time 0.2.15

Date and time library. Fully interoperable with the standard library. Mostly compatible with #![no_std].
use crate::{
    format::{parse, parse::AmPm, ParsedItems},
use core::{
    fmt::{self, Display},
    ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub, SubAssign},
    time::Duration as StdDuration,

/// The number of nanoseconds in one day.
pub(crate) const NANOS_PER_DAY: u64 = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1_000_000_000;

/// The clock time within a given date. Nanosecond precision.
/// All minutes are assumed to have exactly 60 seconds; no attempt is made to
/// handle leap seconds (either positive or negative).
/// When comparing two `Time`s, they are assumed to be in the same calendar
/// date.
#[cfg_attr(serde, derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[cfg_attr(serde, serde(from = "crate::serde::Time", into = "crate::serde::Time"))]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Time {
    pub(crate) hour: u8,
    pub(crate) minute: u8,
    pub(crate) second: u8,
    pub(crate) nanosecond: u32,

impl Time {
    /// Create a `Time` that is exactly midnight.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::{Time, time};
    /// assert_eq!(Time::midnight(), time!(0:00));
    /// ```
    pub const fn midnight() -> Self {
        Time {
            hour: 0,
            minute: 0,
            second: 0,
            nanosecond: 0,

    /// Create a `Time` from the hour, minute, and second.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// let time = Time::from_hms(1, 2, 3);
    /// assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
    /// assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
    /// assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
    /// assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 0);
    /// ```
    /// Panics if any component is not valid.
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms(24, 0, 0); // 24 isn't a valid hour.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms(0, 60, 0); // 60 isn't a valid minute.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms(0, 0, 60); // 60 isn't a valid second.
    /// ```
    #[cfg_attr(docs, doc(cfg(feature = "panicking-api")))]
        since = "0.2.3",
        note = "For times knowable at compile-time, use the `time!` macro. For situations where a \
                value isn't known, use `Time::try_from_hms`."
    pub fn from_hms(hour: u8, minute: u8, second: u8) -> Self {
        assert_value_in_range!(hour in 0 => 23);
        assert_value_in_range!(minute in 0 => 59);
        assert_value_in_range!(second in 0 => 59);
        Self {
            nanosecond: 0,

    /// Attempt to create a `Time` from the hour, minute, and second.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms(1, 2, 3).is_ok());
    /// ```
    /// Returns `None` if any component is not valid.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms(24, 0, 0).is_err()); // 24 isn't a valid hour.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms(0, 60, 0).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid minute.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms(0, 0, 60).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid second.
    /// ```
    pub fn try_from_hms(hour: u8, minute: u8, second: u8) -> Result<Self, ComponentRangeError> {
        ensure_value_in_range!(hour in 0 => 23);
        ensure_value_in_range!(minute in 0 => 59);
        ensure_value_in_range!(second in 0 => 59);
        Ok(Self {
            nanosecond: 0,

    /// Create a `Time` from the hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// let time = Time::from_hms_milli(1, 2, 3, 4);
    /// assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
    /// assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
    /// assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
    /// assert_eq!(time.millisecond(), 4);
    /// assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4_000_000);
    /// ```
    /// Panics if any component is not valid.
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_milli(24, 0, 0, 0); // 24 isn't a valid hour.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_milli(0, 60, 0, 0); // 60 isn't a valid minute.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_milli(0, 0, 60, 0); // 60 isn't a valid second.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_milli(0, 0, 0, 1_000); // 1_000 isn't a valid millisecond.
    /// ```
    #[cfg_attr(docs, doc(cfg(feature = "panicking-api")))]
        since = "0.2.3",
        note = "For times knowable at compile-time, use the `time!` macro. For situations where a \
                value isn't known, use `Time::try_from_hms_milli`."
    pub fn from_hms_milli(hour: u8, minute: u8, second: u8, millisecond: u16) -> Self {
        assert_value_in_range!(hour in 0 => 23);
        assert_value_in_range!(minute in 0 => 59);
        assert_value_in_range!(second in 0 => 59);
        assert_value_in_range!(millisecond in 0 => 999);
        Self {
            nanosecond: millisecond as u32 * 1_000_000,

