slitter 0.1.0

A C- and Rust-callable slab allocator with a focus on safety
//! Slitter stashes allocations for each size class in a thread-local
//! cache.
    all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
    feature = "check_contracts"
use contracts::*;
    all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
    feature = "check_contracts"
use disabled_contracts::*;

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;

    all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
    feature = "check_contracts"
use crate::debug_allocation_map;
    all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
    feature = "check_contracts"
use crate::debug_type_map;

use crate::class::ClassInfo;
use crate::linear_ref::LinearRef;
use crate::magazine::LocalMagazineCache;
use crate::magazine::PopMagazine;
use crate::magazine::PushMagazine;
use crate::press;
use crate::Class;

/// Start with a fast path array of this many `Magazines`
/// structs, including one for the dummy 0 class.
#[cfg(not(feature = "c_fast_path"))]
const INITIAL_CACHE_SIZE: usize = 4;

struct Magazines {
    /// The cache allocates from this magazine.
    alloc: PopMagazine,
    /// The cache releases into this magazine.
    release: PushMagazine,

struct Info {
    /// The class info for the corresponding class id.
    info: Option<&'static ClassInfo>,
    cache: LocalMagazineCache,

/// For each allocation class, we cache up to one magazine's worth of
/// allocations, and another magazine's worth of newly deallocated
/// objects.
/// Classically, we would use one magazine as a stack for both
/// allocations and deallocations, and a backup to avoid bouncing
/// nearly-full or nearly-empty magazines back to the `ClassInfo`.
/// We instead use two magazines to let us do smarter things on
/// deallocation (e.g., more easily check for double free or take
/// advantage of pre-zeroed out allocations).
/// The cache consists of parallel vectors that are directly indexed
/// with the class id; the first element at index 0 is thus never
/// used, so we must increment SMALL_CACHE_SIZE by 1.
/// The source of truth on the number of allocation classes in the
/// Cache is the `per_class_info` vector; `per_class` may have extra
/// element but is never shorter than the `per_class_info`.
struct Cache {
    /// This array of magazines may be longer than necessary:
    /// zero-initialised magazines will correctly trigger a
    /// slow path.
    per_class: &'static mut [Magazines],
    /// This parallel vector holds a reference to ClassInfo; it is
    /// only `None` for the dummy entry we keep around for the invalid
    /// "0" class id.
    per_class_info: Vec<Info>,
    /// If true, the `Cache` owns allocation backing the `per_class`
    /// slice.  Otherwise, we should let it leak.
    /// Once true, this never becomes false.
    per_class_is_owned: bool,

extern "C" {
    fn slitter__cache_register(region: *mut Magazines, count: usize);

// TODO: keyed thread-local is slow.  We should `#![feature(thread_local)]`
// and `#[thread_local] static mut CACHE: ...` in nightly builds.  We'll
// still want a `thread_local!` to trigger cleanup...
thread_local!(static CACHE: RefCell<Cache> = RefCell::new(Cache::new()));

/// Attempts to return an allocation for an object of this `class`.
#[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
          debug_allocation_map::can_be_allocated(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap().get()).is_ok(),
          "Successful allocations must be in the correct class and not double allocate")]
#[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
          debug_type_map::is_class(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap()).is_ok(),
          "Successful allocations must match the class of the address range.")]
#[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
          press::check_allocation(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap().get().as_ptr() as usize).is_ok(),
          "Sucessful allocations must have the allocation metadata set correctly.")]
pub fn allocate(class: Class) -> Option<LinearRef> {
        .try_with(|cache| cache.borrow_mut().allocate(class))

/// C-accessible slow path for the allocation.  The slow-path code is
/// identical to regular non-C allocation, so it's always safe to call
/// this function.
#[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
          debug_allocation_map::can_be_allocated(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap().get()).is_ok(),
          "Successful allocations must be in the correct class and not double allocate")]
#[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
          debug_type_map::is_class(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap()).is_ok(),
          "Successful allocations must match the class of the address range.")]
#[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
          press::check_allocation(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap().get().as_ptr() as usize).is_ok(),
          "Sucessful allocations must have the allocation metadata set correctly.")]
pub extern "C" fn slitter__allocate_slow(class: Class) -> Option<LinearRef> {
    let ret = CACHE
        .try_with(|cache| cache.borrow_mut().allocate_slow(class))
    assert!(ret.is_some(), "Allocation failed");


