rfyl 0.3.1

A dice roller accepting dice notation.
//! RFYL implements the common dice notation used in many role playing game systems.
//! ## Supported input
//! - Basic standard dice notation: `d8`, `2d12`.
//! - Addition: `d4 + 2d6`.
//! - Subtraction: `d100 - 15`.
//! - Multiplication: `d12 * 2`.
//! - Division: `d100 / 15`. (Note that fractional values are rounded to the nearest integer.)
//! - Brackets: `(d100 + d12) / 15`.
//! - Complex dice notation: `1d4 + 2d6 * 3d2 / 4d8 + (2d6 + 3d8) - 16 * (1 / 1d4)`.
//! - Percentile dice shorthand: `d%` = `d100`.
//! - Boolean dice: `1d1` = `0` or `1`.
//! ## Example
//! ```
//! use rfyl::roll;
//! // This would actually probably come from user input, or be computed in some other way.
//! let requested_roll = String::from("(1d20 * 2) + (1d4 + 1) / 2");
//! // Rolling can fail, for instance if an illegal digit is supplied.
//! // Therefore, roll() returns a Result which must be unwrapped.
//! let roll = roll(requested_roll).unwrap();
//! // On a successful roll, roll() returns a DiceRolls struct which can be
//! // interrogated for its formula and result.
//! println!("{}: {}", roll.get_rolls_formula_string_as_infix(), roll.get_result());
//! // Should print "[[1d20 * 2] + [[1d4 + 1] * 2]]: 10" (for arbitrary values of 10).
//! ```
//! See the included command line program ([src/bin.rs](https://github.com/trnglina/RFYL/blob/master/src/bin.rs)) for further examples of how to use the [DiceRolls](struct.DiceRolls.html) struct.

extern crate rand;
use self::rand::{thread_rng, Rng};

pub mod rpn;
pub mod infix;
mod tokens;

use tokens::match_token;
use rpn::{parse_into_rpn};
use infix::{parse_into_infix};

/// The result of rolling some dice.
pub struct DiceRolls {
    rolls: Vec<DiceRoll>,
    formula: Vec<String>,
    rolls_formula: Vec<String>,

impl DiceRolls {
    /// Returns an i32 as the result of the formula including any calculational
    /// operators.
    pub fn get_result(&self) -> i32 {
        return rpn::solve_rpn_formula(self.formula.clone());

    /// Returns an i32 as the simple sum of all rolls.
    pub fn get_sum_of_rolls(&self) -> i32 {
        let mut total = 0;
        for roll in &self.rolls {
            total += roll.result;
        return total;

    /// Returns a formatted String showing the dice and the rolled results.
    pub fn get_rolls_string(&self) -> String {
        let mut rolls_string = String::new();
        for (i, roll) in self.rolls.iter().enumerate() {
            if i == self.rolls.len() - 1 {
                rolls_string.push_str(format!("d{} -> [{}]", roll.sides, roll.result).as_ref());
            rolls_string.push_str(format!("d{} -> [{}], ", roll.sides, roll.result).as_ref());
        return rolls_string;

    /// Returns a postfix formatted String showing the formula, with all dice replaced with their rolled values.
    pub fn get_formula_string_as_rpn(&self) -> String {
        let mut formula_string = String::new();
        for (i, fragment) in self.formula.iter().enumerate() {
            if match_token(fragment) > 0 {
                formula_string.push_str(format!("{} ", fragment).as_ref());

            if i == self.formula.len() - 1 {
                formula_string.push_str(format!("[{}]", fragment).as_ref());

            formula_string.push_str(format!("[{}] ", fragment).as_ref());
        return formula_string;

    /// Returns an infix formatted String showing the formula, with all dice replaced with their rolled values.
    pub fn get_formula_string_as_infix(&self) -> String {
        return parse_into_infix(self.formula.clone()).replace("( ", "[").replace(" )", "]");

    /// Returns a postfix formatted String showing the formula with the original dice notation instead of the rolled result.
    pub fn get_rolls_formula_string_as_rpn(&self) -> String {
        let mut formula_string = String::new();
        for (i, fragment) in self.rolls_formula.iter().enumerate() {
            if match_token(fragment) > 0 {
                formula_string.push_str(format!("{} ", fragment).as_ref());

            if i == self.rolls_formula.len() - 1 {
                formula_string.push_str(format!("[{}]", fragment).as_ref());

            formula_string.push_str(format!("[{}] ", fragment).as_ref());
        return formula_string;

    /// Returns a infix formatted String showing the formula with the original dice notation instead of the rolled result.
    pub fn get_rolls_formula_string_as_infix(&self) -> String {
        return parse_into_infix(self.rolls_formula.clone()).replace("( ", "[").replace(" )", "]");

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct DiceRoll {
    sides: i32,
    result: i32,