    /// Attempt to create a `Time` from the hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(1, 2, 3, 4).is_ok());
    /// ```
    /// Returns `None` if any component is not valid.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(24, 0, 0, 0).is_err()); // 24 isn't a valid hour.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(0, 60, 0, 0).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid minute.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(0, 0, 60, 0).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid second.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(0, 0, 0, 1_000).is_err()); // 1_000 isn't a valid millisecond.
    /// ```
    pub fn try_from_hms_milli(
        hour: u8,
        minute: u8,
        second: u8,
        millisecond: u16,
    ) -> Result<Self, ComponentRangeError> {
        ensure_value_in_range!(hour in 0 => 23);
        ensure_value_in_range!(minute in 0 => 59);
        ensure_value_in_range!(second in 0 => 59);
        ensure_value_in_range!(millisecond in 0 => 999);
        Ok(Self {
            nanosecond: millisecond as u32 * 1_000_000,

    /// Create a `Time` from the hour, minute, second, and microsecond.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// let time = Time::from_hms_micro(1, 2, 3, 4);
    /// assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
    /// assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
    /// assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
    /// assert_eq!(time.microsecond(), 4);
    /// assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4_000);
    /// ```
    /// Panics if any component is not valid.
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_micro(24, 0, 0, 0); // 24 isn't a valid hour.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_micro(0, 60, 0, 0); // 60 isn't a valid minute.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_micro(0, 0, 60, 0); // 60 isn't a valid second.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_micro(0, 0, 0, 1_000_000); // 1_000_000 isn't a valid microsecond.
    /// ```
    #[cfg_attr(docs, doc(cfg(feature = "panicking-api")))]
        since = "0.2.3",
        note = "For times knowable at compile-time, use the `time!` macro. For situations where a \
                value isn't known, use `Time::try_from_hms_micro`."
    pub fn from_hms_micro(hour: u8, minute: u8, second: u8, microsecond: u32) -> Self {
        assert_value_in_range!(hour in 0 => 23);
        assert_value_in_range!(minute in 0 => 59);
        assert_value_in_range!(second in 0 => 59);
        assert_value_in_range!(microsecond in 0 => 999_999);
        Self {
            nanosecond: microsecond * 1_000,

    /// Attempt to create a `Time` from the hour, minute, second, and microsecond.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(1, 2, 3, 4).is_ok());
    /// ```
    /// Returns `None` if any component is not valid.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(24, 0, 0, 0).is_err()); // 24 isn't a valid hour.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(0, 60, 0, 0).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid minute.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(0, 0, 60, 0).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid second.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(0, 0, 0, 1_000_000).is_err()); // 1_000_000 isn't a valid microsecond.
    /// ```
    pub fn try_from_hms_micro(
        hour: u8,
        minute: u8,
        second: u8,
        microsecond: u32,
    ) -> Result<Self, ComponentRangeError> {
        ensure_value_in_range!(hour in 0 => 23);
        ensure_value_in_range!(minute in 0 => 59);
        ensure_value_in_range!(second in 0 => 59);
        ensure_value_in_range!(microsecond in 0 => 999_999);
        Ok(Self {
            nanosecond: microsecond * 1_000,