/// Returns an allocation back to this `class`.
#[requires(debug_allocation_map::has_been_released(class, block.get()).is_ok(),
           "Blocks passed to `release` must have already been marked as released.")]
#[requires(debug_type_map::is_class(class, &block).is_ok(),
           "Deallocated blocks must match the class of the address range.")]
#[requires(press::check_allocation(class, block.get().as_ptr() as usize).is_ok(),
          "Deallocated block must have the allocation metadata set correctly.")]
pub fn release(class: Class, block: LinearRef) {
    let mut cell = Some(block);

        .try_with(|cache| cache.borrow_mut().release(class, cell.take().unwrap()))
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
            if let Some(alloc) = cell {

/// C-accessible slow path for the allocation.  The slow-path code is
/// identical to regular non-C release call, so it's always safe to
/// call this function.
#[requires(debug_allocation_map::has_been_released(class, block.get()).is_ok(),
           "Blocks passed to `release` must have already been marked as released.")]
#[requires(debug_type_map::is_class(class, &block).is_ok(),
           "Deallocated blocks must match the class of the address range.")]
#[requires(press::check_allocation(class, block.get().as_ptr() as usize).is_ok(),
          "Deallocated block must have the allocation metadata set correctly.")]
pub extern "C" fn slitter__release_slow(class: Class, block: LinearRef) {
    let mut cell = Some(block);

        .try_with(|cache| cache.borrow_mut().release_slow(class, cell.take().unwrap()))
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| {
            if let Some(alloc) = cell {

impl Drop for Cache {
    #[invariant(self.check_rep_or_err().is_ok(), "Internal invariants hold.")]
    #[ensures(self.per_class_info.is_empty(), "The cache must be empty before dropping.")]
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            slitter__cache_register(std::ptr::null_mut(), 0);

        while let Some(slot) = self.per_class_info.pop() {
            use LocalMagazineCache::*;

            let index = self.per_class_info.len();
            let mut mags = Default::default();

                &mut mags,
                    .expect("per_class should be at least as long as per_class_info"),

            if let Some(info) = {
                info.release_magazine(mags.alloc, None);
                info.release_magazine(mags.release, None);
                match slot.cache {
                    Nothing => (),
                    Empty(mag) => info.release_magazine(mag, None),
                    Full(mag) => info.release_magazine(mag, None),
            } else {
                // This must be the padding slot at index 0.

                let default_rack = crate::rack::get_default_rack();

                match slot.cache {
                    Nothing => (),
                    Empty(_) => panic!("Found used cache in dummy slot"),
                    Full(_) => panic!("Found used cache in dummy slot"),

        if self.per_class_is_owned {
            // Replace the magazine slice with a dummy, and drop it.
            // An empty slice is correct: `per_class_info.len() == 0`.
            let mut dummy: &mut [Magazines] = &mut [];

            std::mem::swap(&mut dummy, &mut self.per_class);
            unsafe { Box::from_raw(dummy) };

        // If we don't own the `per_class` slice, it's safe to leave
        // it here: it has been fully reset to default `Magazines`
        // that do not own anything.

impl Cache {
    fn new() -> Cache {
        #[cfg(feature = "c_fast_path")]
        let (mags, is_owned) = {
            extern "C" {
                fn slitter__cache_borrow(OUT_n: &mut usize) -> *mut Magazines;

            let mut slice_size = 0usize;
            let mags = unsafe { slitter__cache_borrow(&mut slice_size) };
            let slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(mags, slice_size) };
            (slice, false)

        #[cfg(not(feature = "c_fast_path"))]
        let (mags, is_owned) = {
            let mags = [Magazines; INITIAL_CACHE_SIZE] = Default::default();

            (Box::leak(Box::new(mags)), true)

        Cache {
            per_class: mags,
            per_class_info: Vec::new(),
            per_class_is_owned: is_owned,

