slice_queue 0.1.5

This library provides an VecDeque for efficient working with (byte-)slices

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Welcome to my slice_queue-library 🎊

What this library is:

This library provides a optimized queue for efficient working with (byte-)slices. It allows you to

  • efficiently push an arbitrary amount of elements by either consuming them or by cloning them from a slice (if the type supports the Clone trait)
  • efficiently push an arbitrary amount of elements by either consuming them or by cloning/copying them from a slice (if the type supports the Clone/Copy trait)
  • efficiently pop an arbitrary amount of elements from the front
  • access the underlying buffer directly by either using peek* methods or by using (range-)indices
  • dereference the SliceQueue<T> like it's a Vec<T> (which usually results in a slice)

Important: If you use the feature fast_unsafe_code, we use some raw-memory-access and -management to speed things up. Especially if you work a lot of Copy-types, this may improve the performance drastically. This feature is disabled by default.

Build Documentation and Library:

To build and open the documentation, go into the project's root-directory and run cargo doc --release --open

To build this library, change into the projects root-directory and run cargo build --release; you can find the build in target/release.