tmux_interface 0.0.4

Rust language library for communication with TMUX via CLI
# tmux_interface

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## Description

tmux_interface is a rust language library for communication with TMUX via CLI.

## Usage

1. Add a dependency in your `Cargo.toml`

    tmux_interface = "^0.1.0"

2. Add extern crate and use in your source file

    extern crate tmux_interface;

3. Use it's functions
    let tmux = TmuxInterface::new();
    let new_session = NewSession {
        detached: Some(true),
        session_name: Some("session_name"),
    tmux.kill_session(None, None, Some("session_name")).unwrap();

## Misc

- Versions below `0.1.0` are first public releases, mostly for development
and testing purposes. Do not use them in your Projects.

- Used in mosaic - tmux manager

- Tested on: tmux 2.8

## Project Structure

## Directory Structure

- [`src/`]src/ - crate sources

    1. Common:

        - [``]src/ - common functions
        - [``]src/ - error propagating functions
        - [``]src/ - main library file

    2. TMUX functions (structure like in TMUX manual):

        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/

    3. Unit tests for functions and their parts:

        - [``]src/

    4. Parsing functions:

        - [``]src/ - parse a session list
        - [``]src/ - parse a session
        - [``]src/ - parse a windows list
        - [``]src/ - parse a window
        - [``]src/ - parse a panes list
        - [``]src/ - parse a pane
        - [``]src/ - parse an option

    5. Unit tests for parsing functions:

        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/
        - [``]src/

- [`tests/`]tests/ - crate integration tests (multiple functions):

    - [``]tests/
    - [``]tests/ - bash script can be used instead of tmux binary, for simple logging
        (sniffing) intercommmunication between library functions and tmux
    - [``]tests/ - bash script for output testing of tmux functions

- `` - common information (this file)
- [``] - license text
- [``] - future goals, wishlist, ideas
- [``] - version history
- [`Cargo.toml`]Cargo.toml - crate configuration ([File Format]
- [`.travis.yml`].travis.yml - travis CI configuration ([File Format]
- [`.editorconfig`].editorconfig - consisten conding style configuration ([File Format]

## License

tmux_interface is licensed under the MIT license. Please read the license
file in this repository for more information.