/// Returns a DiceRolls object based on the provided formula.
/// # Arguments
/// * `input` - A string that provides the dice notation to work off.
pub fn roll(input: String) -> Result<DiceRolls, Box<std::error::Error>> {
    let formula_vector = parse_into_rpn(input.trim().as_ref());
    return resolve_rolls_vector(formula_vector);

fn resolve_rolls_vector(rolls_vector: Vec<String>) -> Result<DiceRolls, Box<std::error::Error>> {
    let mut formula_vector: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    let mut formula_vector_with_rolls: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
    let mut dice_rolls: Vec<DiceRoll> = Vec::new();

    for element in rolls_vector {
        // Ignore if element is recognised as a token.
        if match_token(element.as_ref()) > 0 {

        let roll = resolve_roll_fragment(element.as_ref())?;

        for i_roll in roll.clone().rolls {


    return Ok(DiceRolls {
        rolls: dice_rolls,
        formula: formula_vector,
        rolls_formula: formula_vector_with_rolls,

fn resolve_roll_fragment(input_fragment: &str) -> Result<DiceRolls, Box<std::error::Error>> {
    let mut rng = thread_rng();
    let mut dice_count_str = String::new();
    let mut dice_sides_str = String::new();
    let mut d_switch: bool = false;
    let mut dice_rolls: Vec<DiceRoll> = Vec::new();
    let mut sum: i32 = 0;
    let dice_count: i32;
    let dice_sides: i32;

    if input_fragment.parse::<i32>().is_ok() {
        let current_roll = DiceRoll {
            sides: 0,
            result: input_fragment.parse::<i32>().unwrap(),

        sum += current_roll.result;
    } else {
        for (i, c) in input_fragment.chars().enumerate() {
            if !d_switch {
                if c.to_string() == "d" {
                    d_switch = true;
                    if i == 0 {
            } else {

        dice_count = dice_count_str.parse::<i32>()?;
        let dice_sides_result = dice_sides_str.parse::<i32>();
        if dice_sides_result.is_ok() {
            dice_sides = dice_sides_result.unwrap();            
        } else if match_token(dice_sides_str.as_ref()) == -3 {
            dice_sides = 100;
        } else {
            return Err(Box::new(dice_sides_result.unwrap_err()));
        for _ in 0..dice_count {
            let result = {
                // gen_range(low, high) generates numbers in the range [low, high), 
                // so the high number must be one higher than the highest number 
                // that would appear on the die
                if dice_sides == 1 {
                    // Support "one sided" boolean dice                    
                    rng.gen_range(0, 2)
                } else {
                    // Support multi-sided dice
                    rng.gen_range(1, dice_sides + 1)
            let current_roll = DiceRoll {
                sides: dice_sides,

            sum += current_roll.result;

    return Ok(DiceRolls {
        rolls: dice_rolls,
        formula: vec![sum.to_string()],
        rolls_formula: vec![input_fragment.to_string()],

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn roll_from_string() {
        let roll0 = roll("2d4".to_string()).unwrap();
        println!("Rolls:             {}", roll0.get_rolls_string());
        println!("RPN Formula:       {}", roll0.get_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Formula:           {}", roll0.get_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("RPN Rolls Formula: {}", roll0.get_rolls_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Rolls Formula:     {}", roll0.get_rolls_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("Result:            {}", roll0.get_result());

        let roll1 = roll("(2d6 - 1d8) * (3d4 + 4d12)".to_string()).unwrap();
        println!("Rolls:             {}", roll1.get_rolls_string());
        println!("RPN Formula:       {}", roll1.get_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Formula:           {}", roll1.get_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("RPN Rolls Formula: {}", roll1.get_rolls_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Rolls Formula:     {}", roll1.get_rolls_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("Result:            {}", roll1.get_result());

        let roll2 = roll("3d% + d%".to_string()).unwrap();
        println!("Rolls:             {}", roll2.get_rolls_string());
        println!("RPN Formula:       {}", roll2.get_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Formula:           {}", roll2.get_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("RPN Rolls Formula: {}", roll2.get_rolls_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Rolls Formula:     {}", roll2.get_rolls_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("Result:            {}", roll2.get_result());

        let roll3 = roll("d100 / 15".to_string()).unwrap();
        println!("Rolls:             {}", roll3.get_rolls_string());
        println!("RPN Formula:       {}", roll3.get_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Formula:           {}", roll3.get_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("RPN Rolls Formula: {}", roll3.get_rolls_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Rolls Formula:     {}", roll3.get_rolls_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("Result:            {}", roll3.get_result());

        let roll4 = roll("1d4 + 2d6 * 3d2 / 4d8 + (2d6 + 3d8) - 16 * (1 / 1d4)".to_string()).unwrap();
        println!("Rolls:             {}", roll4.get_rolls_string());
        println!("RPN Formula:       {}", roll4.get_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Formula:           {}", roll4.get_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("RPN Rolls Formula: {}", roll4.get_rolls_formula_string_as_rpn());
        println!("Rolls Formula:     {}", roll4.get_rolls_formula_string_as_infix());
        println!("Result:            {}", roll4.get_result());