rust-fel 0.1.2

A small library for making client-side single-page apps
//! A Rust Front-End Library.  
//! Experimental.  
//! Relies on [rustwasm](  
//! Very lightweight and does not support much of the [HTML Standard]( More work needs to be done to truly make this a viable option
//! for creating client side front-ends with [rustwasm](  
//! ### Features
//! * State Management
//! * [JSX]( -like syntax
//! * [DOM]( construction from a Virtual [DOM](
//! # Use
//! ```ignore
//! use crate::main_component::Main;
//! use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
//! extern crate rust_fel;
//! // invoked when the wasm module is instantiated
//! #[wasm_bindgen(start)]
//! pub fn main() -> Result<(), JsValue> {
//!     let main = Main::create();
//!     let app = rust_fel::App::new(main);
//!     app.mount("root");
//!     Ok(())
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! A ```rust_fel``` [struct]( component implements [rust_fel::Component](../rust_fel/trait.Component.html)
//!use crate::action::Action;
//!use crate::handle;
//!use crate::main_child::{ChildProps, MainChild};
//!use std::cell::RefCell;
//!use std::rc::Rc;
//!#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
//!pub struct MainState {
//!    count: i32,
//!pub enum Actions {
//!    Counter(Action),
//!#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
//!pub struct Main {
//!    child: handle::Handle<MainChild>,
//!    id: String,
//!    state: MainState,
//!    props: String,
//!impl Main {
//!    pub fn create() -> handle::Handle<Self> {
//!        let main = Main {
//!            id: "main".to_owned(),
//!            state: MainState {
//!                count: 0,
//!            },
//!            child: MainChild::create(),
//!            ..Default::default()
//!        };
//!        handle::Handle(Rc::new(RefCell::new(main)))
//!    }
//!impl rust_fel::Component for handle::Handle<Main> {
//!    type Properties = String;
//!    type Message = Actions;
//!    type State = MainState;
//!    fn add_props(&mut self, props: Self::Properties) {
//!        self.0.borrow_mut().props = props;
//!    }
//!    fn reduce_state(&mut self, message: Actions) {
//!        match message {
//!            Actions::Counter(Action::Increment) => self.0.borrow_mut().state.count += 100,
//!            Actions::Counter(Action::Decrement) => self.0.borrow_mut().state.count -= 100,
//!        }
//!        rust_fel::re_render(self.render(), Some(self.0.borrow().id.clone()));
//!    }
//!    fn render(&self) -> rust_fel::Element {
//!        let mut clone_for_props_closure = self.clone();
//!        let mut clone_for_inc = self.clone();
//!        let mut borrow = self.0.borrow_mut();
//!        let state = borrow.state.clone();
//!        let props_closure = Rc::new(RefCell::new(move || {
//!            clone_for_props_closure.reduce_state(Actions::Counter(Action::Decrement))
//!        }));
//!        let child_props = ChildProps {
//!            counter_props: state.count.to_string(),
//!            closure: Some(props_closure),
//!        };
//!        borrow.child.add_props(child_props);
//!        let main_text = rust_fel::html(format!(
//!            "<span | data-cy=main-text| >Main {}</span>",
//!            state.count.to_string()
//!        ));
//!        let inc_button = rust_fel::Element::new(
//!            "button".to_owned(),
//!            rust_fel::Props {
//!                text: Some("Increment".to_owned()),
//!                on_click: Some(Box::new(move || {
//!                    clone_for_inc.reduce_state(Actions::Counter(Action::Increment))
//!                })),
//!                data_cy: Some("increment-main".to_owned()),
//!                children: Some(vec![inc_button_text]),
//!                ..Default::default()
//!            },
//!        );
//!        let main_el = rust_fel::Element::new(
//!            "div".to_owned(),
//!            rust_fel::Props {
//!                class_name: Some("main-el".to_owned()),
//!                children: Some(vec![main_text, inc_button, input_wrapper]),
//!                ..Default::default()
//!            },
//!        );
//!        let child_wrapper = rust_fel::Element::new(
//!            "div".to_owned(),
//!            rust_fel::Props {
//!                class_name: Some("child-wrapper".to_owned()),
//!                children: Some(vec![borrow.child.render()]),
//!                ..Default::default()
//!            },
//!        );
//!        rust_fel::Element::new(
//!            "div".to_owned(),
//!            rust_fel::Props {
//!                id: Some(,
//!                class_name: Some("main".to_owned()),
//!                children: Some(vec![main_el, child_wrapper]),
//!                ..Default::default()
//!            },
//!        )
//!    }
//!  A ```rust_fel``` functional component with [rust_fel::html](../rust_fel/rsx/fn.html.html)
//!pub fn theme_switcher(on_click: rust_fel::ClosureProp, title: String) -> rust_fel::Element {
//!    let text = rust_fel::html(format!(
//!        "<span |class=theme-switcher-text|>{}</span>",
//!        title
//!    ));
//!    let theme_button = rust_fel::Element::new(
//!        "button".to_owned(),
//!        rust_fel::Props {
//!            on_click: Some(on_click),
//!            type_attr: Some("button".to_owned()),
//!            class_name: Some("theme-switcher-button".to_owned()),
//!            children: Some(vec![text]),
//!            data_cy: Some(title),
//!            ..Default::default()
//!        },
//!    );
//!    rust_fel::Element::new(
//!        "li".to_owned(),
//!        rust_fel::Props {
//!            children: Some(vec![theme_button]),
//!            ..Default::default()
//!        },
//!    )

#![doc(html_root_url = "")] // Must be kept in sync with Cargo.toml
/// Module containing the [rust_fel::App](../rust_fel/struct.App.html) [struct]( which mounts your ```App``` to the [DOM](
pub mod app;
/// Module containing the [rust_fel::Component](../rust_fel/trait.Component.html) trait. Necessary for state management at the [struct]( level.
pub mod component;
/// Module containing the [rust_fel::Element](../rust_fel/struct.Element.html) [struct]( which acts as a Virtual [DOM](
pub mod element;
/// Module containing the [rust_fel::Props](../rust_fel/struct.Props.html) [struct]( which allows an [rust_fel::Element](../rust_fel/struct.Element.html) to have ```properties``` and ```children```.
pub mod props;
/// Module containing the functions to ```render``` and [rust_fel::re_render](../rust_fel/fn.re_render.html) the [rust_fel::App](../rust_fel/struct.App.html).
pub mod render;
/// Module containing all the functions needed for the [rust_fel::html](../rust_fel/fn.html.html) function to create [rust_fel::Element](../rust_fel/struct.Element.html) from strings of [HTML](
pub mod rsx;

pub use crate::app::App;
pub use crate::component::Component;
pub use crate::element::Element;
pub use crate::props::{ClosureProp, Props};
pub use crate::render::re_render;
pub use crate::rsx::html;