    /// Create a `Time` from the hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// let time = Time::from_hms_nano(1, 2, 3, 4);
    /// assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
    /// assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
    /// assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
    /// assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4);
    /// ```
    /// Panics if any component is not valid.
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_nano(24, 0, 0, 0); // 24 isn't a valid hour.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_nano(0, 60, 0, 0); // 60 isn't a valid minute.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_nano(0, 0, 60, 0); // 60 isn't a valid second.
    /// ```
    /// ```rust,should_panic
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// Time::from_hms_nano(0, 0, 0, 1_000_000_000); // 1_000_000_000 isn't a valid nanosecond.
    /// ```
    #[cfg_attr(docs, doc(cfg(feature = "panicking-api")))]
        since = "0.2.3",
        note = "For times knowable at compile-time, use the `time!` macro. For situations where a \
                value isn't known, use `Time::try_from_hms_nano`."
    pub fn from_hms_nano(hour: u8, minute: u8, second: u8, nanosecond: u32) -> Self {
        assert_value_in_range!(hour in 0 => 23);
        assert_value_in_range!(minute in 0 => 59);
        assert_value_in_range!(second in 0 => 59);
        assert_value_in_range!(nanosecond in 0 => 999_999_999);
        Self {

    /// Attempt to create a `Time` from the hour, minute, second, and nanosecond.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(1, 2, 3, 4).is_ok());
    /// ```
    /// Returns `None` if any component is not valid.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(24, 0, 0, 0).is_err()); // 24 isn't a valid hour.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(0, 60, 0, 0).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid minute.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(0, 0, 60, 0).is_err()); // 60 isn't a valid second.
    /// assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(0, 0, 0, 1_000_000_000).is_err()); // 1_000_000_000 isn't a valid nanosecond.
    /// ```
    pub fn try_from_hms_nano(
        hour: u8,
        minute: u8,
        second: u8,
        nanosecond: u32,
    ) -> Result<Self, ComponentRangeError> {
        ensure_value_in_range!(hour in 0 => 23);
        ensure_value_in_range!(minute in 0 => 59);
        ensure_value_in_range!(second in 0 => 59);
        ensure_value_in_range!(nanosecond in 0 => 999_999_999);
        Ok(Self {

    /// Create a `Time` representing the current time (UTC).
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use time::Time;
    /// println!("{:?}", Time::now());
    /// ```
    #[cfg_attr(docs, doc(cfg(feature = "std")))]
        since = "0.2.7",
        note = "This method returns a value that assumes an offset of UTC."
    pub fn now() -> Self {

    /// Get the clock hour.
    /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..24`.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00:00).hour(), 0);
    /// assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59).hour(), 23);
    /// ```
    pub const fn hour(self) -> u8 {

    /// Get the minute within the hour.
    /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..60`.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00:00).minute(), 0);
    /// assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59).minute(), 59);
    /// ```
    pub const fn minute(self) -> u8 {

    /// Get the second within the minute.
    /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..60`.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00:00).second(), 0);
    /// assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59).second(), 59);
    /// ```
    pub const fn second(self) -> u8 {

    /// Get the milliseconds within the second.
    /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..1_000`.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00).millisecond(), 0);
    /// assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59.999).millisecond(), 999);
    /// ```
    pub const fn millisecond(self) -> u16 {
        (self.nanosecond() / 1_000_000) as u16

    /// Get the microseconds within the second.
    /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..1_000_000`.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00).microsecond(), 0);
    /// assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59.999_999).microsecond(), 999_999);
    /// ```
    pub const fn microsecond(self) -> u32 {
        self.nanosecond() / 1_000

    /// Get the nanoseconds within the second.
    /// The returned value will always be in the range `0..1_000_000_000`.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00).nanosecond(), 0);
    /// assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59.999_999_999).nanosecond(), 999_999_999);
    /// ```
    pub const fn nanosecond(self) -> u32 {

    /// Get the number of nanoseconds since midnight.
    pub(crate) const fn nanoseconds_since_midnight(self) -> u64 {
        self.hour() as u64 * 60 * 60 * 1_000_000_000
            + self.minute() as u64 * 60 * 1_000_000_000
            + self.second() as u64 * 1_000_000_000
            + self.nanosecond() as u64

