rs-ecs 0.7.1

reasonably simple entity component system
use std::any::TypeId;
use std::iter::FusedIterator;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::{transmute, transmute_copy, MaybeUninit};
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::slice::Iter;

use crate::{
    borrow_flags::{BorrowFlags, Ref, RefMut},
    world::{Entity, EntityMetadata, World},

#[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
use crate::rayon::QueryParIter;

/// Query to get an iterator over all entities with a certain combination of components.
/// Queries are specified through their type argument, by composing the type of their result.
/// The following type specifications are possible:
/// * `&C` - shared, immutable reference to components of type `C`
/// * `&mut C` - exclusive, mutable reference
/// * `(P, Q, R)` - combine multiple queries
/// * `Option<Q>` - optional component(s)
/// * `With<Q, C>` to filter `Q` for presence of `C`
/// * `Without<Q, C>` to filter `Q` for absence of `C`
/// * `Matches<Q> to indicate which entities match `Q`
/// Note that [Entities](Entity) are components themselves, so they can be optionally obtained in a query,
/// like `Query<Entity, &C, &mut D>`.
/// Queries are provided as stand-alone structs to allow for prepared queries that can be
/// re-used, as an optimzation. Hence, queries need to borrow the [World] before their results
/// can be iterated (see [Query::borrow]).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use rs_ecs::*;
/// let mut world = World::new();
/// let entity1 = world.alloc();
/// world.insert(entity1, (42_i32, 23_u32, 1.0_f32));
/// let entity2 = world.alloc();
/// world.insert(entity2, (0_i32, true));
/// let mut query = Query::<(&mut i32, Option<(&u32, &mut f32)>)>::new();
/// for (i, opt) in query.borrow(&world).iter() {
///     if let Some((u, f)) = opt {
///         *i += *u as i32;
///         *f += 1.0
///     } else {
///         *i -= 1;
///     }
/// }
/// assert_eq!(*world.query_one::<&i32>(entity1).unwrap().get(), 65);
/// assert_eq!(*world.query_one::<&f32>(entity1).unwrap().get(), 2.0);
/// assert_eq!(*world.query_one::<&i32>(entity2).unwrap().get(), -1);
/// ```
/// Use of a prepared query that is stored and reused for optimization:
/// ```
/// # use rs_ecs::*;
/// #[derive(Default)]
/// struct System {
///     query: Query<(&'static i32, &'static mut bool)>
/// }
/// impl System {
///     pub fn update(&mut self, world: &World) {
///         for (i, b) in self.query.borrow(world).iter() {
///             *b = *i >= 0;
///         }
///     }
/// }
/// fn main() {
///     let mut world = World::new();
///     let entity = world.alloc();
///     world.insert(entity, (23_i32, false));
///     let mut system = System::default();
///     for _ in 0..42 {
///         system.update(&world);
///     }
/// }
/// ```
pub struct Query<S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    tag_gen: (u32, u16),
    flags: Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch<'static>>::Ty>,
    comps: Box<[(u16, <S::Fetch as Fetch<'static>>::Ty)]>,
    ptrs: Box<[Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch<'static>>::Ptr>]>,

unsafe impl<S> Send for Query<S> where S: QuerySpec {}

impl<S> Default for Query<S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    /// Create a query.
    fn default() -> Self {

impl<S> Query<S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    /// Create a query.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use rs_ecs::*;
    /// let mut immutable_query = Query::<(&i32,)>::new();
    /// let mut mutable_query = Query::<(&i32, &mut bool)>::new();
    /// let mut query_with_entity = Query::<(&Entity, &i32, &mut bool)>::new();
    /// ```
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            tag_gen: Default::default(),
            flags: Default::default(),
            comps: Default::default(),
            ptrs: Default::default(),

    /// Borrow the [World] to allow for iterating the query.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use rs_ecs::*;
    /// let mut world = World::new();
    /// let mut query = Query::<(&i32, &bool)>::new();
    /// let mut borrow = query.borrow(&world);
    /// for (i, b) in borrow.iter() {
    ///     println!("{}, {}", i, b);
    /// }
    /// ```
    pub fn borrow<'w>(&'w mut self, world: &'w World) -> QueryRef<'w, S> {
        if self.tag_gen != world.tag_gen() {

        let _ref = self
            .map(|ty| unsafe { S::Fetch::borrow(&world.borrow_flags, transmute_copy(&ty)) });

