trane 0.9.2

An automated system for learning complex skills
//! Defines how the results of exercise trials are stored for used during scheduling.
//! Currently, only the score and the timestamp are stored. From the results and timestamps of
//! previous trials, a score for the exercise (in the range 0.0 to 5.0) is calculated. See the
//! documentation in [scorer](crate::scorer) for more details.

use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use r2d2::Pool;
use r2d2_sqlite::SqliteConnectionManager;
use rusqlite::{params, Connection};
use rusqlite_migration::{Migrations, M};
use ustr::Ustr;

use crate::data::{ExerciseTrial, MasteryScore};

/// Contains functions to retrieve and record the scores from each exercise trial.
pub trait PracticeStats {
    /// Retrieves the last `num_scores` scores of a particular exercise.
    fn get_scores(&self, exercise_id: &Ustr, num_scores: usize) -> Result<Vec<ExerciseTrial>>;

    /// Records the score assigned to the exercise in a particular trial. Therefore, the score is a
    /// value of the `MasteryScore` enum instead of a float. Only units of type `UnitType::Exercise`
    /// should have scores recorded. However, the enforcement of this requirement is left to the
    /// caller.
    fn record_exercise_score(
        &mut self,
        exercise_id: &Ustr,
        score: MasteryScore,
        timestamp: i64,
    ) -> Result<()>;

    /// Deletes all the exercise trials except for the last `num_scores` with the aim of keeping the
    /// storage size under check.
    fn trim_scores(&mut self, num_scores: usize) -> Result<()>;

/// An implementation of [PracticeStats] backed by SQLite.
pub(crate) struct PracticeStatsDB {
    /// A pool of connections to the database storing the records.
    pool: Pool<SqliteConnectionManager>,

impl PracticeStatsDB {
    /// Returns all the migrations needed to set up the database.
    fn migrations() -> Migrations<'static> {
            // Create a table with a mapping of unit IDs to a unique integer ID. The purpose of this
            // table is to save space when storing the exercise trials by not having to store the
            // entire ID of the unit.
            M::up("CREATE TABLE uids(unit_uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, unit_id TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE);")
                .down("DROP TABLE uids;"),
            // Create a table storing all the exercise trials.
                "CREATE TABLE practice_stats(
                id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                unit_uid INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES uids(unit_uid),
                score REAL, timestamp INTEGER);",
            .down("DROP TABLE practice_stats"),
            // Create an index of `unit_ids`.
            M::up("CREATE INDEX unit_ids ON uids (unit_id);").down("DROP INDEX unit_ids"),
            // Originally the trials were indexed solely by `unit_uid`. This index was replaced so
            // this migration is immediately canceled by the one right below. They cannot be removed
            // from the migration list without breaking databases created in an earlier version than
            // the one which removes them, so they are kept here for now.
            M::up("CREATE INDEX unit_scores ON practice_stats (unit_uid);")
                .down("DROP INDEX unit_scores"),
            M::up("DROP INDEX unit_scores")
                .down("CREATE INDEX unit_scores ON practice_stats (unit_uid);"),
            // Create a combined index of `unit_uid` and `timestamp` for fast trial retrieval.
            M::up("CREATE INDEX trials ON practice_stats (unit_uid, timestamp);")
                .down("DROP INDEX trials"),

    /// Initializes the database by running the migrations. If the migrations have been applied
    /// already, they will have no effect on the database.
    fn init(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        let mut connection = self.pool.get()?;
        let migrations = Self::migrations();
            .to_latest(&mut connection)
            .with_context(|| "failed to initialize practice stats DB") //grcov-excl-line

    /// A constructor taking a SQLite connection manager.
    fn new(connection_manager: SqliteConnectionManager) -> Result<PracticeStatsDB> {
        // Create a connection pool and initialize the database.
        let pool = Pool::new(connection_manager)?;
        let mut stats = PracticeStatsDB { pool };