    /// Create a `Time` from the number of nanoseconds since midnight.
    pub(crate) const fn from_nanoseconds_since_midnight(nanosecond: u64) -> Self {
        Self {
            hour: (nanosecond / 1_000_000_000 / 60 / 60 % 24) as u8,
            minute: (nanosecond / 1_000_000_000 / 60 % 60) as u8,
            second: (nanosecond / 1_000_000_000 % 60) as u8,
            nanosecond: (nanosecond % 1_000_000_000) as u32,

/// Methods that allow formatting the `Time`.
impl Time {
    /// Format the `Time` using the provided string.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00).format("%r"), "12:00:00 am");
    /// ```
    pub fn format(self, format: impl AsRef<str>) -> String {

    /// Format the `Time` using the provided string.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00).lazy_format("%r").to_string(), "12:00:00 am");
    /// ```
    pub fn lazy_format(self, format: impl AsRef<str>) -> impl Display {

    /// Attempt to parse a `Time` using the provided string.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::{Time, time};
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     Time::parse("0:00:00", "%T"),
    ///     Ok(time!(0:00))
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     Time::parse("23:59:59", "%T"),
    ///     Ok(time!(23:59:59))
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     Time::parse("12:00:00 am", "%r"),
    ///     Ok(time!(0:00))
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     Time::parse("12:00:00 pm", "%r"),
    ///     Ok(time!(12:00))
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     Time::parse("11:59:59 pm", "%r"),
    ///     Ok(time!(23:59:59))
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn parse(s: impl AsRef<str>, format: impl AsRef<str>) -> ParseResult<Self> {
        Self::try_from_parsed_items(parse(s.as_ref(), &format.into())?)

    /// Given the items already parsed, attempt to create a `Time`.
    pub(crate) fn try_from_parsed_items(items: ParsedItems) -> ParseResult<Self> {
        macro_rules! items {
            ($($item:ident),* $(,)?) => {
                ParsedItems { $($item: Some($item)),*, .. }

        /// Convert a 12-hour time to a 24-hour time.
        fn hour_12_to_24(hour: NonZeroU8, am_pm: AmPm) -> u8 {
            use AmPm::{AM, PM};
            match (hour.get(), am_pm) {
                (12, AM) => 0,
                (12, PM) => 12,
                (h, AM) => h,
                (h, PM) => h + 12,

        match items {
            items!(hour_24, minute, second, nanosecond) => {
                Self::try_from_hms_nano(hour_24, minute, second, nanosecond).map_err(Into::into)
            items!(hour_12, minute, second, nanosecond, am_pm) => {
                Self::try_from_hms_nano(hour_12_to_24(hour_12, am_pm), minute, second, nanosecond)
            items!(hour_24, minute, second) => {
                Self::try_from_hms(hour_24, minute, second).map_err(Into::into)
            items!(hour_12, minute, second, am_pm) => {
                Self::try_from_hms(hour_12_to_24(hour_12, am_pm), minute, second)
            items!(hour_24, minute) => Self::try_from_hms(hour_24, minute, 0).map_err(Into::into),
            items!(hour_12, minute, am_pm) => {
                Self::try_from_hms(hour_12_to_24(hour_12, am_pm), minute, 0).map_err(Into::into)
            items!(hour_24) => Self::try_from_hms(hour_24, 0, 0).map_err(Into::into),
            items!(hour_12, am_pm) => {
                Self::try_from_hms(hour_12_to_24(hour_12, am_pm), 0, 0).map_err(Into::into)
            _ => Err(ParseError::InsufficientInformation),

impl Display for Time {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        use crate::format::{time, Padding};

        time::fmt_H(f, *self, Padding::None)?;
        time::fmt_M(f, *self, Padding::Zero)?;

        if self.second != 0 || self.nanosecond != 0 {
            time::fmt_S(f, *self, Padding::Zero)?;

        if self.nanosecond != 0 {

            if self.nanosecond % 1_000_000 == 0 {
                write!(f, "{:03}", self.nanosecond / 1_000_000)?;
            } else if self.nanosecond % 1_000 == 0 {
                write!(f, "{:06}", self.nanosecond / 1_000)?;
            } else {
                write!(f, "{:09}", self.nanosecond)?;


impl Add<Duration> for Time {
    type Output = Self;

