rfyl 0.3.1

A dice roller accepting dice notation.

RFYL implements the common dice notation used in many role playing game systems.

Supported input

  • Basic standard dice notation: d8, 2d12.
  • Addition: d4 + 2d6.
  • Subtraction: d100 - 15.
  • Multiplication: d12 * 2.
  • Division: d100 / 15. (Note that fractional values are rounded to the nearest integer.)
  • Brackets: (d100 + d12) / 15.
  • Complex dice notation: 1d4 + 2d6 * 3d2 / 4d8 + (2d6 + 3d8) - 16 * (1 / 1d4).
  • Percentile dice shorthand: d% = d100.
  • Boolean dice: 1d1 = 0 or 1.


use rfyl::roll;

// This would actually probably come from user input, or be computed in some other way.
let requested_roll = String::from("(1d20 * 2) + (1d4 + 1) / 2");

// Rolling can fail, for instance if an illegal digit is supplied.
// Therefore, roll() returns a Result which must be unwrapped.
let roll = roll(requested_roll).unwrap();

// On a successful roll, roll() returns a DiceRolls struct which can be
// interrogated for its formula and result.
println!("{}: {}", roll.get_rolls_formula_string_as_infix(), roll.get_result());
// Should print "[[1d20 * 2] + [[1d4 + 1] * 2]]: 10" (for arbitrary values of 10).

See the included command line program (src/bin.rs) for further examples of how to use the DiceRolls struct.