saltyrtc-client 0.7.0

Asynchronous SaltyRTC client implementation for Rust.
//! Functionality related to Libsodium key management and encryption.

#![cfg_attr(feature="cargo-clippy", allow(new_without_default))]

use std::cmp;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::Write;

use rust_sodium::crypto::{box_, secretbox};
use rust_sodium_sys::crypto_scalarmult_base;
use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer};
use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Visitor, Error as SerdeError};

use crate::errors::{SaltyResult, SaltyError, SignalingResult, SignalingError};
use crate::helpers::{libsodium_init_or_panic};
use crate::protocol::Nonce;

/// A public key used for decrypting data.
/// Re-exported from the [`rust_sodium`](../rust_sodium/index.html) crate.
pub type PublicKey = box_::PublicKey;

/// A private key used for encrypting data.
/// Re-exported from the [`rust_sodium`](../rust_sodium/index.html) crate.
pub type PrivateKey = box_::SecretKey;

/// A symmetric key used for both encrypting and decrypting data.
/// Re-exported from the [`rust_sodium`](../rust_sodium/index.html) crate.
pub type SecretKey = secretbox::Key;

/// Create a [`PublicKey`](../type.PublicKey.html) instance from case
/// insensitive hex bytes.
pub fn public_key_from_hex_str(hex_str: &str) -> SaltyResult<PublicKey> {
    let bytes = HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE.decode(hex_str.as_bytes())
        .map_err(|_| SaltyError::Decode("Could not decode public key hex string".to_string()))?;
        .ok_or_else(|| SaltyError::Decode("Invalid public key hex string".to_string()))

/// Create a [`PrivateKey`](../type.PrivateKey.html) instance from case
/// insensitive hex bytes.
pub fn private_key_from_hex_str(hex_str: &str) -> SaltyResult<PrivateKey> {
    let bytes = HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE.decode(hex_str.as_bytes())
        .map_err(|_| SaltyError::Decode("Could not decode private key hex string".to_string()))?;
        .ok_or_else(|| SaltyError::Decode("Invalid private key hex string".to_string()))

/// Wrapper for holding a public/private key pair and encrypting/decrypting messages.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct KeyPair {
    public_key: PublicKey,
    private_key: PrivateKey,

impl KeyPair {

    /// Create a new key pair and wrap it in a `KeyPair`.
    /// ## Panics
    /// This may panic if libsodium initialization fails.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        info!("Generating new key pair");

        // Initialize libsodium if it hasn't been initialized already

        // Generate key pair
        let (pk, sk) = box_::gen_keypair();
        trace!("Public key: {:?}", pk);

        KeyPair {
            public_key: pk,
            private_key: sk,

    /// Create a new key pair from an existing private key.
    /// The private key is consumed and transferred into the `KeyPair`.
    pub fn from_private_key(private_key: PrivateKey) -> Self {
        let public_key = unsafe {
            // Use crypto_scalarmult_base as described here:
            let mut buf = [0u8; box_::PUBLICKEYBYTES];
            crypto_scalarmult_base(buf.as_mut_ptr(), private_key.0.as_ptr());
        KeyPair { public_key, private_key }

    /// Create a new key pair from an existing public and private key.
    /// The two keys are consumed and transferred into the `KeyPair`.
    pub fn from_keypair(public_key: PublicKey, private_key: PrivateKey) -> Self {
        KeyPair { public_key, private_key }

    /// Return a reference to the public key.
    pub fn public_key(&self) -> &PublicKey {

    /// Return the public key as hex-encoded string.
    pub fn public_key_hex(&self) -> String {

    /// Return a reference to the private key.
    /// Warning: Be careful with this! The only reason to access the private
    /// key is probably to be able to restore it when working with trusted keys.
    pub fn private_key(&self) -> &PrivateKey {

    /// Return the private key as hex-encoded string.
    /// Warning: Be careful with this! The only reason to access the private
    /// key is probably to be able to restore it when working with trusted keys.
    pub fn private_key_hex(&self) -> String {