        QueryRef {
            comps: unsafe { transmute(&*self.comps) },
            ptrs: unsafe { transmute(&mut *self.ptrs) },

    fn find(&mut self, world: &World) {
        self.flags = S::Fetch::find_flags(&world.borrow_flags);

        self.comps = world
            .filter_map(|(idx, archetype)| {
                S::Fetch::find_comps(archetype).map(|ty| (idx as u16, ty))

        self.ptrs = world.archetypes.iter().map(|_| None).collect();

        self.tag_gen = world.tag_gen();

/// Borrow of the [World] for a [Query]. Required to obtain an iterator.
pub struct QueryRef<'w, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    world: &'w World,
    _ref: Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch<'w>>::Ref>,
    comps: &'w [(u16, <S::Fetch as Fetch<'w>>::Ty)],
    ptrs: &'w mut [Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch<'w>>::Ptr>],

impl<S> QueryRef<'_, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    /// Visit all entities matching the query.
    pub fn for_each<'q, F>(&'q mut self, mut f: F)
        F: FnMut(<S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Item),
        let comps: &'q [(u16, <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Ty)] = unsafe { transmute(self.comps) };

        for (idx, ty) in comps {
            let archetype = &[*idx as usize];

            let ptr = unsafe { S::Fetch::base_pointer(archetype, *ty) };

            for idx in 0..archetype.len() {
                let val = unsafe { S::Fetch::deref(ptr, idx) };


    /// Create an iterator over the entities matching the query.
    pub fn iter<'q>(&'q mut self) -> QueryIter<'q, S> {
        let comps: &'q [(u16, <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Ty)] = unsafe { transmute(self.comps) };

        QueryIter {
            comps: comps.iter(),
            archetypes: &,
            idx: 0,
            len: 0,
            ptr: S::Fetch::dangling(),

    #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
    /// Create a parallel iterator over the entities matching the query.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use rs_ecs::*;
    /// # use rayon::prelude::*;
    /// use rayon::join;
    /// let mut world = World::new();
    /// let entity1 = world.alloc();
    /// world.insert(entity1, (42_i32, 23_u32, 1.0_f32));
    /// let entity2 = world.alloc();
    /// world.insert(entity2, (0_i32, true));
    /// let mut query1 = Query::<&mut i32>::new();
    /// let mut ref1 = query1.borrow(&world);
    /// let mut iter1 = ref1.iter();
    /// let mut query2 = Query::<(&u32, &mut f32)>::new();
    /// let mut ref2 = query2.borrow(&world);
    /// let mut iter2 = ref2.par_iter();
    /// join(
    ///     move || {
    ///         for i in iter1 {
    ///             *i -= 1;
    ///         }
    ///     },
    ///     move || {
    ///         iter2.for_each(|(u, f)| {
    ///             *f += *u as f32;
    ///         });
    ///     },
    /// );
    /// ```
    pub fn par_iter<'q>(&'q mut self) -> QueryParIter<'q, S>
        <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Item: Send,
        let comps: &'q [(u16, <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Ty)] = unsafe { transmute(self.comps) };

        QueryParIter::new(comps, &

    /// Create a map of the entities matching the query.
    /// This is an alternative to [get](World::get) and [get_mut](World::get_mut) for repeated calls, to amortize the set-up costs.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use rs_ecs::*;
    /// let mut world = World::new();
    /// let entity = world.alloc();
    /// world.insert(entity, (42_i32, 1.0_f32));
    /// let mut query = Query::<(&i32, &f32)>::new();
    /// let mut query = query.borrow(&world);
    /// let mut query =;
    /// let (i, f) = query.get_mut(entity).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(*i, 42);
    /// assert_eq!(*f, 1.0);
    /// ```
    pub fn map<'q>(&'q mut self) -> QueryMap<'q, S> {
        let comps: &'q [(u16, <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Ty)] = unsafe { transmute(self.comps) };

        let ptrs: &'q mut [Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Ptr>] =
            unsafe { transmute(&mut *self.ptrs) };


        for (idx, ty) in comps {
            let archetype = &[*idx as usize];

            let ptr = unsafe { S::Fetch::base_pointer(archetype, *ty) };

            ptrs[*idx as usize] = Some(ptr);