    /// Returns `Err` when some of the Cache's invariants are violated.
        all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
        feature = "check_contracts"
    fn check_rep_or_err(&self) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
        if self.per_class.len() < self.per_class_info.len() {
            return Err("Vector of magazines is shorter than vector of info.");

        for mags in self.per_class.iter().skip(self.per_class_info.len()) {
            if !mags.alloc.is_empty() {
                return Err("Padding cache entry has a non-empty allocation magazine.");

            if !mags.release.is_full() {
                return Err("Padding cache entry has a non-full release magazine.");

        if !self
            .all(|(i, x)| i == 0 || as usize == i)
            return Err("Some cache entries are missing their info.");

        if let Some(_) = self.per_class_info.get(0) {
            if !self.per_class[0].alloc.is_empty() {
                return Err("Dummy cache entry has a non-empty allocation magazine.");

            if !self.per_class[0].release.is_full() {
                return Err("Dummy cache entry has a non-full release magazine.");

        // All magazines must be in a good state, and only contain
        // *available* allocations for the correct class.
        for (mags, info) in self.per_class.iter().zip(&self.per_class_info) {


    /// Ensure the cache's `per_class` array has at least `min_length`
    /// elements.
    #[invariant(self.check_rep_or_err().is_ok(), "Internal invariants hold.")]
    #[requires(min_length < usize::MAX / 2)]
    #[ensures(self.per_class.len() >= min_length)]
    #[ensures(self.per_class.len() >= old(self.per_class.len()))]
    #[ensures(old(self.per_class_is_owned) -> self.per_class_is_owned,
              "per_class_is_owned flag is monotonic (false -> true)")]
    fn ensure_per_class_length(&mut self, min_length: usize) {
        if self.per_class.len() >= min_length {

        let new_length = min_length
            .expect("&CacheInfo are too big for len > usize::MAX / 2");
        let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(new_length);
        vec.resize_with(new_length, Default::default);

        let mut new_slice = Box::leak(vec.into_boxed_slice());
            .swap_with_slice(&mut new_slice[0..self.per_class.len()]);

        let mut is_owned = true;
        std::mem::swap(&mut new_slice, &mut self.per_class);
        // Swap the `is_owned` flag after the slice: the flag only
        // goes from false to true, never the other way, and it's
        // safer to leak on unwind/panic than to free something
        // we don't own.
        std::mem::swap(&mut is_owned, &mut self.per_class_is_owned);

        if is_owned {
            unsafe { Box::from_raw(new_slice) };

    /// Ensures the cache's `per_class_info` array has one entry for every
    /// allocation class currently defined.
    #[invariant(self.check_rep_or_err().is_ok(), "Internal invariants hold.")]
    #[ensures(self.per_class_info.len() > old(crate::class::max_id()),
              "There exists an entry for the max class id when the function was called.")]
    fn grow(&mut self) {
        let max_id = crate::class::max_id();
        if self.per_class_info.len() > max_id {

        assert!(max_id <= u32::MAX as usize);
        self.ensure_per_class_length(max_id + 1);

        while self.per_class_info.len() <= max_id {
            let id = NonZeroU32::new(self.per_class_info.len() as u32);
            let info = id.and_then(|id| Class::from_id(id).map(|class|;

            self.per_class_info.push(Info {
                cache: LocalMagazineCache::Nothing,

        unsafe {
            // We want to pass `per_class.len()`, despite it being
            // longer than `per_class_info`: the extra elements will
            // correctly trigger a slow path, so this is safe, and we
            // want to concentrate all slow path conditionals to the
            // same branch, for predictability.  We can't get rid of
            // the "magazine is exhausted" condition, so let's make
            // the "array is too short" branch as unlikely as possible.
            slitter__cache_register(self.per_class.as_mut_ptr(), self.per_class.len());

