thespis_impl 0.2.1

Reference implementation for the thespis actor model
// This benchmark allows profiling where the performance is used. It contains an outer actor which has
// to do an async operation in it's handler and an inner actor which just does a sync addition of u64.
// TODO: currently completely broken. The only way to get the messages from do_send to arrive is to
// include a very long thread sleep.
	actix::{ prelude::*, fut::wrap_future },

// const BOUNDED : usize = 16;
const MESSAGES: usize = 100_000;

struct Sum
	pub total: u64,
	pub inner: Addr<SumIn>,

struct SumIn
	pub count: u64,

impl Actor for Sum   { type Context = Context<Self>; }
impl Actor for SumIn { type Context = Context<Self>; }

struct Add ( u64 );
struct Show       ;

impl Message for Add  { type Result = () ; }
impl Message for Show { type Result = u64; }

impl Handler< Add > for Sum
	type Result = actix::ResponseActFuture< Self, <Add as Message>::Result >;

	fn handle( &mut self, msg: Add, _ctx: &mut Self::Context ) -> Self::Result
		let action = self.inner.send( Show );

		let act = wrap_future::<_, Self>(action);

		let update_self = move |result, actor, _ctx|
		{ += msg.0 + result.expect( "Call SumIn" );

		Box::pin( update_self )

impl Handler< Show > for Sum
	type Result = u64;

	fn handle( &mut self, _msg: Show, _ctx: &mut actix::Context<Self> ) -> Self::Result

impl Handler< Show > for SumIn
	type Result = u64;

	fn handle( &mut self, _msg: Show, _ctx: &mut actix::Context<Self> ) -> Self::Result
		self.count += 1;

#[ actix_rt::main ]
async fn main()
	let sum_in_thread = Arbiter::new();
	let sum_thread    = Arbiter::new();

	let sum_in        = SumIn{ count: 0 };
	let sum_in_addr   = SumIn::start_in_arbiter( &sum_in_thread.handle(), |_| sum_in );

	let sum           = Sum{ total: 5, inner: sum_in_addr };
	let sum_addr      = Sum::start_in_arbiter( &sum_thread.handle(), |_| sum );

	for _ in 0..MESSAGES
		sum_addr.do_send( Add( 10 ) );

	// std::thread::sleep( std::time::Duration::from_millis(25000) );

	let res = sum_addr.send( Show{} ).await.expect( "Call failed" );

	dbg!( res );

	assert_eq!( MESSAGES as u64 *10 + 5 + termial( MESSAGES as u64 ), res );

	sum_thread   .stop();

	sum_in_thread.join().expect( "join arbiter thread" );
	sum_thread   .join().expect( "join arbiter thread" );

fn termial( n: u64 ) -> u64
	n * ( n + 1 ) / 2