thespis_impl 0.2.1

Reference implementation for the thespis actor model
// This benchmark allows profiling where the performance is used. It contains an outer actor which has
// to do an async operation in it's handler and an inner actor which just does a sync addition of u64.
	std:: { thread, sync::{ atomic::{ Ordering::*, AtomicU64 }, Arc } } ,

const MESSAGES: usize = 10_000_000;

struct Sum
	pub total: AtomicU64,
	pub inner: Arc<SumIn>,

struct SumIn
	pub count: AtomicU64,

struct Add ( u64 );

impl Sum
	async fn add( &self, msg: Add )
		let inner =; msg.0 + inner, SeqCst );

	async fn show( &self ) -> u64
	{ SeqCst )

impl SumIn
	async fn show( &self ) -> u64
		let count = self.count.fetch_add( 1, SeqCst );
		count + 1

fn main()
	let sum_in = Arc::new( SumIn{ count: AtomicU64::new( 0 ) } );
	let sum    = Arc::new( Sum{ total: AtomicU64::new( 5 ), inner: sum_in } );
	let sum2   = sum.clone();
	let (tx, rx) = futures::channel::oneshot::channel();

	let sum_thread = thread::spawn( move ||
		async_std::task::block_on( async move
			for _ in 0..MESSAGES
				sum.add( Add( 10 ) ).await;

			tx.send(()).expect( "send oneshot" );

	async_std::task::block_on( async move
		rx.await.expect( "oneshot" );

		let res =;

		dbg!( res );

		assert_eq!( MESSAGES as u64 *10 + 5 + termial( MESSAGES as u64 ), res );

	sum_thread  .join().expect( "join sum    thread" );

fn termial( n: u64 ) -> u64
	n * ( n + 1 ) / 2