saltyrtc-client 0.7.0

Asynchronous SaltyRTC client implementation for Rust.
//! Task related types.
//! A SaltyRTC task is a protocol extension to this protocol that will be
//! negotiated during the client-to-client authentication phase. Once a task
//! has been negotiated and the authentication is complete, the task protocol
//! defines further procedures, messages, etc.
//! All tasks need to implement the [`Task`](trait.Task.html) trait.

use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::iter::IntoIterator;

use failure::Error;
use futures::sync::mpsc::{UnboundedSender, UnboundedReceiver};
use futures::sync::oneshot::Sender as OneshotSender;
use mopa::{Any, mopafy};
use rmpv::Value;

use crate::CloseCode;

/// A type alias for a boxed task.
pub type BoxedTask = Box<dyn Task + Send>;

/// An interface that needs to be implemented by every signaling task.
/// A task defines how data is exchanged after the server- and peer-handshake
/// have been completed.
/// ## Communication Client ↔ Task
/// The primary communication between the client and a task is through the
/// channels passed to the `start` method:
/// - `outgoing_tx`: This is the sending end for outgoing task / application /
///   close messages. The task should put messages that the user wants to send
///   through the established connection into this outgoing channel sender.
/// - `incoming_rx`: This is the receiving end for incoming task / application /
///   close messages. The task should take messages from this incoming channel
///   receiver and pass them to the user.
/// - `disconnect_tx`: This oneshot channel is used to give the task a way to
///   close the connection.
/// Depending on the task specification, application messages may be passed to
/// the user or may be discarded.
pub trait Task : Debug + Any {

    /// Initialize the task with the task data from the peer, sent in the `Auth` message.
    /// The task should keep track internally whether it has been initialized or not.
    fn init(&mut self, data: &Option<HashMap<String, Value>>) -> Result<(), Error>;

    /// Used by the signaling class to notify task that the peer handshake is done.
    /// This is the point where the task can take over.
    fn start(&mut self,
             outgoing_tx: UnboundedSender<TaskMessage>,
             incoming_rx: UnboundedReceiver<TaskMessage>,
             disconnect_tx: OneshotSender<Option<CloseCode>>);

    /// Return supported message types.
    /// Incoming messages with accepted types will be passed to the task.
    /// Otherwise, the message is dropped.
    /// TODO: Implement this
    fn supported_types(&self) -> &'static [&'static str];

    /// Send bytes through the task signaling channel.
    /// This method should only be called after the handover.
    /// Note that the data passed in to this method should *not* already be
    /// encrypted. Otherwise, data will be encrypted twice.
    fn send_signaling_message(&self, payload: &[u8]);

    /// Return the task protocol name.
    fn name(&self) -> Cow<'static, str>;

    /// Return the task data used for negotiation in the `auth` message.
    fn data(&self) -> Option<HashMap<String, Value>>;

    /// This method can be called by the user to close the connection.
    fn close(&mut self, reason: CloseCode);


/// A set of task boxes.
/// This data structure wraps the vector and ensures
/// that an empty tasks list cannot be created.
pub(crate) struct Tasks(pub(crate) Vec<BoxedTask>);

impl Tasks {
    pub(crate) fn new(task: BoxedTask) -> Self {

    /// Create a `Tasks` instance from a vector.
    /// This may fail if the tasks vector is empty.
    pub(crate) fn from_vec(tasks: Vec<BoxedTask>) -> Result<Tasks, &'static str> {
        if tasks.is_empty() {
            return Err("Tasks vector may not be empty");

    /// Add a task.
    /// This may fail if a task with the same `.name()` already exists.
    pub(crate) fn add_task(&mut self, task: BoxedTask) -> Result<&mut Self, String> {
        if self.0.iter().any(|t| == {
            return Err(format!("Task with name \"{}\" cannot be added twice",;

    /// Return the number of registered tasks.
    pub(crate) fn len(&self) -> usize {

    /// Choose the first task in our own list of supported tasks that is also contained in the list
    /// of supported tasks provided by the peer.
    pub(crate) fn choose_shared_task<S: AsRef<str>>(self, tasks: &[S]) -> Option<BoxedTask> {
        for task in self.0 {
            if tasks.iter().any(|p| p.as_ref() == &* {
                return Some(task);

impl IntoIterator for Tasks {
    type Item = BoxedTask;
    type IntoIter = ::std::vec::IntoIter<BoxedTask>;

    /// Return an iterator over the tasks.
    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

/// A task may either send an arbitrary value, an `Application` message or a `Close` message.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum TaskMessage {
    /// Arbitrary maps can be sent over the encrypted channel,
    /// as long as they contain a `type` key.
    Value(HashMap<String, Value>),

    /// Application messages allow user applications to send simple control
    /// messages or early data without having to modify an existing task.

    /// Close messages should be triggered by the task,
    /// when the user application requests to disconnect,
    /// or by the signaling, when the peer sends a 'close' message.

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::test_helpers::DummyTask;

    fn create_tasks() {
        let t1 = Box::new(DummyTask::new(1));
        let t2 = Box::new(DummyTask::new(2));
        let t3 = Box::new(DummyTask::new(3));

        let mut tasks = Tasks::new(t1);
        assert_eq!(tasks.len(), 1);
        assert_eq!(tasks.len(), 3);

        let err = tasks.add_task(t3).unwrap_err();
        assert_eq!(err, "Task with name \"dummy.3\" cannot be added twice".to_string());
        assert_eq!(tasks.len(), 3);

    fn choose_shared_task() {
        fn make_tasks() -> Tasks {
            let t1 = Box::new(DummyTask::new(1));
            let t2 = Box::new(DummyTask::new(2));
            Tasks::from_vec(vec![t1, t2]).unwrap()

        // Parameters as static string references
        let chosen = make_tasks().choose_shared_task(&["dummy.1", "dummy.3"]).expect("No shared task found (1)");
        assert_eq!(, "dummy.1");

        // Parameters from owned strings
        let chosen = make_tasks().choose_shared_task(&vec!["dummy.2".to_string()]).expect("No shared task found (2)");
        assert_eq!(, "dummy.2");

        // Return `None` if no common task is present
        let chosen = make_tasks().choose_shared_task(&vec!["dummy.3".to_string()]);

        // Our preference wins
        let chosen = make_tasks().choose_shared_task(&["dummy.2", "dummy.1"]).expect("No shared task found (3)");
        assert_eq!(, "dummy.1");