teloxide-core 0.9.0

Core part of the `teloxide` library - telegram bot API client
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::types::InlineKeyboardButton;

/// This object represents an [inline keyboard] that appears right next to the
/// message it belongs to.
/// *Note*: This will only work in Telegram versions released after 9 April,
/// 2016. Older clients will display unsupported message.
/// [The official docs](
/// [inline keyboard]:
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
pub struct InlineKeyboardMarkup {
    /// Array of button rows, each represented by an array of
    /// [`InlineKeyboardButton`] objects.
    /// [`InlineKeyboardButton`]: crate::types::InlineKeyboardButton
    pub inline_keyboard: Vec<Vec<InlineKeyboardButton>>,

/// Build `InlineKeyboardMarkup`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use teloxide_core::types::{InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup};
/// let url = url::Url::parse("").unwrap();
/// let url_button = InlineKeyboardButton::url("text".to_string(), url);
/// let keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup::default().append_row(vec![url_button]);
/// ```
impl InlineKeyboardMarkup {
    pub fn new<I>(inline_keyboard: I) -> Self
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::Item: IntoIterator<Item = InlineKeyboardButton>,
        Self {
            inline_keyboard: inline_keyboard

    pub fn inline_keyboard<I>(mut self, val: I) -> Self
        I: IntoIterator,
        I::Item: IntoIterator<Item = InlineKeyboardButton>,
        self.inline_keyboard = val.into_iter().map(<_>::into_iter).map(<_>::collect).collect();

    pub fn append_row<R>(mut self, buttons: R) -> Self
        R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineKeyboardButton>,

    pub fn append_to_row(mut self, index: usize, button: InlineKeyboardButton) -> Self {
        match self.inline_keyboard.get_mut(index) {
            Some(buttons) => buttons.push(button),
            None => self.inline_keyboard.push(vec![button]),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn url(n: u32) -> reqwest::Url {

    fn append_row() {
        let button1 = InlineKeyboardButton::url("text 1".to_string(), url(1));
        let button2 = InlineKeyboardButton::url("text 2".to_string(), url(2));

        let markup =
            InlineKeyboardMarkup::default().append_row(vec![button1.clone(), button2.clone()]);

        let expected = InlineKeyboardMarkup { inline_keyboard: vec![vec![button1, button2]] };

        assert_eq!(markup, expected);

    fn append_to_row_existent_row() {
        let button1 = InlineKeyboardButton::url("text 1".to_string(), url(1));
        let button2 = InlineKeyboardButton::url("text 2".to_string(), url(2));

        let markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup::default()
            .append_to_row(0, button2.clone());

        let expected = InlineKeyboardMarkup { inline_keyboard: vec![vec![button1, button2]] };

        assert_eq!(markup, expected);

    fn append_to_row_nonexistent_row() {
        let button1 = InlineKeyboardButton::url("text 1".to_string(), url(1));
        let button2 = InlineKeyboardButton::url("text 2".to_string(), url(2));

        let markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup::default()
            .append_to_row(1, button2.clone());

        let expected = InlineKeyboardMarkup { inline_keyboard: vec![vec![button1], vec![button2]] };

        assert_eq!(markup, expected);