rectree2svg 0.1.5

Read a phylogenetic tree in newick, phyloxml or recPhyloXML file and create a svg.


Build a svg representation of a phylogenetic reconciled (or not) tree

Keywords: phylogeny, reconciled trees, phylogenetic trees

Read a recphyloxml file: create a svg representation of the gene trees and species tree with events (loss, duplication, speciation, transfer).

Read a newick or phyloxml file: create a svg representation of the tree.

Currently under development.

Output example

Under development:

  • Possible problem with obsolete recPhyloXML format (speciationLoss is supported , speciationOutLoss and speciationOut are not supported yet)
  • Allow 2/3 reconciliation levels (host/species/gene)


  • cargo build --release
  • target/release/rectree2svg -h


Read a newick, phyloxml or recPhyloXML file and create a svg.

Format is guessed according to filename (default is newick)


target/release/rectree2svg -f input file [-b][-h][-i][-I][-l factor][-o output file][-p][-s][-v]

-b : open svg in browser
-h : help
-i : display internal gene nodes
-I : display internal species nodes
-l factor: use branch length, using the given factor
-o outputfile : set name of output file
-p : build a phylogram
-s : drawing species tree only
-v : verbose

Input format is guessed according to the file name extension:

- .xml         => phyloxml
- .phyloxml    => phyloXML
- .recphyloxml => recPhyloXML
- .recPhyloXML => recPhyloXML
- .recphylo    => recPhyloXML
- any other    => newick

Source documentation

See Rust documentation :

RecPhyloXML documentation


Tree drawing algorithms and structures

"Arena" Tree structure is inspired by the code proposed here

Tree drawing algorithms are well explained here and here