thor-devkit 0.1.0-beta.4

Rust library to aid coding with VeChain: wallets, transactions signing, encoding and verification, smart contract ABI interfacing, etc.
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Rust library to aid coding with VeChain: wallets, transactions signing, encoding and verification, smart contract ABI interfacing, etc.

This library acts primary as a proxy to several underlying libraries, with the addition of some VeChain-specific toolchain components.


One of possible use cases can be transaction creation and signing.

Here is how you may approach it. Let's transfer a few VET to another account.

To do so, we need to create a transaction and encode it into broadcastable bytes.

use thor_devkit::transactions::{Transaction, Clause};
use thor_devkit::hdnode::{Mnemonic, Language, HDNode};

let transaction = Transaction {
    chain_tag: 1,
    block_ref: 0xaabbccdd,
    expiration: 32,
    clauses: vec![
        Clause {
            to: Some(
            value: 10000.into(),
            data: b"\x00\x00\x00\x60\x60\x60".to_vec().into(),
    gas_price_coef: 128,
    gas: 21000,
    depends_on: None,
    nonce: 0xbc614e,
    reserved: None,
    signature: None,
let mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_phrase(
    "ignore empty bird silly journey junior ripple have guard waste between tenant",
).expect("Must be correct");
let wallet = HDNode::build().mnemonic(mnemonic).build().expect("Builds");
let signed = transaction.sign(&wallet.private_key().expect("Must be non-restricted").private_key());
println!("{:02x?}", signed.to_broadcastable_bytes());


You can check out sample usage of this crate in the examples/ folder in the project repo on GitHub.

Readme Docs

You can find the crate's readme documentation on the page, or alternatively in the file on the GitHub project repo.


thor-devkit promises to maintain a reasonable MSRV policy. MSRV will not be bumped unless necessary, and such MSRV bumps will only happen in minor or major releases as soon as the first non-beta release goes live. The required version will never be newer than 6 months.

Currently it requires rust 1.69.0 or higher to build.


Contributions are welcome! Open a pull request to fix a bug, or open an issue to discuss a new feature or change.

Check out the Contributing section in the docs for more info.


This project is proudly licensed under the Lesser GNU General Public License v3 (LICENSE).

thor-devkit can be distributed according to the Lesser GNU General Public License v3. Contributions will be accepted under the same license.