    /// A constructor taking the path to a database file.
    pub fn new_from_disk(db_path: &str) -> Result<PracticeStatsDB> {
        let connection_manager = SqliteConnectionManager::file(db_path).with_init(
            |connection: &mut Connection| -> Result<(), rusqlite::Error> {
                // The following pragma statements are set to improve the read and write performance
                // of SQLite. See the SQLite [docs]( for more
                // information.
                connection.pragma_update(None, "journal_mode", "WAL")?;
                connection.pragma_update(None, "synchronous", "NORMAL")

impl PracticeStats for PracticeStatsDB {
    fn get_scores(&self, exercise_id: &Ustr, num_scores: usize) -> Result<Vec<ExerciseTrial>> {
        // Retrieve the exercise trials from the database.
        let connection = self.pool.get()?;
        let mut stmt = connection.prepare_cached(
            "SELECT score, timestamp from practice_stats WHERE unit_uid = (
                    SELECT unit_uid FROM uids WHERE unit_id = ?1)
                    ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT ?2;",
        )?; //grcov-excl-line

        // Convert the results into a vector of `ExerciseTrial` objects.
        let rows = stmt
            .query_map(params![exercise_id.as_str(), num_scores], |row| {
                Ok(ExerciseTrial {
                    score: row.get(0)?,
                    timestamp: row.get(1)?,
            })? // grcov-excl-line
            .map(|r| {
                    || format!("cannot query practice stats for exercise {exercise_id}"), // grcov-excl-line

    fn record_exercise_score(
        &mut self,
        exercise_id: &Ustr,
        score: MasteryScore,
        timestamp: i64,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // Update the mapping of unit ID to unique integer ID.
        let connection = self.pool.get()?;
        let mut uid_stmt =
            connection.prepare_cached("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO uids(unit_id) VALUES (?1);")?;
            .with_context(|| {
                // grcov-excl-start: This should be unreachable in normal circumstances.
                format!("cannot add {exercise_id} to uids table in practice stats DB")
                // grcov-excl-stop
            })?; // grcov-excl-line

        // Insert the exercise trial into the database.
        let mut stmt = connection.prepare_cached(
            "INSERT INTO practice_stats (unit_uid, score, timestamp) VALUES (
                (SELECT unit_uid FROM uids WHERE unit_id = ?1), ?2, ?3);",
        )?; // grcov-excl-line
        .with_context(|| {
            // grcov-excl-start: This should be unreachable in normal circumstances.
            format!("cannot record score {score:?} for exercise {exercise_id} to practice stats DB")
            // grcov-excl-stop
        })?; // grcov-excl-line

    fn trim_scores(&mut self, num_scores: usize) -> Result<()> {
        // Get all the UIDs from the database.
        let connection = self.pool.get()?;
        let mut uid_stmt = connection.prepare_cached("SELECT unit_uid from uids")?;
        let uids = uid_stmt
            .query_map([], |row| row.get(0))?
            .map(|r| r.with_context(|| "cannot query uids table in practice stats DB"))
            .collect::<Result<Vec<i64>>>()?; // grcov-excl-line

        // Delete the oldest trials for each UID but keep the most recent `num_scores` trials.
        for uid in uids {
            let mut stmt = connection.prepare_cached(
                "DELETE FROM practice_stats WHERE unit_uid = ?1 AND timestamp NOT IN (
                    SELECT timestamp FROM practice_stats WHERE unit_uid = ?1
                    ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT ?2);",
            )?; // grcov-excl-line
            stmt.execute(params![uid, num_scores])
                .with_context(|| "cannot trim scores from practice stats DB")?; // grcov-excl-line

