time 0.2.15

Date and time library. Fully interoperable with the standard library. Mostly compatible with #![no_std].
//! Simple time handling.
//! ![rustc 1.32.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/rustc-1.32.0-blue)
//! # Feature flags in Cargo
//! ## `std`
//! Currently, all structs except `Instant` can be used with `#![no_std]`. As
//! support for the standard library is enabled by default, you must use
//! `default_features = false` in your `Cargo.toml` to enable this.
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! time = { version = "0.2", default-features = false }
//! ```
//! Of the structs that are usable, some methods may only be enabled due a
//! reliance on `Instant`. These will be indicated in the documentation.
//! ## `serde`
//! [Serde](https://github.com/serde-rs/serde) support is behind a feature flag.
//! To enable it, use the `serde` feature. This is not enabled by default. It
//! _is_ compatible with `#![no_std]`, so long as an allocator is present.
//! With the standard library:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! time = { version = "0.2", features = ["serde"] }
//! ```
//! With `#![no_std]` support:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! time = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = ["serde"] }
//! ```
//! ## `rand`
//! [Rand](https://github.com/rust-random/rand) support is behind a feature
//! flag. To enable it, use the `rand` feature. This is not enabled by default.
//! Usage is compatible with `#![no_std]`.
//! With the standard library:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! time = { version = "0.2", features = ["rand"] }
//! ```
//! With `#![no_std]` support:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! time = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = ["rand"] }
//! ```
//! ## `deprecated`
//! Using the `deprecated` feature allows using deprecated v0.1 methods. Enabled
//! by default.
//! With the standard library, the normal `time = 0.2` will work as expected.
//! With `#![no_std]` support:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! time = { version = "0.2", default-features = false, features = ["deprecated"] }
//! ```
//! ## `panicking-api`
//! Non-panicking APIs are provided, and should generally be preferred. However,
//! there are some situations where avoiding `.unwrap()` may be desired. To
//! enable these APIs, you need to use the `panicking-api` feature in your
//! `Cargo.toml`, which is not enabled by default.
//! Library authors should avoid using this feature.
//! This feature will be removed in a future release, as there are provided
//! macros to perform the equivalent calculations at compile-time.
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! time = { version = "0.2", features = ["panicking-api"] }
//! ```
//! # Formatting
//! Time's formatting behavior is based on `strftime` in C, though it is
//! explicitly _not_ compatible. Specifiers may be missing, added, or have
//! different behavior than in C. As such, you should use the table below, which
//! is an up-to-date reference on what each specifier does.
//! | Specifier | Replaced by                                                            | Example                    |
//! |-----------|------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------|
//! | `%a`      | Abbreviated weekday name                                               | `Thu`                      |
//! | `%A`      | Full weekday name                                                      | `Thursday`                 |
//! | `%b`      | Abbreviated month name                                                 | `Aug`                      |
//! | `%B`      | Full month name                                                        | `August`                   |
//! | `%c`      | Date and time representation, equivalent to `%a %b %-d %-H:%M:%S %-Y`  | `Thu Aug 23 14:55:02 2001` |
//! | `%C`      | Year divided by 100 and truncated to integer (`00`-`99`)               | `20`                       |
//! | `%d`      | Day of the month, zero-padded (`01`-`31`)                              | `23`                       |
//! | `%D`      | Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to `%-m/%d/%y`                         | `8/23/01`                  |
//! | `%F`      | Short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to `%-Y-%m-%d`                       | `2001-08-23`               |
//! | `%g`      | Week-based year, last two digits (`00`-`99`)                           | `01`                       |
//! | `%G`      | Week-based year                                                        | `2001`                     |
//! | `%H`      | Hour in 24h format (`00`-`23`)                                         | `14`                       |
//! | `%I`      | Hour in 12h format (`01`-`12`)                                         | `02`                       |
//! | `%j`      | Day of the year (`001`-`366`)                                          | `235`                      |
//! | `%m`      | Month as a decimal number (`01`-`12`)                                  | `08`                       |
//! | `%M`      | Minute (`00`-`59`)                                                     | `55`                       |
//! | `%N`      | Subsecond nanoseconds. Always 9 digits                                 | `012345678`                |
//! | `%p`      | `am` or `pm` designation                                               | `pm`                       |
//! | `%P`      | `AM` or `PM` designation                                               | `PM`                       |
//! | `%r`      | 12-hour clock time, equivalent to `%-I:%M:%S %p`                       | `2:55:02 pm`               |
//! | `%R`      | 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to `%-H:%M`                             | `14:55`                    |
//! | `%S`      | Second (`00`-`59`)                                                     | `02`                       |
//! | `%T`      | 24-hour clock time with seconds, equivalent to `%-H:%M:%S`             | `14:55:02`                 |
//! | `%u`      | ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (`1`-`7`)                  | `4`                        |
//! | `%U`      | Week number with the first Sunday as the start of week one (`00`-`53`) | `33`                       |
//! | `%V`      | ISO 8601 week number (`01`-`53`)                                       | `34`                       |
//! | `%w`      | Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (`0`-`6`)                 | `4`                        |
//! | `%W`      | Week number with the first Monday as the start of week one (`00`-`53`) | `34`                       |
//! | `%y`      | Year, last two digits (`00`-`99`)                                      | `01`                       |
//! | `%Y`      | Full year, including `+` if ≥10,000                                    | `2001`                     |
//! | `%z`      | ISO 8601 offset from UTC in timezone (+HHMM)                           | `+0100`                    |
//! | `%%`      | Literal `%`                                                            | `%`                        |
//! ## Modifiers
//! All specifiers that are strictly numerical have modifiers for formatting.
//! Adding a modifier to a non-supporting specifier is a no-op.
//! <!-- rust-lang/rust#65613 -->
//! <style>.docblock code { white-space: pre-wrap; }</style>
//! | Modifier         | Behavior        | Example       |
//! |------------------|-----------------|---------------|
//! | `-` (dash)       | No padding      | `%-d` => `5`  |
//! | `_` (underscore) | Pad with spaces | `%_d` => ` 5` |
//! | `0`              | Pad with zeros  | `%0d` => `05` |