    /// Add the sub-day time of the `Duration` to the `Time`. Wraps on overflow.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(12:00) + 2.hours(), time!(14:00));
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00:01) + (-2).seconds(), time!(23:59:59));
    /// ```
    fn add(self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Output {
                + duration
                    .rem_euclid(NANOS_PER_DAY as i128) as u64,

impl Add<StdDuration> for Time {
    type Output = Self;

    /// Add the sub-day time of the `std::time::Duration` to the `Time`. Wraps
    /// on overflow.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(12:00) + 2.std_hours(), time!(14:00));
    /// assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59) + 2.std_seconds(), time!(0:00:01));
    /// ```
    fn add(self, duration: StdDuration) -> Self::Output {
        self + Duration::try_from(duration)
            .expect("overflow converting `core::time::Duration` to `time::Duration`")

impl AddAssign<Duration> for Time {
    /// Add the sub-day time of the `Duration` to the existing `Time`. Wraps on
    /// overflow.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// let mut time = time!(12:00);
    /// time += 2.hours();
    /// assert_eq!(time, time!(14:00));
    /// let mut time = time!(0:00:01);
    /// time += (-2).seconds();
    /// assert_eq!(time, time!(23:59:59));
    /// ```
    fn add_assign(&mut self, duration: Duration) {
        *self = *self + duration;

impl AddAssign<StdDuration> for Time {
    /// Add the sub-day time of the `std::time::Duration` to the existing
    /// `Time`. Wraps on overflow.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// let mut time = time!(12:00);
    /// time += 2.std_hours();
    /// assert_eq!(time, time!(14:00));
    /// let mut time = time!(23:59:59);
    /// time += 2.std_seconds();
    /// assert_eq!(time, time!(0:00:01));
    /// ```
    fn add_assign(&mut self, duration: StdDuration) {
        *self = *self + duration;

impl Sub<Duration> for Time {
    type Output = Self;

    /// Subtract the sub-day time of the `Duration` from the `Time`. Wraps on
    /// overflow.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     time!(14:00) - 2.hours(),
    ///     time!(12:00)
    /// );
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     time!(23:59:59) - (-2).seconds(),
    ///     time!(0:00:01)
    /// );
    /// ```
    fn sub(self, duration: Duration) -> Self::Output {
        self + -duration

impl Sub<StdDuration> for Time {
    type Output = Self;

    /// Subtract the sub-day time of the `std::time::Duration` from the `Time`.
    /// Wraps on overflow.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(14:00) - 2.std_hours(), time!(12:00));
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00:01) - 2.std_seconds(), time!(23:59:59));
    /// ```
    fn sub(self, duration: StdDuration) -> Self::Output {
        self - Duration::try_from(duration)
            .expect("overflow converting `core::time::Duration` to `time::Duration`")

impl SubAssign<Duration> for Time {
    /// Subtract the sub-day time of the `Duration` from the existing `Time`.
    /// Wraps on overflow.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// let mut time = time!(14:00);
    /// time -= 2.hours();
    /// assert_eq!(time, time!(12:00));
    /// let mut time = time!(23:59:59);
    /// time -= (-2).seconds();
    /// assert_eq!(time, time!(0:00:01));
    /// ```
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, duration: Duration) {
        *self = *self - duration;

impl SubAssign<StdDuration> for Time {
    /// Subtract the sub-day time of the `std::time::Duration` from the existing
    /// `Time`. Wraps on overflow.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// let mut time = time!(14:00);
    /// time -= 2.std_hours();
    /// assert_eq!(time, time!(12:00));
    /// let mut time = time!(0:00:01);
    /// time -= 2.std_seconds();
    /// assert_eq!(time, time!(23:59:59));
    /// ```
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, duration: StdDuration) {
        *self = *self - duration;

impl Sub<Time> for Time {
    type Output = Duration;