        QueryMap {
            entities: &,

/// Used to iterate through the entities which match a certain [Query].
pub struct QueryIter<'q, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    comps: Iter<'q, (u16, <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Ty)>,
    archetypes: &'q [Archetype],
    idx: u32,
    len: u32,
    ptr: <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Ptr,

unsafe impl<'q, S> Send for QueryIter<'q, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Item: Send,

impl<'q, S> Iterator for QueryIter<'q, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    type Item = <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Item;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            if self.idx != self.len {
                let val = unsafe { S::Fetch::deref(self.ptr, self.idx) };
                self.idx += 1;
                return Some(val);
            } else {
                let (idx, ty) =;
                let archetype = &self.archetypes[*idx as usize];
                self.idx = 0;
                self.len = archetype.len();
                self.ptr = unsafe { S::Fetch::base_pointer(archetype, *ty) };

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        let len = self.len();
        (len, Some(len))

impl<S> ExactSizeIterator for QueryIter<'_, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    fn len(&self) -> usize {
        let len = self
            .map(|(idx, _)| self.archetypes[*idx as usize].len())
            + self.len
            - self.idx;
        len as usize

impl<S> FusedIterator for QueryIter<'_, S> where S: QuerySpec {}

/// Provides random access to the entities which match a certain [Query].
pub struct QueryMap<'q, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    entities: &'q [EntityMetadata],
    ptrs: &'q [Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Ptr>],

unsafe impl<'q, S> Send for QueryMap<'q, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Item: Send,

unsafe impl<'q, S> Sync for QueryMap<'q, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    <S::Fetch as Fetch<'q>>::Item: Send,

impl<S> QueryMap<'_, S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    /// Access the queried components of the given [Entity]
    /// Available only if the components do not include unique references.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use rs_ecs::*;
    /// let mut world = World::new();
    /// let entity1 = world.alloc();
    /// world.insert(entity1, (42_i32, 1.0_f32));
    /// let entity2 = world.alloc();
    /// world.insert(entity2, (23_i32,));
    /// let mut query = Query::<(&i32, Option<&f32>)>::new();
    /// let mut query = query.borrow(&world);
    /// let mut query =;
    /// let (i1, f1) = query.get(entity1).unwrap();
    /// let (i2, f2) = query.get(entity2).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(*i1, 42);
    /// assert_eq!(f1.copied(), Some(1.0));
    /// assert_eq!(*i2, 23);
    /// assert_eq!(f2.copied(), None);
    /// ```
    pub fn get(&self, ent: Entity) -> Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch>::Item>
        S::Fetch: FetchShared,
        unsafe { self.get_unchecked(ent) }

    /// Exclusively access the queried components of the given [Entity]
    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, ent: Entity) -> Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch>::Item> {
        unsafe { self.get_unchecked(ent) }

    /// Exclusively access the queried component of the given distinct entities
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// # use rs_ecs::*;
    /// let mut world = World::new();
    /// let entity1 = world.alloc();
    /// world.insert(entity1, (42_i32, 1.0_f32));
    /// let entity2 = world.alloc();
    /// world.insert(entity2, (23_i32,));
    /// let mut query = Query::<&mut i32>::new();
    /// let mut query = query.borrow(&world);
    /// let mut query =;
    /// let [i1, i2] = query.get_many_mut([entity1, entity2]);
    /// assert_eq!(*i1.unwrap(), 42);
    /// assert_eq!(*i2.unwrap(), 23);
    /// ```
    pub fn get_many_mut<const N: usize>(
        &mut self,
        ent: [Entity; N],
    ) -> [Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch>::Item>; N] {
        let mut val = MaybeUninit::uninit();

        let ptr = val.as_mut_ptr() as *mut Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch>::Item>;

