slitter 0.1.0

A C- and Rust-callable slab allocator with a focus on safety
//! A Slitter allocation class represent a set of type-stable objects
//! that all have the same size (Slitter never overwrites an
//! allocation with internal metadata, even once freed).  Allocation
//! and deallocation calls must have matching `Class` structs, even if
//! objects from different classes have the same size: the Slitter
//! code may check this invariant to help detect bugs, and callers may
//! rely on type stability.
    all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
    feature = "check_contracts"
use contracts::*;
    all(test, feature = "check_contracts_in_tests"),
    feature = "check_contracts"
use disabled_contracts::*;

use std::alloc::Layout;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::os::raw::c_char;

use crate::magazine_stack::MagazineStack;
use crate::press::Press;

/// External callers interact with slitter allocation classes via this
/// opaque Class struct.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub struct Class {
    id: NonZeroU32,

/// When created, a class is configured with an object size, and an
/// optional name.
pub struct ClassConfig {
    pub name: Option<String>,
    pub layout: Layout,
    pub zero_init: bool,
    pub mapper_name: Option<String>,

/// The extern "C" interface uses this version of `ClassConfig`.
pub struct ForeignClassConfig {
    name: *const c_char,
    size: usize,
    zero_init: bool,
    mapper_name: *const c_char,

/// Slitter stores internal information about configured classes with
/// this Info struct.
pub(crate) struct ClassInfo {
    pub name: Option<String>,
    pub layout: Layout,

    // The Class will allocate and release magazines via this Rack.
    pub rack: &'static crate::rack::Rack,

    // Fully populated magazines go in in `full_mags`.
    pub full_mags: MagazineStack,

    // Partially populated, but non-empty, magazines go in `partial_mags`.
    // Empty magazines go back to the `Rack`.
    pub partial_mags: MagazineStack,

    // Use this `Press` to allocate new objects.
    pub press: Press,

    pub id: Class,

    // Whether allocations should be zero-filled.
    pub zero_init: bool,

impl ClassConfig {
    /// Attempts to convert a `ForeignClassConfig` pointer to a native
    /// `ClassConfig`.
    /// # Safety
    /// This function assumes `config_ptr` is NULL or valid.
    pub unsafe fn from_c(config_ptr: *const ForeignClassConfig) -> Option<ClassConfig> {
        // Attempts to convert a C string to an optional String.
        fn to_nullable_str(ptr: *const c_char) -> Result<Option<String>, std::str::Utf8Error> {
            if ptr.is_null() {
            } else {
                Ok(Some(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) }.to_str()?.to_owned()))

        if config_ptr.is_null() {
            return None;

        let config: &ForeignClassConfig = &*config_ptr;
        let layout = Layout::from_size_align(config.size.max(1), /*align=*/ 8).ok()?;
        Some(ClassConfig {
            name: to_nullable_str(,
            zero_init: config.zero_init,
            mapper_name: to_nullable_str(config.mapper_name).ok()?,

lazy_static::lazy_static! {
    // TODO(lock): this lock is never taken on a fast path.
    static ref CLASSES: std::sync::Mutex<Vec<&'static ClassInfo>> = Default::default();

pub fn max_id() -> usize {
    let guard = CLASSES.lock().unwrap();

impl Class {
    /// Attempts to create a new allocation class for `config`.
    /// On success, there is a corresponding `ClassInfo` struct at
    /// `ret - 1` in the global `CLASSES` array.
    #[ensures(ret.is_ok() ->
              CLASSES.lock().unwrap().get(ret.unwrap().id.get() as usize - 1).map(|info| == Some(ret.unwrap()),
              "On success, the class is at id - 1 in the global array of ClassInfo")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_ok() ->
              Class::from_id(ret.unwrap().id) == Some(ret.unwrap()),
              "On success, we can instantiate `Class` from the NonZeroU32 id.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_ok() ->
              std::ptr::eq(ret.unwrap().info(), CLASSES.lock().unwrap()[ret.unwrap().id.get() as usize - 1]),
              "On success, the class's info matches the entry in the array.")]
    pub fn new(config: ClassConfig) -> Result<Class, &'static str> {
        let mut classes = CLASSES.lock().unwrap();