    #[invariant(self.check_rep_or_err().is_ok(), "Internal invariants hold.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
              debug_allocation_map::can_be_allocated(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap().get()).is_ok(),
              "Successful allocations must be from the correct class, and not double allocate.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_some() -> debug_type_map::is_class(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap()).is_ok(),
              "Successful allocations must match the class of the address range.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
              press::check_allocation(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap().get().as_ptr() as usize).is_ok(),
              "Sucessful allocations must have the allocation metadata set correctly.")]
    fn allocate_slow(&mut self, class: Class) -> Option<LinearRef> {
        let index = as usize;

        if self.per_class_info.len() <= index {

        // per_class.len() >= per_class_info.len()
        let mag = &mut self.per_class[index].alloc;
        if let Some(alloc) = mag.get() {
            return Some(alloc);

        let info = &mut self.per_class_info[index];
            .expect("must have class info")
            .refill_magazine(mag, &mut info.cache)

    /// Attempts to return an allocation for `class`.  Consumes from
    /// the cache if possible, and hits the Class(Info)'s slow path
    /// otherwise.
    #[invariant(self.check_rep_or_err().is_ok(), "Internal invariants hold.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
              debug_allocation_map::can_be_allocated(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap().get()).is_ok(),
              "Successful allocations must be from the correct class, and not double allocate.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_some() -> debug_type_map::is_class(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap()).is_ok(),
              "Successful allocations must match the class of the address range.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_some() ->
              press::check_allocation(class, ret.as_ref().unwrap().get().as_ptr() as usize).is_ok(),
              "Sucessful allocations must have the allocation metadata set correctly.")]
    fn allocate(&mut self, class: Class) -> Option<LinearRef> {
        #[cfg(features = "c_fast_path")]
        const C_FAST_PATH: bool = true;
        #[cfg(not(features = "c_fast_path"))]
        const C_FAST_PATH: bool = false;

        if C_FAST_PATH {
            extern "C" {
                fn slitter_allocate(class: Class) -> Option<LinearRef>;

            unsafe { slitter_allocate(class) }
        } else {

    #[invariant(self.check_rep_or_err().is_ok(), "Internal invariants hold.")]
    #[requires(debug_allocation_map::has_been_released(class, block.get()).is_ok(),
               "A released block for `class` must have been marked as such.")]
    #[requires(debug_type_map::is_class(class, &block).is_ok(),
               "Deallocated blocks must match the class of the address range.")]
    #[requires(press::check_allocation(class, block.get().as_ptr() as usize).is_ok(),
               "Deallocated block must have the allocation metadata set correctly.")]
    fn release_slow(&mut self, class: Class, block: LinearRef) {
        press::check_allocation(class, block.get().as_ptr() as usize)
            .expect("deallocated address should match allocation class");

        let index = as usize;

        if self.per_class_info.len() <= index {
            assert!(index < u32::MAX as usize);

        // per_class.len() >= per_class_info.len()
        let mag = &mut self.per_class[index].release;
        // We prefer to cache freshly deallocated objects, for
        // temporal locality.
        if let Some(spill) = mag.put(block) {
            let info = &mut self.per_class_info[index];
                .expect("must have class info")
                .clear_magazine(mag, &mut info.cache, spill);

    /// Marks `block`, an allocation for `class`, ready for reuse.
    /// Pushes to the cache if possible, and hits the Class(Info)'s
    /// slow path otherwise.
    #[invariant(self.check_rep_or_err().is_ok(), "Internal invariants hold.")]
    #[requires(debug_allocation_map::has_been_released(class, block.get()).is_ok(),
               "A released block for `class` must have been marked as such.")]
    #[requires(debug_type_map::is_class(class, &block).is_ok(),
               "Deallocated blocks must match the class of the address range.")]
    #[requires(press::check_allocation(class, block.get().as_ptr() as usize).is_ok(),
               "Deallocated block must have the allocation metadata set correctly.")]
    fn release(&mut self, class: Class, block: LinearRef) {
        #[cfg(features = "c_fast_path")]
        const C_FAST_PATH: bool = true;
        #[cfg(not(features = "c_fast_path"))]
        const C_FAST_PATH: bool = false;

        if C_FAST_PATH {
            extern "C" {
                fn slitter_release(class: Class, block: LinearRef);

            unsafe { slitter_release(class, block) }
        } else {
            self.release_slow(class, block)