    /// Subtract two `Time`s, returning the `Duration` between. This assumes
    /// both `Time`s are in the same calendar day.
    /// ```rust
    /// # use time::prelude::*;
    /// # use time_macros::time;
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - time!(0:00), 0.seconds());
    /// assert_eq!(time!(1:00) - time!(0:00), 1.hours());
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - time!(1:00), (-1).hours());
    /// assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - time!(23:00), (-23).hours());
    /// ```
    fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
            self.nanoseconds_since_midnight() as i64 - rhs.nanoseconds_since_midnight() as i64,

impl PartialOrd for Time {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl Ord for Time {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
        use Ordering::*;

        match self.hour().cmp(&other.hour()) {
            Less => Less,
            Greater => Greater,
            Equal => match self.minute().cmp(&other.minute()) {
                Less => Less,
                Greater => Greater,
                Equal => match self.second().cmp(&other.second()) {
                    Less => Less,
                    Greater => Greater,
                    Equal => self.nanosecond().cmp(&other.nanosecond()),

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn nanoseconds_since_midnight() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let time = time!(0:00);
        assert_eq!(time.nanoseconds_since_midnight(), 0);
        assert_eq!(Time::from_nanoseconds_since_midnight(0), time);

        let time = time!(23:59:59:999_999_999);
        assert_eq!(time.nanoseconds_since_midnight(), NANOS_PER_DAY - 1);
            Time::from_nanoseconds_since_midnight(NANOS_PER_DAY - 1),

    fn midnight() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert_eq!(Time::midnight(), time!(0:00));

    fn from_hms() {
        let time = Time::from_hms(1, 2, 3);
        assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
        assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
        assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
        assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 0);

            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms(24, 0, 0), "24 isn't a valid hour");
            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms(0, 60, 0), "60 isn't a valid minute");
            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms(0, 0, 60), "60 isn't a valid second");

    fn try_from_hms() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let time = Time::try_from_hms(1, 2, 3)?;
        assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
        assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
        assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
        assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 0);

        assert!(Time::try_from_hms(24, 0, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms(0, 60, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms(0, 0, 60).is_err());

    fn from_hms_milli() {
        let time = Time::from_hms_milli(1, 2, 3, 4);
        assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
        assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
        assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
        assert_eq!(time.millisecond(), 4);
        assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4_000_000);

            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_milli(24, 0, 0, 0), "24 isn't a valid hour");
            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_milli(0, 60, 0, 0), "60 isn't a valid minute");
            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_milli(0, 0, 60, 0), "60 isn't a valid second");
                Time::from_hms_milli(0, 0, 0, 1_000),
                "1_000 isn't a valid millisecond"

    fn try_from_hms_milli() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let time = Time::try_from_hms_milli(1, 2, 3, 4)?;
        assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
        assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
        assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
        assert_eq!(time.millisecond(), 4);
        assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4_000_000);

        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(24, 0, 0, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(0, 60, 0, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(0, 0, 60, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_milli(0, 0, 0, 1_000).is_err());

    fn from_hms_micro() {
        let time = Time::from_hms_micro(1, 2, 3, 4);
        assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
        assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
        assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
        assert_eq!(time.microsecond(), 4);
        assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4_000);

            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_micro(24, 0, 0, 0), "24 isn't a valid hour");
            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_micro(0, 60, 0, 0), "60 isn't a valid minute");
            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_micro(0, 0, 60, 0), "60 isn't a valid second");
                Time::from_hms_micro(0, 0, 0, 1_000_000),
                "1_000_000 isn't a valid microsecond"

    fn try_from_hms_micro() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let time = Time::try_from_hms_micro(1, 2, 3, 4)?;
        assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
        assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
        assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
        assert_eq!(time.microsecond(), 4);
        assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4_000);