        for idx1 in 0..N {
            for idx2 in 0..N {
                if idx1 != idx2 {
                    assert_ne!(ent[idx1], ent[idx2], "Duplicate entity");

            unsafe {
                let val = self.get_unchecked(ent[idx1]);


        unsafe { val.assume_init() }

    unsafe fn get_unchecked<'m>(&'m self, ent: Entity) -> Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch<'m>>::Item> {
        let meta = self.entities[ as usize];
        assert_eq!(ent.gen, meta.gen, "Entity is stale");

        let ptr: &'m Option<<S::Fetch as Fetch<'m>>::Ptr> =
            transmute(self.ptrs.get_unchecked(meta.ty as usize));|ptr| S::Fetch::deref(ptr, meta.idx))

/// Type level specification of a query for a certain set of components.
pub trait QuerySpec {
    type Fetch: for<'a> Fetch<'a>;

pub unsafe trait Fetch<'q> {
    type Ty: Copy + 'static;
    type Ref;
    type Ptr: Copy + 'static;

    type Item;

    fn find_flags(borrow_flags: &BorrowFlags) -> Option<Self::Ty>;
    fn find_comps(archetype: &Archetype) -> Option<Self::Ty>;
    unsafe fn borrow(borrows: &'q BorrowFlags, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ref;
    unsafe fn base_pointer(archetype: &'q Archetype, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ptr;

    fn dangling() -> Self::Ptr;
    unsafe fn deref(ptr: Self::Ptr, idx: u32) -> Self::Item;

pub unsafe trait FetchShared {}

impl<'a, C> QuerySpec for &'a C
    C: 'static,
    type Fetch = FetchRead<C>;

pub struct FetchRead<C>(PhantomData<C>);

unsafe impl<'q, C> Fetch<'q> for FetchRead<C>
    C: 'static,
    type Ty = u16;
    type Ref = Ref<'q>;
    type Ptr = NonNull<C>;

    type Item = &'q C;

    fn find_flags(borrow_flags: &BorrowFlags) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    fn find_comps(archetype: &Archetype) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    unsafe fn borrow(borrow_flags: &'q BorrowFlags, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ref {

    unsafe fn base_pointer(archetype: &'q Archetype, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ptr {

    fn dangling() -> Self::Ptr {

    unsafe fn deref(ptr: Self::Ptr, idx: u32) -> Self::Item {
        &*ptr.as_ptr().add(idx as usize)

unsafe impl<C> FetchShared for FetchRead<C> {}

impl<'a, C> QuerySpec for &'a mut C
    C: 'static,
    type Fetch = FetchWrite<C>;

pub struct FetchWrite<C>(PhantomData<C>);

unsafe impl<'q, C> Fetch<'q> for FetchWrite<C>
    C: 'static,
    type Ty = u16;
    type Ref = RefMut<'q>;
    type Ptr = NonNull<C>;

    type Item = &'q mut C;

    fn find_flags(borrow_flags: &BorrowFlags) -> Option<Self::Ty> {
            "Entity cannot be queried mutably"


    fn find_comps(archetype: &Archetype) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    unsafe fn borrow(borrow_flags: &'q BorrowFlags, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ref {

    unsafe fn base_pointer(archetype: &'q Archetype, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ptr {

    fn dangling() -> Self::Ptr {

    unsafe fn deref(ptr: Self::Ptr, idx: u32) -> Self::Item {
        &mut *ptr.as_ptr().add(idx as usize)

impl<S> QuerySpec for Option<S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    type Fetch = TryFetch<S::Fetch>;

pub struct TryFetch<F>(PhantomData<F>);

unsafe impl<'q, F> Fetch<'q> for TryFetch<F>
    F: Fetch<'q>,
    type Ty = Option<F::Ty>;
    type Ref = Option<F::Ref>;
    type Ptr = Option<F::Ptr>;

    type Item = Option<F::Item>;

    fn find_flags(borrow_flags: &BorrowFlags) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    fn find_comps(archetype: &Archetype) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    unsafe fn borrow(borrow_flags: &'q BorrowFlags, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ref {|ty| F::borrow(borrow_flags, ty))

