rs-ecs 0.7.1

reasonably simple entity component system
//! A reasonably simple entity component system (ECS).
//! The design is based on [hecs]( but it is not thread-safe
//! and has a significantly reduced API surface.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! # use rs_ecs::*;
//! let mut world = World::new();
//! let entity = world.alloc();
//! world.insert(entity, (42_u32, true));
//! let entity = world.alloc();
//! world.insert(entity, (23_u32, "hello".to_string()));
//! for number in Query::<&u32>::new().borrow(&world).iter() {
//!     println!("{}", number);
//! }
//! for (_entity, number, string) in Query::<(&Entity, &u32, &String)>::new().borrow(&world).iter() {
//!     println!("{}, {}", string, number);
//! }
//! ```


mod archetype;
mod borrow_flags;
mod query;
mod resources;
mod world;

pub use crate::{
    query::{Matches, Query, QueryIter, QueryMap, QueryRef, QuerySpec, With, Without},
    resources::{Res, ResMut, Resources},
    world::{Entity, QueryOne, World},

#[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
mod rayon;

#[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
pub use crate::rayon::QueryParIter;