tmux_interface 0.0.4

Rust language library for communication with TMUX via CLI
# Roadmap

Some goals for further versions and current development are listed below.
Please [contact me]( if any feature is missing or if you have a request,
an improvment, an idea etc.

**tmux interface v1.0.0**

- [ ] Support all tmux subcommands
    - [x] Clients and Sessions
    - [x] Windows and Panes
    - [x] Key Bindings
    - [x] Options
    - [x] Hooks
    - [ ] Global and Session Environments
    - [ ] Status Line
    - [ ] Buffers
    - [ ] Miscellaneous
- [ ] Documentation
    - [ ] Clients and Sessions
    - [ ] Windows and Panes
    - [ ] Key Bindings
    - [ ] Options
    - [ ] Hooks
    - [ ] Global and Session Environments
    - [ ] Status Line
    - [ ] Buffers
    - [ ] Miscellaneous
- [ ] Tests
    - [ ] Clients and Sessions
    - [ ] Windows and Panes
    - [ ] Key Bindings
    - [ ] Options
    - [ ] Hooks
    - [ ] Global and Session Environments
    - [ ] Status Line
    - [ ] Buffers
    - [ ] Miscellaneous
- [ ] Improve output, return
    - [ ] Clients and Sessions
    - [ ] Windows and Panes
    - [ ] Key Bindings
    - [ ] Options
    - [ ] Hooks
    - [ ] Global and Session Environments
    - [ ] Status Line
    - [ ] Buffers
    - [ ] Miscellaneous
- [ ] Freeze basic architecture
- [ ] Freeze API

**tmux interface v0.1.0**

- [ ] Support basic tmux subcommands (references:
[libtmux], rust crates using tmux)
- [ ] Parse full information from tmux responses into structures
    [ ] Window, layouts full parsing
- [ ] Prepare documentation
- [ ] Prepare tests
- [ ] Function results and errors

**tmux interface v0.0.2**

- [ ] Documentation for all existing functionality and items
- [ ] All tmux functions output return in right way

**tmux interface v0.0.1**

- [x] Prepare sources for publication on
    - [x] .editorconfig
    - [x] .travis.yml
    - [x]
    - [x]
    - [x]
    - [x]
- [x] Prepare crate for publication on
    - [x] Cargo.toml
    - [ ] Documentation for existing functionality
- [x] Add all tmux subcommands stubs

# Wishlist
- mb better error reporting (mb add enum)
- mb function parameter names from tmux source?
- mb tmux plugin for more options?
- mb folder structure, separate tmux functions from parse functions