sounding-base 0.9.1

Data formats and algorithms for atmospheric soundings. The base crate is meant to be a common base for other crates to build on. These crates may be for managing a data-store, displaying data, or saving and loading files.
use metfor::{Celsius, HectoPascal, Kelvin, Meters, PaPS, WindSpdDir};
use optional::Optioned;

/// A copy of a row of the sounding data.
#[derive(Clone, Default, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct DataRow {
    /// Pressure in hPa
    pub pressure: Optioned<HectoPascal>,
    /// Temperature in C
    pub temperature: Optioned<Celsius>,
    /// Wet bulb temperature in C
    pub wet_bulb: Optioned<Celsius>,
    /// Dew point in C
    pub dew_point: Optioned<Celsius>,
    /// Equivalent potential temperature in Kelvin
    pub theta_e: Optioned<Kelvin>,
    /// Wind
    pub wind: Optioned<WindSpdDir>,
    /// Pressure vertical velocity in Pa/sec
    pub pvv: Optioned<PaPS>,
    /// Geopotential Height in meters
    pub height: Optioned<Meters>,
    /// Cloud fraction in percent
    pub cloud_fraction: Optioned<f64>,