safe_drive 0.1.3

safe_drive: Formally Specified Rust Bindings for ROS2
//! Context of ROS2.
//! A context can create `Node` and `Selector`.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use safe_drive::context::Context;
//! // Create a context.
//! let ctx = Context::new().unwrap();
//! // Create a node.
//! let node = ctx
//!     .create_node("context_rs", None, Default::default())
//!     .unwrap();
//! // Create a selector.
//! let selector = ctx.create_selector().unwrap();
//! ```

use crate::{
    node::{Node, NodeOptions},
    selector::{async_selector::SELECTOR, Selector},
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use std::{env, ffi::CString, sync::Arc};

static CONTEXT: Lazy<Mutex<Option<Arc<Context>>>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(None));

/// Context of ROS2.
pub struct Context {
    context: rcl::rcl_context_t,

impl Context {
    /// Create a new context.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use safe_drive::context::Context;
    /// // Create a context.
    /// let ctx = Context::new().unwrap();
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> Result<Arc<Self>, DynError> {

            let guard = CONTEXT.lock();
            if let Some(ctx) = guard.as_ref() {
                return Ok(ctx.clone());

        // allocate context
        let mut context = rcl::MTSafeFn::rcl_get_zero_initialized_context();

        // convert Args to Vec<*const c_ptr>
        let cstr_args: Vec<_> = env::args().map(|s| CString::new(s).unwrap()).collect();
        let args: Vec<_> = cstr_args.iter().map(|s| s.as_ptr()).collect();

        let options = InitOptions::new()?;

            let guard = rcl::MT_UNSAFE_FN.lock();

            // initialize context
                args.len() as i32,
                &mut context,

        let context = Arc::new(Context { context });
            let mut guard = CONTEXT.lock();
            *guard = Some(context.clone());


    /// Create a new node of ROS2.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use safe_drive::context::Context;
    /// // Create a context.
    /// let ctx = Context::new().unwrap();
    /// // Create a node.
    /// let node = ctx
    ///     .create_node("context_rs", None, Default::default())
    ///     .unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// # Errors
    /// - `RCLError::AlreadyInit` if the node has already be initialized, or
    /// - `RCLError::NotInit` if the given context is invalid, or
    /// - `RCLError::InvalidArgument` if any arguments are invalid, or
    /// - `RCLError::BadAlloc` if allocating memory failed, or
    /// - `RCLError::NodeInvalidName` if the name is invalid, or
    /// - `RCLError::NodeInvalidNamespace` if the namespace_ is invalid, or
    /// - `RCLError::Error` if an unspecified error occurs.
    pub fn create_node(
        self: &Arc<Self>,
        name: &str,
        namespace: Option<&str>,
        options: NodeOptions,
    ) -> RCLResult<Arc<Node>> {
        Node::new(self.clone(), name, namespace, options)

    /// Create a new selector.
    /// The selector is used to wait event and invoke callback for single threaded execution.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use safe_drive::context::Context;
    /// // Create a context.
    /// let ctx = Context::new().unwrap();
    /// // Create a selector.
    /// let selector = ctx.create_selector().unwrap();
    /// ```
    /// # Errors
    /// - `RCLError::AlreadyInit` if the wait set is not zero initialized, or
    /// - `RCLError::NotInit` if the given context is invalid, or
    /// - `RCLError::InvalidArgument` if any arguments are invalid, or
    /// - `RCLError::BadAlloc` if allocating memory failed, or
    /// - `RCLError::WaitSetInvalid` if the wait set is not destroyed properly, or
    /// - `RCLError::Error` if an unspecified error occurs.
    pub fn create_selector(self: &Arc<Self>) -> RCLResult<Selector> {

    pub(crate) fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const rcl::rcl_context_t {
        &self.context as *const _

    pub(crate) unsafe fn as_ptr_mut(&self) -> *mut rcl::rcl_context_t {
        &self.context as *const _ as *mut _

impl Drop for Context {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        rcl::MTSafeFn::rcl_shutdown(&mut self.context).unwrap();
            let guard = rcl::MT_UNSAFE_FN.lock();
            guard.rcl_context_fini(&mut self.context).unwrap();

/// Options for the initialization of the context.
pub(crate) struct InitOptions {
    options: rcl::rcl_init_options_t,

impl InitOptions {
    /// Create options to initialize a context.
    pub fn new() -> RCLResult<InitOptions> {
        // allocate options
        let mut options = rcl::MTSafeFn::rcl_get_zero_initialized_init_options();

        // initialize options
            let guard = rcl::MT_UNSAFE_FN.lock();
            guard.rcl_init_options_init(&mut options, get_allocator())?;

        Ok(InitOptions { options })

    pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const rcl::rcl_init_options_t {

    pub fn as_ptr_mut(&mut self) -> *mut rcl::rcl_init_options_t {
        &mut self.options

impl Drop for InitOptions {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let guard = rcl::MT_UNSAFE_FN.lock();

unsafe impl Sync for Context {}
unsafe impl Send for Context {}

pub(crate) extern "C" fn remove_context() {

        let mut guard = CONTEXT.lock();
        let _ = guard.take();