        let next_id = classes.len() + 1;
        if next_id > u32::MAX as usize {
            return Err("too many slitter allocation classes");

        let id = Class {
            id: NonZeroU32::new(next_id as u32).expect("next_id is positive"),

        let layout = config.layout.pad_to_align();

        let info = Box::leak(Box::new(ClassInfo {
            rack: crate::rack::get_default_rack(),
            full_mags: MagazineStack::new(),
            partial_mags: MagazineStack::new(),
            press: Press::new(id, layout, config.mapper_name.as_deref())?,
            zero_init: config.zero_init,

    /// Returns a `Class` struct for `id` if such a class exists.
    /// On success, this operation can be inverted by calling `id()`.
    #[ensures(ret.is_none() -> CLASSES.lock().unwrap().iter().all(|info| != id),
              "`from_id` only fails if there is no registered `ClassInfo` with that id.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_some() -> CLASSES.lock().unwrap()[id.get() as usize - 1].id == ret.unwrap(),
              "On success, the class's info is at id - 1 in the global array of info.")]
    #[ensures(ret.is_some() -> ret.unwrap().id == id,
              "On success, the return value's id matches the argument.")]
    pub(crate) fn from_id(id: NonZeroU32) -> Option<Class> {
        let guard = CLASSES.lock().unwrap();
        if id.get() as usize <= guard.len() {
            Some(Class { id })
        } else {

    /// Returns the `Class`'s underlying `NonZeroU32` id.
    /// This operation is the inverse of `Class::from_id`.
    #[ensures(Class::from_id(ret) == Some(self),
              "We can recover the same `Class` with `Class::from_id`.")]
    pub(crate) fn id(self) -> NonZeroU32 {

    /// Returns the global `ClassInfo` for this `Class`.
    #[ensures( == self)]
    pub(crate) fn info(self) -> &'static ClassInfo {
        let guard = CLASSES.lock().unwrap();

            .get( as usize - 1)
            .expect("Class structs are only build for valid ids")

mod test {
    use proptest::bool;
    use proptest::collection::vec;
    use proptest::prelude::*;
    use proptest::sample;
    use std::alloc::Layout;
    use std::collections::VecDeque;
    use std::ffi::c_void;
    use std::ptr::NonNull;

    use crate::Class;
    use crate::ClassConfig;

    fn smoke_test() {
        let class = Class::new(ClassConfig {
            name: Some("alloc_smoke".into()),
            layout: Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).expect("layout should build"),
            zero_init: true,
            mapper_name: None,
        .expect("Class should build");

        let p0 = class.allocate().expect("Should allocate");
        let p1 = class.allocate().expect("Should allocate");


        let p2 = class.allocate().expect("Should allocate");


    // Keep allocating / deallocating from the same class.  This
    // should help us trigger magazine refilling logic.
    fn back_to_back() {
        let class = Class::new(ClassConfig {
            name: Some("alloc_push_pop".into()),
            layout: Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).expect("layout should build"),
            zero_init: true,
            mapper_name: None,
        .expect("Class should build");

        let size = 8;

        for _ in 0..100 {
            let allocated = class.allocate().expect("Should allocate");

            let ptr = allocated.as_ptr() as *mut u8;
            // Fresh allocations should always be zero-filled.
            assert_eq!(unsafe { std::ptr::read(ptr) }, 0);
            assert_eq!(unsafe { std::ptr::read(ptr.add(size - 1)) }, 0);

            // Let's now write to our allocation before releasing.
            unsafe { std::ptr::write(ptr, 42u8) };
            unsafe { std::ptr::write(ptr.add(size - 1), 42u8) };


