s3-server 0.2.0

An experimental generic S3 server
//! internal macros

/// lazy-initialized regex
macro_rules! static_regex {
    ($re: literal) => {{
        use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
        use regex::Regex;

        // compile-time verified regex
        const RE: &'static str = const_str::verified_regex!($re);

        static PATTERN: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| {
            Regex::new(RE).unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Invalid static regex pattern: {}", e))


/// extracts the error of a result in a function returning `Result<T, E>`
/// returns `Ok(r)` to terminate the control flow
macro_rules! try_err {
    ($ret:expr) => {
        match $ret {
            Ok(r) => return Ok(r),
            Err(e) => e,

/// extracts the value of a option in a function returning `Result<Option<T>, E>`
/// returns `Ok(None)` to terminate the control flow
macro_rules! try_some {
    ($opt:expr) => {
        match $opt {
            Some(r) => r,
            None => return Ok(None),

/// asserts a predicate is true in a function returning `bool`
/// returns `false` to terminate the control flow
macro_rules! bool_try {
    ($pred:expr) => {
        if !$pred {
            return false;

/// extracts the value of a option in a function returning `bool`
/// returns `false` to terminate the control flow
macro_rules! bool_try_some {
    ($opt:expr) => {
        match $opt {
            Some(r) => r,
            None => return false,

/// extracts the ok value of a result in a function returning `Result<T, E>` where E: From<S3Error>
/// returns an wrapped internal error to terminate the control flow
macro_rules! trace_try {
    ($ret:expr) => {
        match $ret {
            Ok(r) => r,
            Err(e) => return Err(internal_error!(e).into()),

/// Create a `S3Error` with code and message
macro_rules! code_error {
    ($code:ident, $msg:expr $(, $source:expr)?) => {
        code_error!(code = $crate::errors::S3ErrorCode::$code, $msg $(, $source)?)
    (code = $code:expr, $msg:expr $(, $source:expr)?) => {{
        let code = $code;
        let err = $crate::errors::S3Error::from_code(code).message($msg);

        $(let err = err.source($source);)?

        let err = err.finish();

            "generated s3 error: {}", err


/// Create a `NotSupported` error
macro_rules! not_supported {
    ($msg:expr) => {{
        code_error!(NotSupported, $msg)

/// Create a `InvalidRequest` error
macro_rules! invalid_request {
    ($msg:expr $(, $source:expr)?) => {{
        code_error!(InvalidRequest, $msg $(, $source)?)

/// Create a `SignatureDoesNotMatch` error
macro_rules! signature_mismatch {
    () => {{
            "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided."

/// Create an internal error
macro_rules! internal_error {
    ($e:expr) => {{
        let code = $crate::errors::S3ErrorCode::InternalError;
        let err = $crate::errors::S3Error::from_code(code)
            .message("We encountered an internal error. Please try again.")

        tracing::error!("generated internal error: {}", err);