#![cfg_attr(docs, feature(doc_cfg))]
#![cfg_attr(not(std), no_std)]
#![cfg_attr(test, allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity, clippy::too_many_lines))]
#![doc(html_favicon_url = "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/55999857")]
#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/55999857")]
// Because we have a macro named `time`, this can cause conflicts. MSRV
// guarantees that edition 2018 is available.

#[cfg_attr(docs, doc(cfg(feature = "panicking-api")))]
macro_rules! format_conditional {
    ($conditional:ident) => {
        format!(concat!(stringify!($conditional), "={}"), $conditional)

    ($first_conditional:ident, $($conditional:ident),*) => {{
        let mut s = alloc::string::String::new();
        let mut s = String::new();
        $(s.push_str(&format!(concat!(", ", stringify!($conditional), "={}"), $conditional));)*

/// Panic if the value is not in range.
#[cfg_attr(docs, doc(cfg(feature = "panicking-api")))]
macro_rules! assert_value_in_range {
    ($value:ident in $start:expr => $end:expr) => {
            if $value < $start || $value > $end {
                    concat!(stringify!($value), " must be in the range {}..={} (was {})"),

    ($value:ident in $start:expr => $end:expr, given $($conditional:ident),+ $(,)?) => {
            if $value < $start || $value > $end {
                    concat!(stringify!($value), " must be in the range {}..={} given{} (was {})"),

// TODO Some of the formatting can likely be performed at compile-time.
/// Returns `None` if the value is not in range.
macro_rules! ensure_value_in_range {
    ($value:ident in $start:expr => $end:expr) => {
            if $value < $start || $value > $end {
                return Err(ComponentRangeError {
                    name: stringify!($value),
                    minimum: i64::from($start),
                    maximum: i64::from($end),
                    value: i64::from($value),
                    given: Vec::new(),

    ($value:ident in $start:expr => $end:expr, given $($conditional:ident),+ $(,)?) => {
            if $value < $start || $value > $end {
                return Err(ComponentRangeError {
                    name: stringify!($value),
                    minimum: i64::from($start),
                    maximum: i64::from($end),
                    value: i64::from($value),
                    given: vec![$((stringify!($conditional), i64::from($conditional))),+],

#[cfg(all(test, std))]
macro_rules! assert_panics {
    ($e:expr $(, $message:literal)?) => {
            if std::panic::catch_unwind(move || $e).is_ok() {
                    "assertion failed: expected `",
                    "` to panic",
                    $(concat!(" (", $message, ")"))?

/// A macro to generate `Time`s at runtime, usable for tests.
macro_rules! time {
    ($hour:literal : $minute:literal) => {
        crate::Time::try_from_hms($hour, $minute, 0)?
    ($hour:literal : $minute:literal : $second:literal) => {
        crate::Time::try_from_hms($hour, $minute, $second)?
    ($hour:literal : $minute:literal : $second:literal : $nanosecond:literal) => {
        crate::Time::try_from_hms_nano($hour, $minute, $second, $nanosecond)?