    /// Encrypt data for the specified public key with the private key.
    pub(crate) fn encrypt(&self, data: &[u8], nonce: Nonce, other_key: &PublicKey) -> Vec<u8> {
        let rust_sodium_nonce: box_::Nonce = nonce.into();
        box_::seal(data, &rust_sodium_nonce, other_key, &self.private_key)

    /// Decrypt data using the specified public key with the own private key.
    /// If decryption succeeds, the decrypted bytes are returned. Otherwise, a
    /// [`SignalingError::Crypto`](../enum.SignalingError.html#variant.Crypto)
    /// is returned.
    pub(crate) fn decrypt(&self, data: &[u8], nonce: Nonce, other_key: &PublicKey) -> SignalingResult<Vec<u8>> {
        let rust_sodium_nonce: box_::Nonce = nonce.into();
        box_::open(data, &rust_sodium_nonce, other_key, &self.private_key)
            .map_err(|_| SignalingError::Crypto("Could not decrypt data".to_string()))


/// Wrapper for holding an auth token and encrypting / decrypting messages.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct AuthToken(SecretKey);

impl AuthToken {

    /// Create a new auth token.
    /// This can fail only if libsodium initialization fails.
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        info!("Generating new auth token");

        // Initialize libsodium if it hasn't been initialized already

        // Generate key pair
        let key = secretbox::gen_key();


    /// Create an `AuthToken` instance from hex bytes.
    pub fn from_hex_str(hex_str: &str) -> SaltyResult<Self> {
        let bytes = HEXLOWER_PERMISSIVE.decode(hex_str.as_bytes())
            .map_err(|e| SaltyError::Decode(format!("Could not decode auth token hex string: {}", e)))?;
        let key = SecretKey::from_slice(&bytes)
            .ok_or_else(|| SaltyError::Decode("Invalid auth token hex string".to_string()))?;

    /// Create an `AuthToken` instance from a 32 byte slice.
    pub fn from_slice(hex_str: &[u8]) -> SaltyResult<Self> {
        if hex_str.len() != 32 {
            return Err(SaltyError::Decode(
                "Invalid auth token bytes: Slice must be 32 bytes long".into()
        let key = SecretKey::from_slice(hex_str)
            .ok_or_else(|| SaltyError::Decode(
                "Invalid auth token bytes: Could not create SecretKey".into()

    /// Return a reference to the secret key.
    pub fn secret_key(&self) -> &SecretKey {

    /// Return a reference to the secret key bytes.
    pub fn secret_key_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {

    /// Encrypt data with the secret key.
    pub(crate) fn encrypt(&self, plaintext: &[u8], nonce: Nonce) -> Vec<u8> {
        let rust_sodium_nonce: secretbox::Nonce = nonce.into();
        secretbox::seal(plaintext, &rust_sodium_nonce, self.secret_key())

    /// Decrypt data with the secret key.
    /// If decryption succeeds, the decrypted bytes are returned. Otherwise, a
    /// [`SignalingError::Crypto`](../enum.SignalingError.html#variant.Crypto)
    /// is returned.
    pub(crate) fn decrypt(&self, ciphertext: &[u8], nonce: Nonce) -> SignalingResult<Vec<u8>> {
        let rust_sodium_nonce: secretbox::Nonce = nonce.into();
        secretbox::open(ciphertext, &rust_sodium_nonce, self.secret_key())
            .map_err(|_| SignalingError::Crypto("Could not decrypt data".to_string()))


/// The number of bytes in the [`SignedKeys`](struct.SignedKeys.html) array.
const SIGNED_KEYS_BYTES: usize = 2 * box_::PUBLICKEYBYTES + box_::MACBYTES;

/// A pair of not-yet-signed keys used in the [`ServerAuth`](../messages/struct.ServerAuth.html)
/// message.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct UnsignedKeys {
    pub server_public_session_key: PublicKey,
    pub client_public_permanent_key: PublicKey,

impl UnsignedKeys {
    pub fn new(server_public_session_key: PublicKey, client_public_permanent_key: PublicKey) -> Self {
        Self { server_public_session_key, client_public_permanent_key }

