sounding-base 0.9.1

Data formats and algorithms for atmospheric soundings. The base crate is meant to be a common base for other crates to build on. These crates may be for managing a data-store, displaying data, or saving and loading files.
use metfor::Meters;
use optional::Optioned;

/// Station information including location data and identification number.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Default)]
pub struct StationInfo {
    /// station number, USAF number, eg 727730
    num: Optioned<i32>,
    /// Latitude and longitude.
    location: Option<(f64, f64)>,
    /// Elevation, this may be in model terrain which is not necessarily the same as the real world.
    elevation: Optioned<Meters>,

impl StationInfo {
    /// Create a new `StationInfo` object.
    /// # Arguments
    /// station_num: The USAF station identifier, or None.
    /// location: The latitude and longitude as a tuple, or None.
    /// elevation: The elevation of the station **in meters**.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use metfor::{Meters, Feet};
    /// use sounding_base::StationInfo;
    /// use optional::{some, none};
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(12345, (45.2,-113.5), Meters(2000.0));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(12345, (45.2,-113.5), Feet(2000.0));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(12345, (45.2,-113.5), some(Meters(2000.0)));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(12345, (45.2,-113.5), some(Feet(2000.0)));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(12345, Some((45.2,-113.5)), Meters(2000.0));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(12345, Some((45.2,-113.5)), Feet(2000.0));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(12345, Some((45.2,-113.5)), some(Meters(2000.0)));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(12345, Some((45.2,-113.5)), some(Feet(2000.0)));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(Some(12345), None, Meters(2000.0));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(Some(12345), None, Feet(2000.0));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(None, (45.2,-113.5), some(Meters(2000.0)));
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(None, (45.2,-113.5), some(Feet(2000.0)));
    /// // Note that lat-lon is an `Option` and not an `Optioned`
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(some(12345), None, none::<Feet>());
    /// let _stn = StationInfo::new_with_values(some(12345), None, none::<Meters>());
    /// ```
    pub fn new_with_values<T, U, V, W>(station_num: T, location: U, elevation: V) -> Self
        T: Into<Optioned<i32>>,
        U: Into<Option<(f64, f64)>>,
        Optioned<W>: From<V>,
        W: optional::Noned + metfor::Length,
        Meters: From<W>,
        let elev: Optioned<W> = Optioned::from(elevation);
        let elev: Optioned<Meters> = elev.map_t(Meters::from);

        StationInfo {
            num: station_num.into(),
            location: location.into(),
            elevation: elev,

    /// Create a new object with default values.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use sounding_base::StationInfo;
    /// assert!(StationInfo::new().station_num().is_none());
    /// assert!(StationInfo::new().location().is_none());
    /// assert!(StationInfo::new().elevation().is_none());
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Builder method to add a station number.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use sounding_base::StationInfo;
    /// assert_eq!(StationInfo::new().with_station(12345).station_num().unwrap(), 12345);
    /// assert_eq!(StationInfo::new().with_station(Some(12345)).station_num().unwrap(), 12345);
    /// ```
    pub fn with_station<T>(mut self, number: T) -> Self
        Optioned<i32>: From<T>,
        self.num = Optioned::from(number);


    /// Builder method to add a location.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```rust
    /// use sounding_base::StationInfo;
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     StationInfo::new().with_lat_lon((45.0, -116.0)).location().unwrap(), (45.0, -116.0));
    /// assert_eq!(
    ///     StationInfo::new().with_lat_lon(Some((45.0, -116.0)))
    ///         .location()
    ///         .unwrap(),
    ///     (45.0, -116.0));
    /// ```
    pub fn with_lat_lon<T>(mut self, coords: T) -> Self
        Option<(f64, f64)>: From<T>,
        self.location = Option::from(coords);

    /// Builder method to add elevation.
    /// # Examples
    /// use metfor::{Meters, Feet, Km};
    /// use sounding_base::StationInfo;
    /// use optional::{some, none};
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(Feet(200.0));
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(Meters(200.0));
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(Km(2.0));
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(some(Feet(200.0)));
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(some(Meters(200.0)));
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(some(Km(2.0)));
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(none::<Feet>());
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(none::<Meters>());
    /// let _info = StationInfo::new().with_elevation(none::<Km>());
    pub fn with_elevation<T, U>(mut self, elev: T) -> Self
        Optioned<U>: From<T>,
        U: optional::Noned + metfor::Length,
        Meters: From<U>,
        let elevation: Optioned<U> = Optioned::from(elev);
        let elevation: Optioned<Meters> = elevation.map_t(Meters::from);

        self.elevation = elevation;

    /// station number, USAF number, eg 727730
    pub fn station_num(&self) -> Optioned<i32> {

    /// Latitude and longitude.
    pub fn location(&self) -> Option<(f64, f64)> {

    /// Elevation in meters, this may be in model terrain, not necessarily the same as
    /// the real world.
    pub fn elevation(&self) -> Optioned<Meters> {