    unsafe fn base_pointer(archetype: &'q Archetype, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ptr {|ty| F::base_pointer(archetype, ty))

    fn dangling() -> Self::Ptr {

    unsafe fn deref(ptr: Self::Ptr, idx: u32) -> Self::Item {|ptr| F::deref(ptr, idx))

unsafe impl<F> FetchShared for TryFetch<F> where F: FetchShared {}

/// A query specification to iterate over entities with a certain component,
/// but without borrowing that component.
/// # Examples
/// A query for components of type `u32` and `bool`,
/// only matching entities with a component of type `f32`.
/// ```
/// # use rs_ecs::*;
/// let query = Query::<With<(&u32, &bool), f32>>::new();
/// ```
pub struct With<S, C>(PhantomData<(S, C)>);

impl<S, C> QuerySpec for With<S, C>
    S: QuerySpec,
    C: 'static,
    type Fetch = FetchWith<S::Fetch, C>;

pub struct FetchWith<F, C>(PhantomData<(F, C)>);

unsafe impl<'q, F, C> Fetch<'q> for FetchWith<F, C>
    F: Fetch<'q>,
    C: 'static,
    type Ty = F::Ty;
    type Ref = F::Ref;
    type Ptr = F::Ptr;

    type Item = F::Item;

    fn find_flags(borrow_flags: &BorrowFlags) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    fn find_comps(archetype: &Archetype) -> Option<Self::Ty> {
        match archetype.find::<C>() {
            Some(_) => F::find_comps(archetype),
            None => None,

    unsafe fn borrow(borrow_flags: &'q BorrowFlags, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ref {
        F::borrow(borrow_flags, ty)

    unsafe fn base_pointer(archetype: &'q Archetype, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ptr {
        F::base_pointer(archetype, ty)

    fn dangling() -> Self::Ptr {

    unsafe fn deref(ptr: Self::Ptr, idx: u32) -> Self::Item {
        F::deref(ptr, idx)

unsafe impl<F, C> FetchShared for FetchWith<F, C> where F: FetchShared {}

/// A query specification to iterate over entities without a certain component.
/// # Examples
/// A query for components of type `u32` and `bool`,
/// only matching entities without a component of type `f32`.
/// ```
/// # use rs_ecs::*;
/// let query = Query::<Without<(&u32, &bool), f32>>::new();
/// ```
pub struct Without<S, C>(PhantomData<(S, C)>);

impl<S, C> QuerySpec for Without<S, C>
    S: QuerySpec,
    C: 'static,
    type Fetch = FetchWithout<S::Fetch, C>;

pub struct FetchWithout<F, C>(PhantomData<(F, C)>);

unsafe impl<'q, F, C> Fetch<'q> for FetchWithout<F, C>
    F: Fetch<'q>,
    C: 'static,
    type Ty = F::Ty;
    type Ref = F::Ref;
    type Ptr = F::Ptr;

    type Item = F::Item;

    fn find_flags(borrow_flags: &BorrowFlags) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    fn find_comps(archetype: &Archetype) -> Option<Self::Ty> {
        match archetype.find::<C>() {
            None => F::find_comps(archetype),
            Some(_) => None,

    unsafe fn borrow(borrow_flags: &'q BorrowFlags, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ref {
        F::borrow(borrow_flags, ty)

    unsafe fn base_pointer(archetype: &'q Archetype, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ptr {
        F::base_pointer(archetype, ty)

    fn dangling() -> Self::Ptr {

    unsafe fn deref(ptr: Self::Ptr, idx: u32) -> Self::Item {
        F::deref(ptr, idx)

unsafe impl<F, C> FetchShared for FetchWithout<F, C> where F: FetchShared {}

/// A query specification to indicate which entities match the inner query,
/// but without borrowing any components.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use rs_ecs::*;
/// let mut world = World::new();
/// let entity1 = world.alloc();
/// world.insert(entity1, (42_i32, 1.0_f32));
/// let entity2 = world.alloc();
/// world.insert(entity2, (23_i32,));
/// let mut query = Query::<(&i32, Matches<&f32>)>::new();
/// let mut query = query.borrow(&world);
/// let mut query =;
/// let (i1, f1) = query.get(entity1).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(*i1, 42);
/// assert!(f1);
/// let (i2, f2) = query.get(entity2).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(*i2, 23);
/// assert!(!f2);
/// ```
pub struct Matches<S>(PhantomData<S>);

