rlz 0.2.0

Relative Lempel-Ziv (RLZ): a LZ based compressor against a large static dictionary
//! Relative Lempel-Ziv compression against a fixed dictionary
//! # What is RLZ (taken from the paper)
//! The Relative Lempel-Ziv (RLZ) scheme is a hybrid of several phrase-based compression mechanisms. Encoding is based on a fixed-text dictionary, with all substrings within the dictionary available for use as factors, in the style of LZ77. But the dictionary is constructed in a semi-static manner, and hence needs to be representative of the entire text being coded if compression effectiveness is not to be compromised. Furthermore, because
//! RLZ is intended for large web-based archives when constructing the dictionary, it is infeasible to have the whole input text in memory.
//! # Usage
//! ```rust
//! use rlz::RlzCompressor;
//! use rlz::Dictionary;
//! let dict = Dictionary::from(&b"banana"[..]);
//! let rlz_compressor = RlzCompressor::builder().build_from_dict(dict);
//! let mut output = Vec::new();
//! let text = b"banana$aba";
//! let encoded_len = rlz_compressor.encode(&text[..],&mut output).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(encoded_len,output.len());
//! let mut stored_decoder = Vec::new();
//! rlz_compressor.store(&mut stored_decoder).unwrap();
//! let loaded_decoder = RlzCompressor::load(&stored_decoder[..]).unwrap();
//! let mut recovered = Vec::new();
//! loaded_decoder.decode(&output[..],&mut recovered).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(recovered,text);
//! ```

mod coder;
mod config;
mod decoder;
/// dictionary construction related items
pub mod dict;
mod encoder;
mod error;
mod factor;
mod index;
mod scratch;
mod vbyte;

use bytes::{Buf, BufMut};

pub use config::Configuration;
use decoder::Decoder;
pub use dict::Dictionary;
use encoder::Encoder;

pub use error::Error;

/// Main RLZ compressor class
pub struct RlzCompressor {
    dict: Dictionary,
    config: config::Configuration,
    encoder: Option<Encoder>,
    decoder: Decoder,

impl RlzCompressor {
    /// Builder used to construct the RLZ compressor
    pub fn builder() -> RlzBuilder {

    /// Encode a vector of bytes against the dictionary
    pub fn encode(&self, input: impl Buf, output: impl BufMut) -> Result<usize, Error> {
        if let Some(encoder) = &self.encoder {
            encoder.encode(&self.dict, input, output)
        } else {

    /// If `RlzCompressor` is loaded from disk we rebuild the index to enable encoding
    pub fn enable_encode(&mut self) {
        if self.encoder.is_none() {
            tracing::info!("no encoder present. rebuilding...");
            let encoder = Encoder::build(&self.dict, &self.config);
            self.encoder = Some(encoder);

    /// Decode a vector of bytes that was compressed against the dictionary
    pub fn decode(&self, input: &[u8], output: impl std::io::Write) -> Result<usize, Error> {
        self.decoder.decode(&self.dict, input, output)

    /// Store the compressor (the dict + config) on disk
    pub fn store(&self, output: impl std::io::Write) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let mut zstd_encoder = zstd::stream::write::Encoder::new(output, 6)?;
        bincode::serialize_into(&mut zstd_encoder, &self.dict)?;
        bincode::serialize_into(&mut zstd_encoder, &self.config)?;
        bincode::serialize_into(&mut zstd_encoder, &self.decoder)?;

    /// Load the compressor (dict + config) without the index for encoding from disk
    pub fn load(input: impl std::io::Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let mut zstd_decoder = zstd::stream::read::Decoder::new(input)?;
        let dict: Dictionary = bincode::deserialize_from(&mut zstd_decoder)?;
        let config: config::Configuration = bincode::deserialize_from(&mut zstd_decoder)?;
        let decoder: Decoder = bincode::deserialize_from(&mut zstd_decoder)?;
        Ok(Self {
            encoder: None,

    /// Load the compressor (dict + config) and rebuild the index for encoding
    pub fn load_and_build_encoder(&self, input: impl std::io::Read) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let mut new_compressor = Self::load(input)?;

/// RLZ compressor builder
pub struct RlzBuilder {
    config: config::Configuration,

impl RlzBuilder {
    /// Specificy the minimum length of a factor
    pub fn literal_threshold(mut self, threshold: u32) -> RlzBuilder {
        self.config.literal_threshold = threshold;

    /// Sepcify the compression codec used for compressing factors
    pub fn factor_coder(mut self, factor_coder: coder::Coder) -> RlzBuilder {
        self.config.factor_compression = factor_coder;

    /// build RLZ compressor from config and dictionary
    pub fn build_from_dict(self, dict: Dictionary) -> RlzCompressor {
        let encoder = Encoder::build(&dict, &self.config);
        let decoder = Decoder::from_config(&self.config);
        RlzCompressor {
            config: self.config,
            encoder: Some(encoder),

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use proptest::prelude::*;

    proptest! {
        fn encode_and_decode(dict: Vec<u8>,text: Vec<u8>) {
            let dict = Dictionary::from(&dict[..]);

            let rlz_compressor = RlzCompressor::builder().build_from_dict(dict);

            let mut output = Vec::new();

            let encoded_len = rlz_compressor.encode(&text[..],&mut output)?;

            let mut recovered = Vec::new();
            rlz_compressor.decode(&output[..],&mut recovered)?;


    proptest! {
        fn encode_store_and_decode(dict: Vec<u8>,text: Vec<u8>) {
            let dict = Dictionary::from(&dict[..]);

            let rlz_compressor = RlzCompressor::builder().build_from_dict(dict);

            let mut output = Vec::new();

            let encoded_len = rlz_compressor.encode(&text[..],&mut output)?;

            let mut stored_decoder = Vec::new();
            rlz_compressor.store(&mut stored_decoder)?;

            let loaded_decoder = RlzCompressor::load(&stored_decoder[..])?;

            let mut recovered = Vec::new();
            loaded_decoder.decode(&output[..],&mut recovered)?;
