Expand description

An experimental generic S3 server

Public API

Type: S3Service, SharedS3Service

S3Service is the actual S3 service owner. SharedS3Service is like Arc<S3Service>.

S3Service contains internal handlers, a storage and a optional auth provider.

hyper::service::Service<Request> is implemented for SharedS3Service.

When a new tcp stream connects, the server should clone SharedS3Service, then handle each http request by S3Service::hyper_call or S3Service::handle.

An S3Service instance can be integrated into a hyper application.

See src/bin/s3-server.rs for how to setup an S3Service.

Trait: S3Storage

S3Storage is an async trait.

Each method of S3Storage represents a server-side S3 API.

S3Service extracts DTO from http request, dispatches requests to the storage and converts the output into http response.

Trait: S3Auth

S3Auth is an async trait.

An S3Auth instance provides AK/SK management.

S3Service looks up secret access keys from an auth provider and checks http signature (if any) by the AK and SK.

Internal API

Type: S3Error, S3StorageError<E>, S3AuthError

S3Error contains error code, message, error source, span trace and backtrace.

S3StorageError<E> and S3AuthError are special kinds of S3Error. They can be converted into S3Error.

See src/internal_macros.rs for how to create an S3Error by macros.

Trait: S3Handler

An S3Handler determines whether the http request matches it.

If the http request matches the handler, then the handler will be called with two arguments: &mut ReqContext<'_> and &(dyn S3Storage + Send + Sync).

Trait: S3Output

S3Output represents types which can be converted into a response.

S3Output is implemented for DTOs and results.

S3 types

S3Path represents a path in the S3 storage.

All types in src/dto.rs are data transfer objects which represent the input or output of S3 APIs.

All types in src/headers are http headers which may occur in an S3 http request.

All types in src/streams are http body streams which may occur in an S3 http request.


S3 data transfer objects

S3 errors

Common Request Headers

A path in the S3 storage.

S3 storages


S3 service

Shared S3 service

A simple authentication provider


S3 Authentication Provider

Trait representing the capabilities of the Amazon S3 API at server side.