slitter 0.1.0

A C- and Rust-callable slab allocator with a focus on safety
//! The file-backed mapper ensures object are allocated in shared file
//! mappings of private temporary files.  This lets the operating
//! system eagerly swap out cold data when under memory pressure.
    all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
    feature = "check_contracts"
use contracts::*;
    all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
    feature = "check_contracts"
use disabled_contracts::*;

use std::ffi::c_void;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::Mutex;

use crate::Mapper;

pub struct FileBackedMapper {}

lazy_static::lazy_static! {
    static ref FILE_BACKED_PATH: Mutex<Option<PathBuf>> = Default::default();

/// Updates the parent directory for the file-backed mapper's
/// temporary files to `path`.
/// A value of `None` restores the default (`TMPDIR`), and
/// `Some(":memory")` forces regular file mappings.
pub fn set_file_backed_slab_directory(path: Option<PathBuf>) {
    let mut global_path = FILE_BACKED_PATH.lock().unwrap();

    *global_path = path;

/// Returns a temporary File in `FILE_BACKED_PATH`, or in the
/// global `TMPDIR`.  If the file is None, the mapper should
/// instead use a regular anonymous memory mapping.
/// TODO: return a `std::io::Result<Option<File>>`.
fn get_temp_file() -> Result<Option<File>, i32> {
    let path = FILE_BACKED_PATH.lock().unwrap();

    match &*path {
        Some(dir) if dir.to_str() == Some(":memory:") => Ok(None),
        Some(dir) => tempfile::tempfile_in(dir).map(Some),
        None => tempfile::tempfile().map(Some),
    .map_err(|e| e.raw_os_error().unwrap_or(0))

impl Mapper for FileBackedMapper {
    fn page_size(&self) -> usize {

    fn reserve(
        desired_size: usize,
        _data_size: usize,
        _prefix: usize,
        _suffix: usize,
    ) -> Result<(NonNull<c_void>, usize), i32> {
        let region: NonNull<c_void> = crate::map::reserve_region(desired_size)?;
        Ok((region, desired_size))

    fn release(&self, base: NonNull<c_void>, size: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
        crate::map::release_region(base, size)

    fn allocate_meta(&self, base: NonNull<c_void>, size: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
        crate::map::allocate_region(base, size)

    fn allocate_data(&self, base: NonNull<c_void>, size: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
        let tempfile = get_temp_file()?;

        match tempfile {
            Some(file) => crate::map::allocate_file_region(file, base, size),
            None => crate::map::allocate_region(base, size),