        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(24, 0, 0, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(0, 60, 0, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(0, 0, 60, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_micro(0, 0, 0, 1_000_000).is_err());

    fn from_hms_nano() {
        let time = Time::from_hms_nano(1, 2, 3, 4);
        assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
        assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
        assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
        assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4);

            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_nano(24, 0, 0, 0), "24 isn't a valid hour.");
            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_nano(0, 60, 0, 0), "60 isn't a valid minute.");
            assert_panics!(Time::from_hms_nano(0, 0, 60, 0), "60 isn't a valid second.");
                Time::from_hms_nano(0, 0, 0, 1_000_000_000),
                "1_000_000_000 isn't a valid nanosecond."

    fn try_from_hms_nano() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let time = Time::try_from_hms_nano(1, 2, 3, 4)?;
        assert_eq!(time.hour(), 1);
        assert_eq!(time.minute(), 2);
        assert_eq!(time.second(), 3);
        assert_eq!(time.nanosecond(), 4);

        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(24, 0, 0, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(0, 60, 0, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(0, 0, 60, 0).is_err());
        assert!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(0, 0, 0, 1_000_000_000).is_err());

    fn hour() -> crate::Result<()> {
        for hour in 0..24 {
            assert_eq!(Time::try_from_hms(hour, 0, 0)?.hour(), hour);
            assert_eq!(Time::try_from_hms(hour, 59, 59)?.hour(), hour);

    fn minute() -> crate::Result<()> {
        for minute in 0..60 {
            assert_eq!(Time::try_from_hms(0, minute, 0)?.minute(), minute);
            assert_eq!(Time::try_from_hms(23, minute, 59)?.minute(), minute);

    fn second() -> crate::Result<()> {
        for second in 0..60 {
            assert_eq!(Time::try_from_hms(0, 0, second)?.second(), second);
            assert_eq!(Time::try_from_hms(23, 59, second)?.second(), second);

    fn millisecond() -> crate::Result<()> {
        for milli in 0..1_000 {
                Time::try_from_hms_milli(0, 0, 0, milli)?.millisecond(),
                Time::try_from_hms_milli(23, 59, 59, milli)?.millisecond(),

    fn microsecond() -> crate::Result<()> {
        for micro in (0..1_000_000).step_by(1_000) {
                Time::try_from_hms_micro(0, 0, 0, micro)?.microsecond(),
                Time::try_from_hms_micro(23, 59, 59, micro)?.microsecond(),

    fn nanosecond() -> crate::Result<()> {
        for nano in (0..1_000_000_000).step_by(1_000_000) {
            assert_eq!(Time::try_from_hms_nano(0, 0, 0, nano)?.nanosecond(), nano);
                Time::try_from_hms_nano(23, 59, 59, nano)?.nanosecond(),

    fn format() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00).format("%T"), "0:00:00");
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00).format("%r"), "12:00:00 am");
        assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59).format("%T"), "23:59:59");
        assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59).format("%r"), "11:59:59 pm");

    fn parse() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("0:00:00", "%T"), Ok(time!(0:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("23:59:59", "%T"), Ok(time!(23:59:59)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("1:00:00 am", "%r"), Ok(time!(1:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("12:00:00 am", "%r"), Ok(time!(0:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("12:00:00 pm", "%r"), Ok(time!(12:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("11:59:59 pm", "%r"), Ok(time!(23:59:59)));
            Time::parse("0:00:00.000000000", "%T.%N"),
            Time::parse("23:59:59.999999999", "%T.%N"),
            Time::parse("12:00:00.000000000 pm", "%-I:%M:%S.%N %p"),
            Time::parse("11:59:59.999999999 pm", "%-I:%M:%S.%N %p"),