/// A macro to generate `UtcOffset`s with *no data verification*, usable for
/// tests.
macro_rules! offset {
    (UTC) => {
    ($(+)? $hour:literal) => {
    (+ $hour:literal : $minute:literal) => {
        crate::UtcOffset::minutes($hour * 60 + $minute)
    (+ $hour:literal : $minute:literal : $second:literal) => {
        crate::UtcOffset::seconds($hour * 3_600 + $minute * 60 + $second)
    (- $hour:literal : $minute:literal) => {
        crate::UtcOffset::minutes($hour * -60 - $minute)
    (- $hour:literal : $minute:literal : $second:literal) => {
        crate::UtcOffset::seconds($hour * -3_600 - $minute * 60 - $second)

/// A macro to generate `Date`s at runtime, usable for tests.
macro_rules! date {
    ($(+)? $year:literal - $ordinal:literal) => {
        crate::Date::try_from_yo($year, $ordinal)?
    ($(+)? $year:literal - $month:literal - $day:literal) => {
        crate::Date::try_from_ymd($year, $month, $day)?

/// The `Date` struct and its associated `impl`s.
mod date;
/// The `Duration` struct and its associated `impl`s.
mod duration;
/// Various error types returned by methods in the time crate.
mod error;
mod format;
/// The `Instant` struct and its associated `impl`s.
mod instant;
pub mod internals;
/// A collection of traits extending built-in numerical types.
mod numerical_traits;
/// The `OffsetDateTime` struct and its associated `impl`s.
mod offset_date_time;
/// The `PrimitiveDateTime` struct and its associated `impl`s.
mod primitive_date_time;
mod rand;
#[allow(missing_copy_implementations, missing_debug_implementations)]
mod serde;
/// The `Sign` struct and its associated `impl`s.
mod sign;
/// The `Time` struct and its associated `impl`s.
mod time_mod;
/// The `UtcOffset` struct and its associated `impl`s.
mod utc_offset;
/// Days of the week.
mod weekday;

pub use date::{days_in_year, is_leap_year, weeks_in_year, Date};
pub use duration::Duration;
pub use error::{ComponentRangeError, ConversionRangeError, Error, IndeterminateOffsetError};
pub(crate) use format::DeferredFormat;
pub use format::{validate_format_string, Format, ParseError};
pub use instant::Instant;
use internal_prelude::*;
pub use numerical_traits::{NumericalDuration, NumericalStdDuration, NumericalStdDurationShort};
pub use offset_date_time::OffsetDateTime;
pub use primitive_date_time::PrimitiveDateTime;
pub use sign::Sign;
/// Construct a [`Date`] with a statically known value.
/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations.
/// Three formats are supported: year-week-weekday, year-ordinal, and
/// year-month-day.
/// ```rust
/// # use time::{Date, date, Weekday::*};
/// # fn main() -> time::Result<()> {
/// assert_eq!(date!(2020-W01-3), Date::try_from_iso_ywd(2020, 1, Wednesday)?);
/// assert_eq!(date!(2020-001), Date::try_from_yo(2020, 1)?);
/// assert_eq!(date!(2020-01-01), Date::try_from_ymd(2020, 1, 1)?);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub use time_macros::date;
/// Construct a [`UtcOffset`] with a statically known value.
/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations.
/// A sign and the hour must be provided; minutes and seconds default to zero.
/// `UTC` (both uppercase and lowercase) is also allowed.
/// ```rust
/// # use time::{offset, UtcOffset};
/// assert_eq!(offset!(UTC), UtcOffset::hours(0));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(utc), UtcOffset::hours(0));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(+0), UtcOffset::hours(0));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(+1), UtcOffset::hours(1));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(-1), UtcOffset::hours(-1));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(+1:30), UtcOffset::minutes(90));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(-1:30), UtcOffset::minutes(-90));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(+1:30:59), UtcOffset::seconds(5459));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(-1:30:59), UtcOffset::seconds(-5459));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(+23:59:59), UtcOffset::seconds(86_399));
/// assert_eq!(offset!(-23:59:59), UtcOffset::seconds(-86_399));
/// ```
pub use time_macros::offset;
/// Construct a [`Time`] with a statically known value.
/// The resulting expression can be used in `const` or `static` declarations.
/// Hours and minutes must be provided, while seconds defaults to zero. AM/PM is
/// allowed (either uppercase or lowercase). Any number of subsecond digits may
/// be provided (though any past nine will be discarded).
/// All components are validated at compile-time. An error will be raised if any
/// value is invalid.
/// ```rust
/// # use time::{Time, time};
/// # fn main() -> time::Result<()> {
/// assert_eq!(time!(0:00), Time::try_from_hms(0, 0, 0)?);
/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03), Time::try_from_hms(1, 2, 3)?);
/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03.004_005_006), Time::try_from_hms_nano(1, 2, 3, 4_005_006)?);
/// assert_eq!(time!(12:00 am), Time::try_from_hms(0, 0, 0)?);
/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03 am), Time::try_from_hms(1, 2, 3)?);
/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03.004_005_006 am), Time::try_from_hms_nano(1, 2, 3, 4_005_006)?);
/// assert_eq!(time!(12:00 pm), Time::try_from_hms(12, 0, 0)?);
/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03 pm), Time::try_from_hms(13, 2, 3)?);
/// assert_eq!(time!(1:02:03.004_005_006 pm), Time::try_from_hms_nano(13, 2, 3, 4_005_006)?);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub use time_macros::time;
pub use time_mod::Time;
pub use utc_offset::UtcOffset;
pub use weekday::Weekday;

