Crate rlz

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Relative Lempel-Ziv compression against a fixed dictionary

What is RLZ (taken from the paper)

The Relative Lempel-Ziv (RLZ) scheme is a hybrid of several phrase-based compression mechanisms. Encoding is based on a fixed-text dictionary, with all substrings within the dictionary available for use as factors, in the style of LZ77. But the dictionary is constructed in a semi-static manner, and hence needs to be representative of the entire text being coded if compression effectiveness is not to be compromised. Furthermore, because RLZ is intended for large web-based archives when constructing the dictionary, it is infeasible to have the whole input text in memory.


use rlz::RlzCompressor;
use rlz::Dictionary;

let dict = Dictionary::from(&b"banana"[..]);

let rlz_compressor = RlzCompressor::builder().build_from_dict(dict);

let mut output = Vec::new();

let text = b"banana$aba";
let encoded_len = rlz_compressor.encode(&text[..],&mut output).unwrap();

let mut stored_decoder = Vec::new(); stored_decoder).unwrap();

let loaded_decoder = RlzCompressor::load(&stored_decoder[..]).unwrap();

let mut recovered = Vec::new();
loaded_decoder.decode(&output[..],&mut recovered).unwrap();



pub use dict::Dictionary;


dictionary construction related items


Compression configuration

RLZ compressor builder

Main RLZ compressor class


RLZ Error type