sharded-slab 0.1.4

A lock-free concurrent slab.
<a name="0.1.4"></a>
### 0.1.4 (2021-10-12)

#### Features

*   emit a nicer panic when thread count overflows `MAX_SHARDS` (#64) ([f1ed058a]

<a name="0.1.3"></a>
### 0.1.3 (2021-08-02)

#### Bug Fixes

*   set up MSRV in CI (#61) ([dfcc9080], closes [#60]
* **tests:**  duplicate `hint` mod defs with loom ([0ce3fd91]

<a name="0.1.2"></a>
### 0.1.2 (2021-08-01)

#### Bug Fixes

*   make debug assertions drop safe ([26d35a69]

#### Features

*   improve panics on thread ID bit exhaustion ([9ecb8e61]

<a name="0.1.1"></a>
## 0.1.1 (2021-1-4)

#### Bug Fixes

* change `loom` to an optional dependency ([9bd442b5]

<a name="0.1.0"></a>
## 0.1.0 (2020-10-20)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fix `remove` and `clear` returning true when the key is stale ([b52d38b2]

#### Breaking Changes

* **Pool:**  change `Pool::create` to return a mutable guard (#48) ([778065ea], closes [#41], [#16]
* **Slab:**  rename `Guard` to `Entry` for consistency ([425ad398]

#### Features

*   add missing `Debug` impls ([71a8883f]
* **Pool:**
  *  add `Pool::create_owned` and `OwnedRefMut` ([f7774ae0]
  *  add `Arc<Pool>::get_owned` and `OwnedRef` ([3e566d91], closes [#29]
  *  change `Pool::create` to return a mutable guard (#48) ([778065ea], closes [#41], [#16]
* **Slab:**
  *  add `Arc<Slab>::get_owned` and `OwnedEntry` ([53a970a2], closes [#29]
  *  rename `Guard` to `Entry` for consistency ([425ad398]
  *  add `slab`-style `VacantEntry` API ([6776590a], closes [#16]

#### Performance

*   allocate shard metadata lazily (#45) ([e543a06d]

<a name="0.0.9"></a>
### 0.0.9 (2020-04-03)

#### Features

* **Config:**  validate concurrent refs ([9b32af58]9b32af58, closes [#21]21)
* **Pool:**
  *  add `fmt::Debug` impl for `Pool` ([ffa5c7a0]ffa5c7a0)
  *  add `Default` impl for `Pool` ([d2399365]d2399365)
  *  add a sharded object pool for reusing heap allocations (#19) ([89734508]89734508, closes [#2]2, [#15]15)
* **Slab::take:**  add exponential backoff when spinning ([6b743a27]6b743a27)

#### Bug Fixes

*   incorrect wrapping when overflowing maximum ref count ([aea693f3]aea693f3, closes [#22]22)

<a name="0.0.8"></a>
### 0.0.8 (2020-01-31)

#### Bug Fixes

*   `remove` not adding slots to free lists ([dfdd7aee]dfdd7aee)

<a name="0.0.7"></a>
### 0.0.7 (2019-12-06)

#### Bug Fixes

* **Config:**  compensate for 0 being a valid TID ([b601f5d9]b601f5d9)
* **DefaultConfig:**
  *  const overflow on 32-bit ([74d42dd1]74d42dd1, closes [#10]10)
  *  wasted bit patterns on 64-bit ([8cf33f66]8cf33f66)

<a name="0.0.6"></a>
## 0.0.6 (2019-11-08)

#### Features

* **Guard:**  expose `key` method #8 ([748bf39b]748bf39b)

<a name="0.0.5"></a>
## 0.0.5 (2019-10-31)

#### Performance

*   consolidate per-slot state into one AtomicUsize (#6) ([f1146d33]f1146d33)

#### Features

*   add Default impl for Slab ([61bb3316]61bb3316)

<a name="0.0.4"></a>
## 0.0.4 (2019-21-30)

#### Features

*   prevent items from being removed while concurrently accessed ([872c81d1]872c81d1)
*   added `Slab::remove` method that marks an item to be removed when the last thread
    accessing it finishes ([872c81d1]872c81d1)

#### Bug Fixes

*   nicer handling of races in remove ([475d9a06]475d9a06)

#### Breaking Changes

*   renamed `Slab::remove` to `Slab::take` ([872c81d1]872c81d1)
*   `Slab::get` now returns a `Guard` type ([872c81d1]872c81d1)

<a name="0.0.3"></a>
## 0.0.3 (2019-07-30)

#### Bug Fixes

*   split local/remote to fix false sharing & potential races ([69f95fb0]69f95fb0)
*   set next pointer _before_ head ([cc7a0bf1]cc7a0bf1)

#### Breaking Changes

*   removed potentially racy `Slab::len` and `Slab::capacity` methods ([27af7d6c]27af7d6c)

<a name="0.0.2"></a>
## 0.0.2 (2019-03-30)

#### Bug Fixes

*   fix compilation failure in release mode ([617031da]617031da)

<a name="0.0.1"></a>
## 0.0.1 (2019-02-30)

- Initial release