    fn parse_missing_seconds() -> crate::Result<()> {
        // Missing seconds defaults to zero.
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("0:00", "%-H:%M"), Ok(time!(0:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("23:59", "%H:%M"), Ok(time!(23:59)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("12:00 am", "%I:%M %p"), Ok(time!(0:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("12:00 pm", "%I:%M %p"), Ok(time!(12:00)));

    fn parse_missing_minutes() -> crate::Result<()> {
        // Missing minutes defaults to zero.
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("0", "%-H"), Ok(time!(0:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("23", "%H"), Ok(time!(23:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("12am", "%I%p"), Ok(time!(0:00)));
        assert_eq!(Time::parse("12pm", "%I%p"), Ok(time!(12:00)));

    fn display() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00).to_string(), "0:00");
        assert_eq!(time!(23:59).to_string(), "23:59");
        assert_eq!(time!(23:59:59).to_string(), "23:59:59");
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00:01).to_string(), "0:00:01");
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00:00:001_000_000).to_string(), "0:00:00.001");
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00:00:000_001_000).to_string(), "0:00:00.000001");
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00:00:000_000_001).to_string(), "0:00:00.000000001");

    fn add_duration() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) + 1.seconds(), time!(0:00:01));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) + 1.minutes(), time!(0:01));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) + 1.hours(), time!(1:00));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) + 1.days(), time!(0:00));

    fn add_assign_duration() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let mut time = time!(0:00);

        time += 1.seconds();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(0:00:01));

        time += 1.minutes();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(0:01:01));

        time += 1.hours();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(1:01:01));

        time += 1.days();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(1:01:01));

    fn sub_duration() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert_eq!(time!(12:00) - 1.hours(), time!(11:00));

        // Underflow
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - 1.seconds(), time!(23:59:59));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - 1.minutes(), time!(23:59));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - 1.hours(), time!(23:00));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - 1.days(), time!(0:00));

    fn sub_assign_duration() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let mut time = time!(0:00);

        time -= 1.seconds();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(23:59:59));

        time -= 1.minutes();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(23:58:59));

        time -= 1.hours();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(22:58:59));

        time -= 1.days();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(22:58:59));

    fn add_std_duration() -> crate::Result<()> {
            time!(0:00) + 1.std_milliseconds(),
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) + 1.std_seconds(), time!(0:00:01));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) + 1.std_minutes(), time!(0:01));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) + 1.std_hours(), time!(1:00));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) + 1.std_days(), time!(0:00));

    fn add_assign_std_duration() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let mut time = time!(0:00);

        time += 1.std_seconds();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(0:00:01));

        time += 1.std_minutes();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(0:01:01));

        time += 1.std_hours();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(1:01:01));

        time += 1.std_days();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(1:01:01));

    fn sub_std_duration() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert_eq!(time!(12:00) - 1.std_hours(), time!(11:00));

        // Underflow
            time!(0:00) - 1.std_milliseconds(),
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - 1.std_seconds(), time!(23:59:59));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - 1.std_minutes(), time!(23:59));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - 1.std_hours(), time!(23:00));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - 1.std_days(), time!(0:00));

    fn sub_assign_std_duration() -> crate::Result<()> {
        let mut time = time!(0:00);

        time -= 1.std_seconds();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(23:59:59));

        time -= 1.std_minutes();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(23:58:59));

        time -= 1.std_hours();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(22:58:59));

        time -= 1.std_days();
        assert_eq!(time, time!(22:58:59));

    fn sub_time() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00) - time!(0:00), 0.seconds());
        assert_eq!(time!(1:00) - time!(0:00), 1.hours());
        assert_eq!(time!(1:00) - time!(0:00:01), 59.minutes() + 59.seconds());

    fn ordering() -> crate::Result<()> {
        assert!(time!(0:00) < time!(0:00:00:000_000_001));
        assert!(time!(0:00) < time!(0:00:01));
        assert!(time!(12:00) > time!(11:00));
        assert_eq!(time!(0:00), time!(0:00));