        // Call the `VACUUM` command to reclaim the space freed by the deleted trials.
            .with_context(|| "cannot vacuum practice stats DB")?; // grcov-excl-line

mod test {
    use anyhow::{Ok, Result};
    use r2d2_sqlite::SqliteConnectionManager;
    use ustr::Ustr;

    use crate::{
        data::{ExerciseTrial, MasteryScore},
        practice_stats::{PracticeStats, PracticeStatsDB},

    fn new_tests_stats() -> Result<Box<dyn PracticeStats>> {
        let connection_manager = SqliteConnectionManager::memory();
        let practice_stats = PracticeStatsDB::new(connection_manager)?;

    fn assert_scores(expected: Vec<f32>, actual: Vec<ExerciseTrial>) {
        let only_scores: Vec<f32> = actual.iter().map(|t| t.score).collect();
        assert_eq!(expected, only_scores);
        let all_sorted = actual
            .map(|(i, _)| {
                if i == 0 {
                    return true;
                actual[i - 1].score >= actual[i].score
            .all(|b| b);

    /// Verifies setting and retrieving a single score for an exercise.
    fn basic() -> Result<()> {
        let mut stats = new_tests_stats()?;
        let exercise_id = Ustr::from("ex_123");
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise_id, MasteryScore::Five, 1)?;
        let scores = stats.get_scores(&exercise_id, 1)?;
        assert_scores(vec![5.0], scores);

    /// Verifies setting and retrieving multiple scores for an exercise.
    fn multiple_records() -> Result<()> {
        let mut stats = new_tests_stats()?;
        let exercise_id = Ustr::from("ex_123");
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise_id, MasteryScore::Three, 1)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise_id, MasteryScore::Four, 2)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise_id, MasteryScore::Five, 3)?;

        let one_score = stats.get_scores(&exercise_id, 1)?;
        assert_scores(vec![5.0], one_score);

        let three_scores = stats.get_scores(&exercise_id, 3)?;
        assert_scores(vec![5.0, 4.0, 3.0], three_scores);

        let more_scores = stats.get_scores(&exercise_id, 10)?;
        assert_scores(vec![5.0, 4.0, 3.0], more_scores);

    /// Verifies retrieving an empty list of scores for an exercise with no previous scores.
    fn no_records() -> Result<()> {
        let stats = new_tests_stats()?;
        let scores = stats.get_scores(&Ustr::from("ex_123"), 10)?;
        assert_scores(vec![], scores);

    /// Verifies trimming all but the most recent scores.
    fn trim_scores_some_scores_removed() -> Result<()> {
        let mut stats = new_tests_stats()?;
        let exercise1_id = Ustr::from("exercise1");
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise1_id, MasteryScore::Three, 1)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise1_id, MasteryScore::Four, 2)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise1_id, MasteryScore::Five, 3)?;

        let exercise2_id = Ustr::from("exercise2");
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise2_id, MasteryScore::One, 1)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise2_id, MasteryScore::One, 2)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise2_id, MasteryScore::Three, 3)?;


        let scores = stats.get_scores(&exercise1_id, 10)?;
        assert_scores(vec![5.0, 4.0], scores);
        let scores = stats.get_scores(&exercise2_id, 10)?;
        assert_scores(vec![3.0, 1.0], scores);

    /// Verifies trimming no scores when the number of scores is less than the limit.
    fn trim_scores_no_scores_removed() -> Result<()> {
        let mut stats = new_tests_stats()?;
        let exercise1_id = Ustr::from("exercise1");
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise1_id, MasteryScore::Three, 1)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise1_id, MasteryScore::Four, 2)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise1_id, MasteryScore::Five, 3)?;

        let exercise2_id = Ustr::from("exercise2");
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise2_id, MasteryScore::One, 1)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise2_id, MasteryScore::One, 2)?;
        stats.record_exercise_score(&exercise2_id, MasteryScore::Three, 3)?;


        let scores = stats.get_scores(&exercise1_id, 10)?;
        assert_scores(vec![5.0, 4.0, 3.0], scores);
        let scores = stats.get_scores(&exercise2_id, 10)?;
        assert_scores(vec![3.0, 1.0, 1.0], scores);