    /// Sign the server public session key and the client public permanent key.
    /// This is only used in testing.
    pub(crate) fn sign(
        server_session_keypair: &KeyPair,
        client_public_permanent_key: &PublicKey,
        nonce: Nonce,
    ) -> SignedKeys {
        let mut bytes = [0u8; 64];
        (&mut bytes[0..32]).write_all(&self.server_public_session_key.0).unwrap();
        (&mut bytes[32..64]).write_all(&self.client_public_permanent_key.0).unwrap();
        let rust_sodium_nonce: box_::Nonce = nonce.into();
        let vec = box_::seal(
        assert_eq!(vec.len(), SIGNED_KEYS_BYTES);
        let mut encrypted = [0u8; SIGNED_KEYS_BYTES];
        (&mut encrypted[..]).write_all(&vec).unwrap();

/// Concatenated signed keys used in the [`ServerAuth`](../messages/struct.ServerAuth.html)
/// message.
pub struct SignedKeys([u8; SIGNED_KEYS_BYTES]);

impl SignedKeys {
    pub fn new(bytes: [u8; SIGNED_KEYS_BYTES]) -> Self {

    pub(crate) fn decrypt(
        permanent_key: &KeyPair,
        server_public_permanent_key: &PublicKey,
        nonce: Nonce,
    ) -> SignalingResult<UnsignedKeys> {
        // Decrypt bytes
        let rust_sodium_nonce: box_::Nonce = nonce.into();
        let decrypted = box_::open(
        ).map_err(|_| SignalingError::Crypto("Could not decrypt signed keys".to_string()))?;
        assert_eq!(decrypted.len(), 32 * 2);

/// Implementation required because Clone cannot be derived for `[u8; 80]` on
/// Rust < 1.21.
impl Clone for SignedKeys {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

/// Implementation required because Debug cannot be derived for `[u8; 80]`.
impl fmt::Debug for SignedKeys {
    fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {

/// Implementation required because `PartialEq` cannot be derived for `[u8; 80]`.
impl cmp::PartialEq<SignedKeys> for SignedKeys {
    fn eq(&self, other: &SignedKeys) -> bool {

/// Waiting for
impl Serialize for SignedKeys {
    fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
            where S: Serializer {

/// Visitor used to serialize the [`SignedKeys`](struct.SignedKeys.html)
/// struct with Serde.
struct SignedKeysVisitor;

impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for SignedKeysVisitor {
    type Value = SignedKeys;

    fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        formatter.write_str("80 bytes of binary data")

    fn visit_bytes<E>(self, v: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Value, E> where E: SerdeError {
        if v.len() != SIGNED_KEYS_BYTES {
            return Err(SerdeError::invalid_length(v.len(), &self));
            v[ 0], v[ 1], v[ 2], v[ 3], v[ 4], v[ 5], v[ 6], v[ 7],
            v[ 8], v[ 9], v[10], v[11], v[12], v[13], v[14], v[15],
            v[16], v[17], v[18], v[19], v[20], v[21], v[22], v[23],
            v[24], v[25], v[26], v[27], v[28], v[29], v[30], v[31],
            v[32], v[33], v[34], v[35], v[36], v[37], v[38], v[39],
            v[40], v[41], v[42], v[43], v[44], v[45], v[46], v[47],
            v[48], v[49], v[50], v[51], v[52], v[53], v[54], v[55],
            v[56], v[57], v[58], v[59], v[60], v[61], v[62], v[63],
            v[64], v[65], v[66], v[67], v[68], v[69], v[70], v[71],
            v[72], v[73], v[74], v[75], v[76], v[77], v[78], v[79],

    fn visit_byte_buf<E>(self, v: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self::Value, E> where E: SerdeError {

