teloxide-core 0.9.0

Core part of the `teloxide` library - telegram bot API client
use std::{cmp, ops::Range};

use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::types::{User, UserId};

/// This object represents one special entity in a text message.
/// For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc.
/// [The official docs](
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct MessageEntity {
    pub kind: MessageEntityKind,

    /// Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity.
    pub offset: usize,

    /// Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units.
    pub length: usize,

/// A "parsed" [`MessageEntity`].
/// [`MessageEntity`] has offsets in UTF-**16** code units, but in Rust we
/// mostly work with UTF-**8**. In order to use an entity we need to convert
/// UTF-16 offsets to UTF-8 ones. This type represents a message entity with
/// converted offsets and a reference to the text.
/// You can get [`MessageEntityRef`]s by calling [`parse_entities`] and
/// [`parse_caption_entities`] methods of [`Message`] or by calling
/// [`MessageEntityRef::parse`].
/// [`parse_entities`]: crate::types::Message::parse_entities
/// [`parse_caption_entities`]: crate::types::Message::parse_caption_entities
/// [`Message`]: crate::types::Message
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct MessageEntityRef<'a> {
    message: &'a str,
    range: Range<usize>,
    kind: &'a MessageEntityKind,

impl MessageEntity {
    pub const fn new(kind: MessageEntityKind, offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a bold text.
    pub const fn bold(offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::Bold, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing an italic text.
    pub const fn italic(offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::Italic, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing an underline text.
    pub const fn underline(offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::Underline, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a strikethrough text.
    pub const fn strikethrough(offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::Strikethrough, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a spoiler text.
    pub const fn spoiler(offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::Spoiler, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a monowidth text.
    pub const fn code(offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::Code, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a monowidth block.
    pub const fn pre(language: Option<String>, offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::Pre { language }, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a clickable text URL.
    pub const fn text_link(url: reqwest::Url, offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::TextLink { url }, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a text mention.
    /// # Note
    /// If you don't have a complete [`User`] value, please use
    /// [`MessageEntity::text_mention_id`] instead.
    pub const fn text_mention(user: User, offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::TextMention { user }, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a text link in the form of
    /// `tg://user/?id=...` that mentions user with `user_id`.
    pub fn text_mention_id(user_id: UserId, offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::TextLink { url: user_id.url() }, offset, length }

    /// Create a message entity representing a custom emoji.
    pub const fn custom_emoji(custom_emoji_id: String, offset: usize, length: usize) -> Self {
        Self { kind: MessageEntityKind::CustomEmoji { custom_emoji_id }, offset, length }

    pub fn kind(mut self, val: MessageEntityKind) -> Self {
        self.kind = val;

    pub const fn offset(mut self, val: usize) -> Self {
        self.offset = val;

    pub const fn length(mut self, val: usize) -> Self {
        self.length = val;

impl<'a> MessageEntityRef<'a> {
    /// Returns kind of this entity.
    pub fn kind(&self) -> &'a MessageEntityKind {

    /// Returns the text that this entity is related to.
    pub fn text(&self) -> &'a str {

    /// Returns range that this entity is related to.
    /// The range is in bytes for UTF-8 encoding i.e. you can use it with common
    /// Rust strings.
    pub fn range(&self) -> Range<usize> {

    /// Returns the offset (in bytes, for UTF-8) to the start of this entity in
    /// the original message.
    pub fn start(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the offset (in bytes, for UTF-8) to the end of this entity in
    /// the original message.
    pub fn end(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the length of this entity in bytes for UTF-8 encoding.
    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Returns the full text of the original message.
    pub fn message_text(&self) -> &'a str {

    /// Parses telegram [`MessageEntity`]s converting offsets to UTF-8.
    pub fn parse(text: &'a str, entities: &'a [MessageEntity]) -> Vec<Self> {
        // This creates entities with **wrong** offsets (UTF-16) that we later patch.
        let mut entities: Vec<_> = entities
            .map(|e| Self { message: text, range: e.offset..e.offset + e.length, kind: &e.kind })

