tor-rtmock 0.22.0

Testing mock support for tor-rtcomapt
//! Internal utilities for `tor_rtmock`

use derive_deftly::define_derive_deftly;

define_derive_deftly! {
/// Implements `Runtime` for a struct made of multiple sub-providers
/// The type must be a struct containing
/// field(s) which implement `SleepProvider`, `NetProvider`, etc.
/// The corresponding fields must be decorated with:
///  * `#[deftly(mock(task))]` to indicate the field implementing `Spawn + BlockOn`
///  * `#[deftly(mock(net))]` to indicate the field implementing `NetProvider`
///  * `#[deftly(mock(sleep))]` to indicate the field implementing `SleepProvider`
///     and `CoarseTimeProvider`.
// This could perhaps be further reduced:
// ambassador might be able to remove most of the body (although does it do async well?)
    SomeMockRuntime for struct, expect items:

  ${when fmeta(mock(task))}

    impl <$tgens> Spawn for $ttype {
        fn spawn_obj(&self, future: FutureObj<'static, ()>) -> Result<(), SpawnError> {

    impl <$tgens> BlockOn for $ttype {
        fn block_on<F: Future>(&self, future: F) -> F::Output {

  ${when fmeta(mock(net))}

    impl <$tgens> TcpProvider for $ttype {
        type TcpStream = <$ftype as TcpProvider>::TcpStream;
        type TcpListener = <$ftype as TcpProvider>::TcpListener;

        async fn connect(&self, addr: &SocketAddr) -> IoResult<Self::TcpStream> {
        async fn listen(&self, addr: &SocketAddr) -> IoResult<Self::TcpListener> {

    impl <$tgens> TlsProvider<<$ftype as TcpProvider>::TcpStream> for $ttype {
        type Connector = <$ftype as TlsProvider<
            <$ftype as TcpProvider>::TcpStream
        type TlsStream = <$ftype as TlsProvider<
            <$ftype as TcpProvider>::TcpStream
        fn tls_connector(&self) -> Self::Connector {
        fn supports_keying_material_export(&self) -> bool {

    impl <$tgens> UdpProvider for $ttype {
        type UdpSocket = <$ftype as UdpProvider>::UdpSocket;

        async fn bind(&self, addr: &SocketAddr) -> IoResult<Self::UdpSocket> {

  ${when fmeta(mock(sleep))}

    impl <$tgens> SleepProvider for $ttype {
        type SleepFuture = <$ftype as SleepProvider>::SleepFuture;

        fn sleep(&self, dur: Duration) -> Self::SleepFuture {
        fn now(&self) -> Instant {
        fn wallclock(&self) -> SystemTime {
        fn block_advance<T: Into<String>>(&self, reason: T) {
        fn release_advance<T: Into<String>>(&self, reason: T) {
        fn allow_one_advance(&self, dur: Duration) {

    impl <$tgens> CoarseTimeProvider for $ttype {
        fn now_coarse(&self) -> CoarseInstant {


   // TODO this wants to be assert_impl but it fails at generics
   const _: fn() = || {
       fn x(_: impl Runtime) { }
       fn check_impl_runtime<$tgens>(t: $ttype) { x(t) }

/// Prelude that must be imported to derive
/// [`SomeMockRuntime`](derive_deftly_template_SomeMockRuntime)
// This could have been part of the expansion of `impl_runtime!`,
// but it seems rather too exciting for a macro to import things as a side gig.
// Arguably this ought to be an internal crate::prelude instead.
// But crate-internal preludes are controversial within the Arti team.  -Diziet
// For macro visibility reasons, this must come *lexically after* the macro,
// to allow it to refer to the macro in the doc comment.
pub(crate) mod impl_runtime_prelude {
    pub(crate) use async_trait::async_trait;
    pub(crate) use derive_deftly::Deftly;
    pub(crate) use futures::task::{FutureObj, Spawn, SpawnError};
    pub(crate) use futures::Future;
    pub(crate) use std::io::Result as IoResult;
    pub(crate) use std::net::SocketAddr;
    pub(crate) use std::time::{Duration, Instant, SystemTime};
    pub(crate) use tor_rtcompat::{
        BlockOn, CoarseInstant, CoarseTimeProvider, Runtime, SleepProvider, TcpProvider,
        TlsProvider, UdpProvider,