/// Waiting for
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for SignedKeys {
    fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
            where D: Deserializer<'de> {

use crate::test_helpers::TestRandom;
impl TestRandom for PublicKey {
    fn random() -> PublicKey {
        use rust_sodium::randombytes::randombytes_into;
        let mut rand = [0; 32];
        randombytes_into(&mut rand);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn new() {
        for _ in 0..255 {
            let ks1 = KeyPair::new();
            let ks2 = KeyPair::new();
            assert_ne!(ks1.public_key(), ks2.public_key());
            assert_ne!(ks1.private_key(), ks2.private_key());
            assert_ne!(ks1, ks2);

    fn from_private_key() {
        for _ in 0..255 {
            let ks1 = KeyPair::new();
            let ks2 = KeyPair::from_private_key(ks1.private_key().clone());
            assert_eq!(ks1.public_key(), ks2.public_key());

    fn from_keypair() {
        for _ in 0..255 {
            let ks1 = KeyPair::new();
            let ks2 = KeyPair::new();
            let ks3 = KeyPair::from_keypair(ks1.public_key().clone(), ks1.private_key().clone());
            assert_ne!(ks1, ks2);
            assert_ne!(ks2, ks3);
            assert_eq!(ks1, ks3);

    /// Test the `KeyPair::from_private_key` method against a precomputed
    /// public/private key pair.
    fn from_private_key_precomputed() {
        let sk_hex = b"8bb6b6ae1497bf0288e6f82923e8875f2fdeab2ab6833e770182b35936232af9";
        let sk_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(sk_hex).unwrap();
        let sk = PrivateKey::from_slice(&sk_bytes).unwrap();
        let ks = KeyPair::from_private_key(sk);

    /// Test the `KeyPair::encrypt` method against a precomputed
    /// value. The value of the encrypted bytes was computed using
    /// tweetnacl-js.
    fn encrypt_precomputed() {
        let sk_hex = b"8bb6b6ae1497bf0288e6f82923e8875f2fdeab2ab6833e770182b35936232af9";
        let sk_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(sk_hex).unwrap();
        let sk = PrivateKey::from_slice(&sk_bytes).unwrap();

        let other_key_hex = b"424291495954d3fa8ffbcecc99b208f49016096ef84dffe33355cbc1f0348b20";
        let other_key_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(other_key_hex).unwrap();
        let other_key = PublicKey::from_slice(&other_key_bytes).unwrap();

        let nonce_hex = b"fe381c4bdb8bfc2a27d2c9a6485113e7638613ffb02b3747";
        let nonce_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(nonce_hex).unwrap();
        let nonce = Nonce::from_bytes(&nonce_bytes).unwrap();

        let ks = KeyPair::from_private_key(sk);

        let plaintext = b"hello";
        let encrypted = ks.encrypt(plaintext, nonce, &other_key);
        let encrypted_hex = HEXLOWER.encode(&encrypted);
        assert_eq!(encrypted_hex, "687f2cb605d80a0660bacb2c6ce6e076591b58f9c9");

    /// Test the `KeyPair::decrypt` method.
    fn decrypt_precomputed() {
        let sk_hex = b"717284c21d52489ddd8afa1adda32fa332cb0410b72ef83b415314cb12521bfe";
        let sk_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(sk_hex).unwrap();
        let sk = PrivateKey::from_slice(&sk_bytes).unwrap();

        let other_key_hex = b"133798235bc42d37ce009b4b202cfe08bfd133c8e6eea75037fabb88f01fd959";
        let other_key_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(other_key_hex).unwrap();
        let other_key = PublicKey::from_slice(&other_key_bytes).unwrap();

        let nonce_hex = b"fe381c4bdb8bfc2a27d2c9a6485113e7638613ffb02b3747";
        let nonce_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(nonce_hex).unwrap();
        let nonce = Nonce::from_bytes(&nonce_bytes).unwrap();

        let ks = KeyPair::from_private_key(sk);

        // This should succeed
        let good_ciphertext_hex = b"687f2cb605d80a0660bacb2c6ce6e076591b58f9c9";
        let good_ciphertext_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(good_ciphertext_hex).unwrap();
        let decrypted_good = ks.decrypt(&good_ciphertext_bytes, nonce, &other_key);
        assert_eq!(decrypted_good.unwrap(), b"hello".to_vec());

