fn get_dependencies(&self, unit_id: &Ustr) -> Option<UstrSet> {

    fn get_dependents(&self, unit_id: &Ustr) -> Option<UstrSet> {

    fn get_dependency_sinks(&self) -> UstrSet {

    fn check_cycles(&self) -> Result<()> {

    fn generate_dot_graph(&self) -> String {

// grcov-excl-stop

mod test {
    use anyhow::Result;
    use std::{fs::*, os::unix::prelude::PermissionsExt, thread, time::Duration};

    use crate::Trane;

    /// Verifies retrieving the root of a library.
    fn library_root() -> Result<()> {
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
        let trane = Trane::new(dir.path(), dir.path())?;
        assert_eq!(trane.library_root(), dir.path().to_str().unwrap());

    /// Verifies that the mantra-miner starts up and has a valid count.
    fn mantra_count() -> Result<()> {
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
        let trane = Trane::new(dir.path(), dir.path())?;
        assert!(trane.mantra_count() > 0);

    /// Verifies that opening a library if the path to the config directory exists but is not a
    /// directory.
    fn config_dir_is_file() -> Result<()> {
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
        let trane_path = dir.path().join(".trane");
        assert!(Trane::new(dir.path(), dir.path()).is_err());

    /// Verifies that opening a library fails if the directory has bad permissions.
    fn bad_dir_permissions() -> Result<()> {
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
        set_permissions(&dir, Permissions::from_mode(0o000))?;
        assert!(Trane::new(dir.path(), dir.path()).is_err());

    /// Verifies that opening a library fails if the config directory has bad permissions.
    fn bad_config_dir_permissions() -> Result<()> {
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
        let config_dir_path = dir.path().join(".trane");
        set_permissions(&config_dir_path, Permissions::from_mode(0o000))?;
        assert!(Trane::new(dir.path(), dir.path()).is_err());

    /// Verifies retrieving the scheduler data from the library.
    fn scheduler_data() -> Result<()> {
        let dir = tempfile::tempdir()?;
        let trane = Trane::new(dir.path(), dir.path())?;