    // Allocate and deallocate from the same class, in batches.
    fn n_back_to_back() {
        let class = Class::new(ClassConfig {
            name: Some("alloc_push_pop".into()),
            layout: Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).expect("layout should build"),
            zero_init: true,
            mapper_name: None,
        .expect("Class should build");

        let size = 8;

        for count in 1..128 {
            let mut allocations = Vec::new();

            for _ in 0..count {
                let allocated = class.allocate().expect("Should allocate");

                let ptr = allocated.as_ptr() as *mut u8;
                // Fresh allocations should always be zero-filled.
                assert_eq!(unsafe { std::ptr::read(ptr) }, 0);
                assert_eq!(unsafe { std::ptr::read(ptr.add(size - 1)) }, 0);

                // Let's now write to our allocation before releasing.
                unsafe { std::ptr::write(ptr, 42u8) };
                unsafe { std::ptr::write(ptr.add(size - 1), 42u8) };


            for allocation in allocations {

    // Returns true iff that `new` isn't in `current`.
    fn check_new_allocation(current: &[NonNull<c_void>], new: NonNull<c_void>) -> bool {
        current.iter().all(|x| x.as_ptr() != new.as_ptr())

    proptest! {
        // Bulk allocate, then deallocate and re-allocate in random-ish order.
        fn random_order(indices in vec(0..20usize, 1..50)) {
            use std::collections::HashSet;

            let class = Class::new(ClassConfig {
                name: Some("random".into()),
                layout: Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).expect("layout should build"),
                zero_init: false,
                mapper_name: None,
            .expect("Class should build");

            // If a slot is None, we will allocate in there the next
            // time we hit it.  If it holds a `NonNull`, we will
            // instead consume and free its contents.
            // Let the vec leak because we do not want to drop its
            // contents on panic.
            let slots: &mut Vec<Option<NonNull<c_void>>> = Box::leak(Box::new(Vec::new()));

            // Initialise with 20 allocations.
            slots.resize_with(20, || class.allocate());

            // Make sure all the allocations are unique.
            prop_assert!(slots.len() ==
                         .map(|x| x.expect("alloc should succeed").as_ptr())
            for index in indices.iter().cloned() {
                if let Some(alloc) = slots[index].take() {
                } else {
                    let new_alloc = class.allocate();


                    let fresh = slots.iter().all(|x| {
                        match x {
                            Some(p) => p.as_ptr() != new_alloc.unwrap().as_ptr(),
                            None => true,
                    slots[index] = new_alloc;

            for slot in slots.iter_mut() {
                if let Some(freed) = slot.take() {

            // Reacquire the vector to avoid leaking on success.
            unsafe { Box::from_raw(slots as *mut _); }

        // Allocate and deallocate in random-ish order from two classes.
        fn random_order_two_classes(indices in vec((0..10usize, 0..2usize), 1..50)) {
            let classes = vec![
                Class::new(ClassConfig {
                    name: Some("random_class_1".into()),
                    layout: Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).expect("layout should build"),
                    zero_init: true,
                    mapper_name: None,
                }).expect("Class should build"),
                Class::new(ClassConfig {
                    name: Some("random_class_2".into()),
                    layout: Layout::from_size_align(16, 8).expect("layout should build"),
                    zero_init: false,
                    mapper_name: None,
                }).expect("Class should build"),

            // If a slot is None, we will allocate in there the next
            // time we hit it.  If it holds a `NonNull`, we will
            // instead consume and free its contents.
            let slots: &mut Vec<Option<(NonNull<c_void>, Class)>> = Box::leak(Box::new(Vec::new()));

            slots.resize(20, None);
            for (index, class_id) in indices.iter().cloned() {
                if let Some((alloc, class)) = slots[index].take() {
                    unsafe { std::ptr::write_bytes(alloc.as_ptr() as *mut u8, 42, 1); }
                } else {
                    let class = classes[class_id];
                    let new_alloc = class.allocate();