/// An alias for `Result` with a generic error from the time crate.
pub type Result<T> = core::result::Result<T, Error>;

/// A collection of imports that are widely useful.
/// Unlike the standard library, this must be explicitly imported:
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use time::prelude::*;
/// ```
/// The prelude may grow in minor releases. Any removals will only occur in
/// major releases.
pub mod prelude {
    // Rename traits to `_` if possible to avoid any potential name conflicts.
    pub use crate::{NumericalDuration, NumericalStdDuration};
    pub use crate::{NumericalDuration as _, NumericalStdDuration as _};
    // We need to re-export from the macros crate again (and not just do
    // `crate::foo`) because of the way name resolution works in Rust. It's not
    // currently possible to import _only_ the macro, so doing `use crate::time`
    // also pulls in the `time` _crate_ (due to `extern crate self as time`).
    // As a side note, doing `use crate::time` causes a stack overflow in
    // rustc <= 1.37.0.
    pub use time_macros::{date, offset, time};

/// Items generally useful in any file in the time crate.
mod internal_prelude {

    extern crate alloc;

    pub(crate) use crate::Instant;
    pub(crate) use crate::{
        format::{ParseError, ParseResult},
        ComponentRangeError, ConversionRangeError, Date, DeferredFormat, Duration,
        IndeterminateOffsetError, NumericalDuration, NumericalStdDuration, OffsetDateTime,
        PrimitiveDateTime, Time, UtcOffset,
        Weekday::{self, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday},
    pub(crate) use alloc::{
        string::{String, ToString},
    pub(crate) use standback::{
        convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},

mod private {
    use super::*;

    macro_rules! parsable {
        ($($type:ty),* $(,)?) => {
                impl Parsable for $type {
                    fn parse(s: impl AsRef<str>, format: impl AsRef<str>) -> ParseResult<Self> {
                        Self::parse(s, format)

    pub trait Parsable: Sized {
        fn parse(s: impl AsRef<str>, format: impl AsRef<str>) -> ParseResult<Self>;

    parsable![Time, Date, UtcOffset, PrimitiveDateTime, OffsetDateTime];

/// Parse any parsable type from the time crate.
/// This is identical to calling `T::parse(s, format)`, but allows the use of
/// type inference where possible.
/// ```rust,no_run
/// use time::Time;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct Foo(Time);
/// fn main() -> time::Result<()> {
///     // We don't need to tell the compiler what type we need!
///     let foo = Foo(time::parse("14:55:02", "%T")?);
///     println!("{:?}", foo);
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
pub fn parse<T: private::Parsable>(s: impl AsRef<str>, format: impl AsRef<str>) -> ParseResult<T> {
    private::Parsable::parse(s, format)

// For some back-compatibility, we're also implementing some deprecated types
// and methods. They will be removed completely in 0.3.

#[cfg(all(std, v01_deprecated_api))]
#[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)]
#[deprecated(since = "0.2.0", note = "Use `Instant`")]
pub type PreciseTime = Instant;

#[cfg(all(std, v01_deprecated_api))]
#[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)]
#[deprecated(since = "0.2.0", note = "Use `Instant`")]
pub type SteadyTime = Instant;

#[cfg(all(std, v01_deprecated_api))]
#[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)]
    since = "0.2.0",
    note = "Use `OffsetDateTime::now() - OffsetDateTime::unix_epoch()` to get a `Duration` since \
            a known epoch."
pub fn precise_time_ns() -> u64 {
    use std::time::SystemTime;

        .expect("System clock was before 1970.")
        .expect("This function will be removed long before this is an issue.")

#[cfg(all(std, v01_deprecated_api))]
#[cfg_attr(tarpaulin, skip)]
    since = "0.2.0",
    note = "Use `OffsetDateTime::now() - OffsetDateTime::unix_epoch()` to get a `Duration` since \
            a known epoch."
pub fn precise_time_s() -> f64 {
    use std::time::SystemTime;

        .expect("System clock was before 1970.")