        // This should fail
        let mut bad_ciphertext_bytes = good_ciphertext_bytes.clone();
        bad_ciphertext_bytes[0] += 1;
        let nonce = Nonce::from_bytes(&nonce_bytes).unwrap();
        let decrypted_bad = ks.decrypt(&bad_ciphertext_bytes, nonce, &other_key);
        let error = decrypted_bad.unwrap_err();
        assert_eq!(format!("{}", error), "Crypto error: Could not decrypt data");

    /// Test the `AuthToken::from_hex_str` method.
    fn auth_token_from_hex_str() {
        let invalid_hex = "foobar";
        let res1 = AuthToken::from_hex_str(&invalid_hex);
        assert_eq!(res1, Err(SaltyError::Decode("Could not decode auth token hex string: invalid symbol at 1".into())));

        let invalid_key = "012345ab";
        let res2 = AuthToken::from_hex_str(&invalid_key);
        assert_eq!(res2, Err(SaltyError::Decode("Invalid auth token hex string".into())));

        let valid_key = "53459fb52fdeeb74103a2932a5eff8095ea1efbaf657f2181722c4e61e6f7e79";
        let res3 = AuthToken::from_hex_str(&valid_key);
        let _ = res3.unwrap();

    /// Test the `AuthToken::from_slice` method.
    fn auth_token_from_slice() {
        let too_short = [0; 31];
        let res1 = AuthToken::from_slice(&too_short);
        assert_eq!(res1, Err(SaltyError::Decode("Invalid auth token bytes: Slice must be 32 bytes long".into())));

        let valid_token = [1; 32];
        let res2 = AuthToken::from_slice(&valid_token);
        let _ = res2.unwrap();

    /// Make sure that the AuthToken is zeroed on drop.
    fn auth_token_zero_on_drop() {
        use std::borrow::Borrow;

        // Create auth token
        let token = Box::new(AuthToken::from_hex_str("2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a2a").unwrap());

        // Copy token bytes and create a zeroed array for comparison
        let token_bytes = (token.0).0;
        let zero_bytes = [0; 32];

        // Get and dereference pointer to token
        let ptr = token.borrow() as *const AuthToken;
        println!("Old data is {:?}", &token_bytes);
        println!("Pointer address is {:?}", ptr);
        let deref1: &AuthToken = unsafe { &*ptr };
        println!("Deref1 data is {:?}", &(deref1.0).0);
        assert_eq!((deref1.0).0, token_bytes);
        assert_ne!((deref1.0).0, zero_bytes);

        // Drop auth token

        // Dereference pointer to token again
        println!("Pointer address is {:?}", ptr);
        let deref2: &AuthToken = unsafe { &*ptr };
        println!("Deref2 data is {:?}", &(deref2.0).0);
        assert_ne!((deref2.0).0, token_bytes);
        // Note: After the token bytes are zeroed, it seems that Rust already
        // puts new data at that memory address. Therefore the following call
        // fails. Disable it until we find a solution to test this.
        //assert_eq!((deref2.0).0, zero_bytes);

    fn unsigned_keys_sign_decrypt() {
        // Create keypairs
        let kp_server = KeyPair::new();
        let kp_client = KeyPair::new();

        // Create nonce
        let nonce_hex = b"fe381c4bdb8bfc2a27d2c9a6485113e7638613ffb02b3747";
        let nonce_bytes = HEXLOWER.decode(nonce_hex).unwrap();
        let nonce = Nonce::from_bytes(&nonce_bytes).unwrap();

        // Sign keys
        let unsigned = UnsignedKeys::new(
        let signed = unsigned.clone().sign(
            unsafe { nonce.clone() },

        // Decrypt directly with libsodium
        let decrypted = box_::open(
            &{ unsafe { nonce.clone() } }.into(),
        assert_eq!(decrypted.len(), 2 * 32);
        assert_eq!(&decrypted[0..32], &kp_server.public_key().0);
        assert_eq!(&decrypted[32..64], &kp_client.public_key().0);

        // Decrypt through the `decrypt` method
        let unsigned2 = signed.decrypt(&kp_client, kp_server.public_key(), nonce).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(unsigned, unsigned2);