                    if class_id == 0 {
                        prop_assert_eq!(unsafe { std::ptr::read(new_alloc.as_ref().unwrap().as_ptr() as *const u8) }, 0);

                    let fresh = slots.iter().all(|x| {
                        match x {
                            Some((p, _)) => p.as_ptr() != new_alloc.unwrap().as_ptr(),
                            None => true,

                    slots[index] = Some((new_alloc.unwrap(), class));

            for slot in slots.iter_mut() {
                if let Some((freed, class)) = slot.take() {

            unsafe { Box::from_raw(slots as *mut _); }

        // Check that we can correctly allocate and deallocate in stack order.
        fn lifo(push_pop in vec(bool::ANY, 2..50)) {
            let class = Class::new(ClassConfig {
                name: Some("lifo".into()),
                layout: Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).expect("layout should build"),
                zero_init: true,
                mapper_name: None,
            .expect("Class should build");

            let stack: &mut Vec<NonNull<c_void>> = Box::leak(Box::new(Vec::new()));

            for alloc in push_pop.iter().cloned() {
                if alloc {
                    let new_alloc = class.allocate();

                    prop_assert_ne!(new_alloc, None);
                    let block = new_alloc.unwrap();

                    prop_assert!(check_new_allocation(&stack, block));
                    prop_assert_eq!(unsafe { std::ptr::read(block.as_ptr() as *const u8) }, 0);

                } else if let Some(freed) = stack.pop() {
                    unsafe { std::ptr::write_bytes(freed.as_ptr() as *mut u8, 42, 1); }

            while let Some(freed) = stack.pop() {

            unsafe { Box::from_raw(stack as *mut _); }

        // Check that we can correctly allocate and deallocate in queue order.
        fn fifo(push_pop in vec(bool::ANY, 2..50)) {
            let class = Class::new(ClassConfig {
                name: Some("lifo".into()),
                layout: Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).expect("layout should build"),
                zero_init: false,
                mapper_name: None,
            .expect("Class should build");

            let queue: &mut VecDeque<NonNull<c_void>> = Box::leak(Box::new(VecDeque::new()));

            for alloc in push_pop.iter().cloned() {
                if alloc {
                    let new_alloc = class.allocate();

                    prop_assert_ne!(new_alloc, None);
                    let block = new_alloc.unwrap();

                    prop_assert!(check_new_allocation(queue.make_contiguous(), block));
                } else if let Some(freed) = queue.pop_front() {

            while let Some(freed) = queue.pop_back() {

            unsafe { Box::from_raw(queue as *mut _); }

        // Check that we can correctly allocate and deallocate in FIFO or LIFO order.
        // 0 means allocate, -1 frees from the front, and 1 freeds from back.
        fn biendian(actions in vec(sample::select(vec![-1, 0, 1]), 2..50)) {
            let class = Class::new(ClassConfig {
                name: Some("lifo".into()),
                layout: Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).expect("layout should build"),
                zero_init: true,
                mapper_name: None,
            .expect("Class should build");

            let queue: &mut VecDeque<NonNull<c_void>> = Box::leak(Box::new(VecDeque::new()));

            for action in actions.iter().cloned() {
                if action == 0 {
                    let new_alloc = class.allocate();

                    prop_assert_ne!(new_alloc, None);
                    let block = new_alloc.unwrap();

                    prop_assert!(check_new_allocation(queue.make_contiguous(), block));
                    prop_assert_eq!(unsafe { std::ptr::read(block.as_ptr() as *const u8) }, 0);
                } else if action == -1 {
                    if let Some(freed) = queue.pop_front() {
                        unsafe { std::ptr::write_bytes(freed.as_ptr() as *mut u8, 42, 1); }
                } else if let Some(freed) = queue.pop_back() {
                    unsafe { std::ptr::write_bytes(freed.as_ptr() as *mut u8, 42, 1); }

            while let Some(freed) = queue.pop_back() {

            unsafe { Box::from_raw(queue as *mut _); }