rectree2svg 0.1.7

Read a phylogenetic tree in newick, phyloxml or recPhyloXML file and create a svg.


Build a svg representation of a phylogenetic reconciled (or not) tree

Keywords: phylogeny, reconciled trees, phylogenetic trees

Read a recphyloxml file: create a svg representation of the gene trees and species tree with events (loss, duplication, speciation, transfer).

Read a newick or phyloxml file: create a svg representation of the tree.

You may use the rectree2svg binary as well as the rust rectree2svg funtions to manipulate or draw phylogenetic trees (see "Using the code")

Currently under development.

Output example

Under development:

  • Possible problem with the obsolete version of recPhyloXML format (speciationLoss is supported, speciationOutLoss and speciationOut are not supported yet)
  • Allow 2/3 reconciliation levels (host/species/gene)


  • cargo build --release
  • target/release/rectree2svg -h


Read a newick, phyloxml or recPhyloXML file and create a svg.

Format is guessed according to filename (default is newick)


target/release/rectree2svg -f input file [-b][-h][-i][-I][-l factor][-o output file][-p][-s][-v]

-b : open svg in browser
-h : help
-i : display internal gene nodes
-I : display internal species nodes
-l factor: use branch length, using the given factor
-o outputfile : set name of output file
-p : build a phylogram
-s : drawing species tree only
-v : verbose

Input format is guessed according to the file name extension:

- .xml         => phyloxml
- .phyloxml    => phyloXML
- .recphyloxml => recPhyloXML
- .recPhyloXML => recPhyloXML
- .recphylo    => recPhyloXML
- any other    => newick

Using the code

Simple Rust example: read a newick.txt file and creates the svg

use rectree2svg::{ArenaTree,Options,newick2tree,knuth_layout,check_contour_postorder,
use std::fs;

fn main() {
    let mut tree: ArenaTree<String> = ArenaTree::default();
    let options: Options = Options::new();
    let contents = fs::read_to_string("newick.txt")
            .expect("Something went wrong reading the newick file");
    let root = tree.new_node("Root".to_string());
    newick2tree(contents, &mut tree, root, &mut 0);
    knuth_layout(&mut tree,root, &mut 1);
    check_contour_postorder(&mut tree, root);
    shift_mod_xy(&mut tree, root, &mut 0.0, &mut 0.0);
    set_middle_postorder(&mut tree, root);
    draw_tree(&mut tree,"my_svg.svg".to_string(),&options);

Some newick examples are available here :

Simple Rust example: build a gene tree with a duplication and creates the svg

use rectree2svg::{ArenaTree,Options,Event,knuth_layout,check_contour_postorder,

fn main() {
let mut tree: ArenaTree<String> = ArenaTree::default();
let mut options: Options = Options::new();

// Create a new node root
let root = tree.new_node("root".to_string());
// Create  new nodes
let a1 = tree.new_node("a1".to_string());
let a2 = tree.new_node("a2".to_string());
let a = tree.new_node("a".to_string());
let b = tree.new_node("b".to_string());
let c = tree.new_node("c".to_string());
let d = tree.new_node("d".to_string());

// Set names
tree.arena[root].name = "MyRoot".to_string();
tree.arena[a].name = "Gene A".to_string();
tree.arena[a1].name = "Gene A1".to_string();
tree.arena[a2].name = "Gene A2".to_string();
tree.arena[b].name = "Gene B".to_string();
tree.arena[c].name = "Gene C".to_string();
tree.arena[d].name = "Gene D".to_string();

// Set hierarchy
//  a1 and a2 are children of a
tree.arena[a1].parent = Some(a);
tree.arena[a2].parent = Some(a);
// a and b are children of c
tree.arena[a].parent = Some(c);
tree.arena[b].parent = Some(c);
// c and d are children of root
tree.arena[c].parent = Some(root);
tree.arena[d].parent = Some(root);

// set duplication
tree.arena[a].e = Event::Duplication;

knuth_layout(&mut tree,root, &mut 1);
// Display cladogram
cladogramme(&mut tree);
check_contour_postorder(&mut tree, root);
shift_mod_xy(&mut tree, root, &mut 0.0, &mut 0.0);
set_middle_postorder(&mut tree, root);

// Display internal nodes
options.gene_internal = true ;

draw_tree(&mut tree,"my_svg.svg".to_string(),&options);

Source documentation

See Rust documentation :

RecPhyloXML documentation


Tree drawing algorithms and structures

"Arena" Tree structure is inspired by the code proposed here

Tree drawing algorithms are well explained here and here