Crate safe_drive

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safe_drive: Formally Specified Rust Bindings for ROS2

safe_drive is a Rust bindings for ROS2. This library provides formal specifications and tested the specifications by using a model checker. Therefore, you can clearly understand how the scheduler work and the safeness of it.safe_drive is a ROS2 bindings


Some algorithms we adopted are formally specified and tested the safeness by using TLA+. Original ROS2’s executor (rclcpp) is suffering from starvation. In contrast, the starvation freedom of our executor has been validated by not only dynamic analysis but also formal verification.

See specifications.

We specified and tested as follows.

  • Async/await Scheduler
    • Deadlock freedom
    • Starvation freedom
  • Single Threaded Callback Execution
    • Deadlock freedom
    • Starvation freedom
  • Initialize Once
    • Deadlock freedom
    • Termination
    • Initialization is performed just once

Important Types


safe_drive provides single threaded and multi threaded execution methods. The single threaded execution is based on traditional callback based execution. You need to register callback functions for subscribers, servers, clients, and timers.

The multi threaded execution is performed by async/await fashion. You can choose any async/await’s runtime.

Single Threaded Execution

This code is an example of Pub/Sub.

use safe_drive::{
    context::Context, logger::Logger, msg::common_interfaces::std_msgs, pr_info,
use std::time::Duration;

// First of all, you need create a context.
let ctx = Context::new().unwrap();

// Create a publish node.
let node_pub = ctx
    .create_node("publish_node", None, Default::default())

// Create a subscribe node.
let node_sub = ctx
    .create_node("subscribe_node", None, Default::default())

// Create a publisher.
// The 2nd argument is for QoS.
// If `None` is specified to the 2nd argument, the default QoS will be used.
let publisher = node_pub
    .create_publisher::<std_msgs::msg::String>("example_topic", None)

// Create a subscriber.
let subscriber = node_sub
    .create_subscriber::<std_msgs::msg::String>("example_topic", None)

// Create a selector, which is for IO multiplexing.
let mut selector = ctx.create_selector().unwrap();

// Create loggers.
let logger_pub = Logger::new("example_publisher");
let logger_sub = Logger::new("example_subscriber");

// Add subscriber to the selector.
// The 2nd argument is a callback function.
// If data arrive, the callback will be invoked.
// The 3rd argument is used to specify the callback will be invoked only once or infinitely.
// If the 3rd argument is `true`, the callback function is invoked once and unregistered.
    Box::new(move |msg| {
        // Print the message
        pr_info!(logger_sub, "Received: msg = {}",; // Print a message.

// Create a wall timer, which invoke the callback periodically.
    "timer_name", // name of the timer
    Box::new(move || {
        let mut msg = std_msgs::msg::String::new().unwrap();"Hello, World!");
        pr_info!(logger_pub, "Send: msg = {}",; // Print a message.

// Spin.
for _ in 0..10 {

Multi Threaded Execution

This code uses async_std as a async/await’s runtime. You can use other runtime such as tokio.

use safe_drive::{
    pr_info, pr_warn,
    topic::{publisher::Publisher, subscriber::Subscriber},
use async_std::{future, prelude::*};
use std::time::Duration;

// Create a context.
let ctx = Context::new().unwrap();

// Create nodes.
let node_pub = ctx
    .create_node("publish_node_async", None, Default::default())
let node_sub = ctx
    .create_node("subscribe_node_async", None, Default::default())

// Create a publisher.
let publisher = node_pub
    .create_publisher::<std_msgs::msg::String>("example_topic_async", None)

// Create a subscriber.
let subscriber = node_sub
    .create_subscriber::<std_msgs::msg::String>("example_topic_async", None)

// Create tasks.
async_std::task::block_on(async {
    let p = async_std::task::spawn(run_publisher(publisher));
    let s = async_std::task::spawn(run_subscriber(subscriber));

/// The publisher.
async fn run_publisher(publisher: Publisher<std_msgs::msg::String>) {
    let dur = Duration::from_millis(100);
    let logger = Logger::new("example_publisher_async");
    let mut msg = std_msgs::msg::String::new().unwrap();
    for _ in 0..10 {
        // Publish a message periodically."Hello, World!");

        pr_info!(logger, "Send (async): msg = {}",;

        // Sleep 100[ms].

/// The subscriber
async fn run_subscriber(mut s: Subscriber<std_msgs::msg::String>) {
    let dur = Duration::from_millis(500);
    let logger = Logger::new("example_subscriber_async");
    loop {
        // receive a message specifying timeout of 500ms
        match future::timeout(dur, s.recv()).await {
            Ok(Ok(msg)) => {
                // received a message
                pr_info!(logger, "Received (async): msg = {}",;
            Ok(Err(e)) => panic!("{}", e), // fatal error
            Err(_) => {
                // timeout
                pr_warn!(logger, "Subscribe (async): timeout");


A Custom Memory Allocator
Context of ROS2. A context can create Node and Selector.
Errors returned by ROS2.
Logger of ROS2.
Node of ROS2. Nodes can be create by Context::create_node.
Parameter server.
QoS of ROS2.
Definitions are automatically generated by rust-bindgen from ROS2’s header files.
Selector provides functions like select or epoll. This is used to single threaded execution. For multi threaded execution, this is used internally.
Service (Client-server model).
Publish and subscribe messages.


Get the function name called this macro.
Print debug. Debug messages is not printed by default. To enable debug print, type as follows.
Print error.
Print fatal.
Print information.
Print warning.


Single-threaded container. ST<T> cannot be send to another thread and shared by multiple threads.


A type of return values of some receive functions.


After receiving SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGQUIT, or SIGHUP, this function return true. If is_halt() is true, some functions to receive or wait returns error to halt the process.