        // Convert offsets

        // References to all offsets that need patching
        let mut offsets: Vec<&mut usize> = entities
            .flat_map(|Self { range: Range { start, end }, .. }| [start, end])

        // Sort in decreasing order, so the smallest elements are at the end and can be
        // removed more easily
        offsets.sort_unstable_by_key(|&&mut offset| cmp::Reverse(offset));

        let _ = text
            .chain(['\0']) // this is needed to process offset pointing at the end of the string
            .try_fold((0, 0), |(len_utf8, len_utf16), c| {
                // Stop if there are no more offsets to patch
                if offsets.is_empty() {
                    return None;

                // Patch all offsets that can be patched
                while offsets.last().map(|&&mut offset| offset <= len_utf16).unwrap_or(false) {
                    let offset = offsets.pop().unwrap();
                    assert_eq!(*offset, len_utf16, "Invalid utf-16 offset");

                    // Patch the offset to be UTF-8
                    *offset = len_utf8;

                // Update "running" length
                Some((len_utf8 + c.len_utf8(), len_utf16 + c.len_utf16()))


#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
#[serde(tag = "type")]
pub enum MessageEntityKind {
    Pre { language: Option<String> },
    TextLink { url: reqwest::Url },
    TextMention { user: User },
    CustomEmoji { custom_emoji_id: String }, // FIXME(waffle): newtype this

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use cool_asserts::assert_matches;
    use MessageEntity;
    use MessageEntityKind::*;

    fn recursive_kind() {
        use serde_json::from_str;

            MessageEntity {
                kind: MessageEntityKind::TextLink {
                    url: reqwest::Url::parse("").unwrap(),
                offset: 1,
                length: 2,

    fn pre() {
        use serde_json::from_str;

            MessageEntity {
                kind: MessageEntityKind::Pre { language: Some("rust".to_string()) },
                offset: 1,
                length: 2,

    fn pre_with_none_language() {
        use serde_json::to_string;

            to_string(&MessageEntity {
                kind: MessageEntityKind::Pre { language: None },
                offset: 1,
                length: 2,

    fn parse_быба() {
        let parsed = MessageEntityRef::parse(
                MessageEntity { kind: Strikethrough, offset: 0, length: 1 },
                MessageEntity { kind: Bold, offset: 1, length: 1 },
                MessageEntity { kind: Italic, offset: 2, length: 1 },
                MessageEntity { kind: Code, offset: 3, length: 1 },

                entity if entity.text() == "б" && entity.kind() == &Strikethrough,
                entity if entity.text() == "ы" && entity.kind() == &Bold,
                entity if entity.text() == "б" && entity.kind() == &Italic,
                entity if entity.text() == "а" && entity.kind() == &Code,


    fn parse_symbol_24bit() {
        let parsed = MessageEntityRef::parse(
            "xx আ #tt",
            &[MessageEntity { kind: Hashtag, offset: 5, length: 3 }],

            [entity if entity.text() == "#tt" && entity.kind() == &Hashtag]

    fn parse_enclosed() {
        let parsed = MessageEntityRef::parse(
            "b i b",
            // For some reason this is how telegram encodes <b>b <i>i<i/> b<b/>
                MessageEntity { kind: Bold, offset: 0, length: 2 },
                MessageEntity { kind: Bold, offset: 2, length: 3 },
                MessageEntity { kind: Italic, offset: 2, length: 1 },

                entity if entity.text() == "b " && entity.kind() == &Bold,
                entity if entity.text() == "i b" && entity.kind() == &Bold,
                entity if entity.text() == "i" && entity.kind() == &Italic,

    fn parse_nothing() {
        let parsed = MessageEntityRef::parse("a", &[]);
        assert_eq!(parsed, []);

    fn parse_empty() {
        // It should be impossible for this to be returned from telegram, but just to be
        // sure
        let parsed = MessageEntityRef::parse(
                MessageEntity { kind: Bold, offset: 0, length: 0 },
                MessageEntity { kind: Italic, offset: 0, length: 0 },

                entity if entity.text() == "" && entity.kind() == &Bold,
                entity if entity.text() == "" && entity.kind() == &Italic,