impl<S> QuerySpec for Matches<S>
    S: QuerySpec,
    type Fetch = FetchMatches<S::Fetch>;

pub struct FetchMatches<F>(PhantomData<F>);

unsafe impl<'q, F> Fetch<'q> for FetchMatches<F>
    F: Fetch<'q>,
    type Ty = bool;
    type Ref = ();
    type Ptr = bool;

    type Item = bool;

    fn find_flags(_borrow_flags: &BorrowFlags) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    fn find_comps(archetype: &Archetype) -> Option<Self::Ty> {

    unsafe fn borrow(_borrow_flags: &'q BorrowFlags, _ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ref {}

    unsafe fn base_pointer(_archetype: &'q Archetype, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ptr {

    fn dangling() -> Self::Ptr {

    unsafe fn deref(ptr: Self::Ptr, _idx: u32) -> Self::Item {

unsafe impl<F> FetchShared for FetchMatches<F> {}

macro_rules! impl_fetch_for_tuples {
    () => {

    ($head:ident $(,$tail:ident)*) => {
        impl_fetch_for_tuples!(@rev $head $(,$tail)*;);

    (@rev ; $($rev:ident),*) => {
        impl_fetch_for_tuples!(@impl $($rev),*);

    (@rev $head:ident $(,$tail:ident)*; $($rev:ident),*) => {
        impl_fetch_for_tuples!(@rev $($tail),*; $head $(,$rev)*);

    (@impl $($types:ident),*) => {
        impl<$($types),*> QuerySpec for ($($types,)*)
            $($types: QuerySpec,)*
            type Fetch = ($($types::Fetch,)*);

        #[allow(unused_variables, clippy::unused_unit)]
        unsafe impl<'q, $($types),*> Fetch<'q> for ($($types,)*)
            $($types: Fetch<'q>,)*
            type Ty = ($($types::Ty,)*);
            type Ref = ($($types::Ref,)*);
            type Ptr = ($($types::Ptr,)*);

            type Item = ($($types::Item,)*);

            fn find_flags(borrow_flags: &BorrowFlags) -> Option<Self::Ty> {
                $(let $types = $types::find_flags(borrow_flags)?;)*


            fn find_comps(archetype: &Archetype) -> Option<Self::Ty> {
                $(let $types = $types::find_comps(archetype)?;)*


            unsafe fn borrow(borrow_flags: &'q BorrowFlags, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ref {
                let ($($types,)*) = ty;

                ($($types::borrow(borrow_flags, $types),)*)

            unsafe fn base_pointer(archetype: &'q Archetype, ty: Self::Ty) -> Self::Ptr {
                let ($($types,)*) = ty;

                ($($types::base_pointer(archetype, $types),)*)

            fn dangling() -> Self::Ptr {

            unsafe fn deref(ptr: Self::Ptr, idx: u32) -> Self::Item {
                let ($($types,)*) = ptr;

                ($($types::deref($types, idx),)*)

        unsafe impl<$($types),*> FetchShared for ($($types,)*)
            $($types: FetchShared,)*

impl_fetch_for_tuples!(J, I, H, G, F, E, D, C, B, A);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    use std::convert::TryInto;
    use std::mem::{forget, size_of};
    use std::panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe};

    fn spawn_three(world: &mut World) {
        let ent = world.alloc();
        world.insert(ent, (23_i32, 42_u64));

        let ent = world.alloc();
        world.insert(ent, (1_i32, 2_i8, 3_u16));

        let ent = world.alloc();
        world.insert(ent, (42_i32, 23_u64, true));

    fn queries_can_be_used_once() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<&i32>::new();

        let comps = query.borrow(&world).iter().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        assert_eq!(&comps, &[23, 1, 42]);

    fn queries_can_be_reused() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<&i32>::new();

        let comps1 = query.borrow(&world).iter().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        assert_eq!(&comps1, &[23, 1, 42]);

        let comps2 = query.borrow(&world).iter().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        assert_eq!(&comps2, &comps1);

    fn queries_can_be_reused_after_adding_an_archetype() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<&i32>::new();

        let comps1 = query.borrow(&world).iter().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        assert_eq!(&comps1, &[23, 1, 42]);

        let ent = world.alloc();
        world.insert(ent, (0_i64,));

        let comps2 = query.borrow(&world).iter().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        assert_eq!(&comps2, &comps1);

    fn queries_can_modify_components() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

            let mut query = Query::<&mut i32>::new();

            for comp in query.borrow(&world).iter() {
                *comp *= -1;

        let mut query = Query::<&i32>::new();
        let comps = query.borrow(&world).iter().copied().collect::<Vec<_>>();

        assert_eq!(&comps, &[-23, -1, -42]);

    fn forgotten_query_ref_does_not_use_after_free() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<&mut i32>::new();


    fn forgotten_query_ref_leaks_borrows() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<&mut i32>::new();

        let _ = query.borrow(&world);

    fn conflicting_borrow_leaves_world_in_consistent_state() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let res = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
            let mut query = Query::<(&i32, Option<(&mut i32, &bool)>)>::new();
            let _ = query.borrow(&world);


        let mut query = Query::<&mut i32>::new();
        let _ = query.borrow(&world);

    fn borrows_can_be_reused() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<&i32>::new();
        let mut query = query.borrow(&world);

        let cnt1 = query.iter().count();
        let cnt2 = query.iter().count();

        assert_eq!(cnt1, 3);
        assert_eq!(cnt2, cnt1);

    fn entities_can_be_queried_immutably() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<&Entity>::new();
        let cnt = query.borrow(&world).iter().count();

        assert_eq!(cnt, 3);

    fn entities_cannot_be_queried_mutably() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<&mut Entity>::new();
        let _ = query.borrow(&world).iter();

    fn try_exposes_optional_components() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<Option<&u64>>::new();
        let cnt = query.borrow(&world).iter().count();
        let cnt_some = query.borrow(&world).iter().flatten().count();

        assert_eq!(cnt, 3);
        assert_eq!(cnt_some, 2);

    fn with_checks_for_presence() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<With<&i32, bool>>::new();
        let sum = query.borrow(&world).iter().sum::<i32>();

        assert_eq!(sum, 42);

    fn without_checks_for_absence() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let mut query = Query::<Without<&i32, bool>>::new();
        let sum = query.borrow(&world).iter().sum::<i32>();

        assert_eq!(sum, 23 + 1);

    fn map_enables_access_by_entity_id() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let entities = Query::<&Entity>::new()

        let mut query = Query::<&i32>::new();
        let mut query = query.borrow(&world);
        let mut query =;

        for ent in entities {

    fn map_enables_concurrent_access_to_multiple_entities() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let entities = Query::<&Entity>::new()

        let mut query = Query::<&mut i32>::new();
        let mut query = query.borrow(&world);
        let mut query =;

        let entities: [Entity; 3] = entities.try_into().unwrap();

        let mut values = query.get_many_mut(entities);

        for (index, value) in values.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            **value.as_mut().unwrap() = index as i32;

    fn map_prohibits_aliasing_via_concurrent_access() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let entities = Query::<&Entity>::new()

        let mut query = Query::<&mut i32>::new();
        let mut query = query.borrow(&world);
        let mut query =;

        let entities = [entities[0], entities[1], entities[1]];


    fn empty_queries_yields_unit_for_all_entities() {
        let mut world = World::new();

        spawn_three(&mut world);

        let res = Query::<()>::new().borrow(&world).iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();

        assert_eq!(res, vec![(), (), ()]);

    fn fetch_ptr_has_niche() {
            size_of::<<<(&i32, &mut f64) as QuerySpec>::Fetch as Fetch>::Ptr>(),
            size_of::<Option<<<(&i32, &mut f64) as QuerySpec>::Fetch as Fetch>::Ptr>>()