rclrs 0.3.1

A ROS 2 client library for developing robotics applications in Rust
mod builder;
mod graph;
use std::cmp::PartialEq;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use std::vec::Vec;

use libc::c_char;
use rosidl_runtime_rs::Message;

pub use self::builder::*;
pub use self::graph::*;
use crate::rcl_bindings::*;
use crate::{
    Client, ClientBase, Context, GuardCondition, ParameterOverrideMap, Publisher, QoSProfile,
    RclrsError, Service, ServiceBase, Subscription, SubscriptionBase, SubscriptionCallback,

impl Drop for rcl_node_t {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // SAFETY: No preconditions for this function
        unsafe { rcl_node_fini(self).ok().unwrap() };

// SAFETY: The functions accessing this type, including drop(), shouldn't care about the thread
// they are running in. Therefore, this type can be safely sent to another thread.
unsafe impl Send for rcl_node_t {}

/// A processing unit that can communicate with other nodes.
/// Nodes are a core concept in ROS 2. Refer to the official ["Understanding ROS 2 nodes"][1]
/// tutorial for an introduction.
/// Ownership of the node is shared with all [`Publisher`]s and [`Subscription`]s created from it.
/// That means that even after the node itself is dropped, it will continue to exist and be
/// displayed by e.g. `ros2 topic` as long as its publishers and subscriptions are not dropped.
/// # Naming
/// A node has a *name* and a *namespace*.
/// The node namespace will be prefixed to the node name to form the *fully qualified
/// node name*. This is the name that is shown e.g. in `ros2 node list`.
/// Similarly, the node namespace will be prefixed to all names of topics and services
/// created from this node.
/// By convention, a node name with a leading underscore marks the node as hidden.
/// It's a good idea for node names in the same executable to be unique.
/// ## Remapping
/// The namespace and name given when creating the node can be overriden through the command line.
/// In that sense, the parameters to the node creation functions are only the _default_ namespace and
/// name.
/// See also the [official tutorial][1] on the command line arguments for ROS nodes, and the
/// [`Node::namespace()`] and [`Node::name()`] functions for examples.
/// ## Rules for valid names
/// The rules for valid node names and node namespaces are explained in
/// [`NodeBuilder::new()`][3] and [`NodeBuilder::namespace()`][4].
/// [1]: https://docs.ros.org/en/rolling/Tutorials/Understanding-ROS2-Nodes.html
/// [2]: https://docs.ros.org/en/rolling/How-To-Guides/Node-arguments.html
/// [3]: crate::NodeBuilder::new
/// [4]: crate::NodeBuilder::namespace
pub struct Node {
    pub(crate) rcl_node_mtx: Arc<Mutex<rcl_node_t>>,
    pub(crate) rcl_context_mtx: Arc<Mutex<rcl_context_t>>,
    pub(crate) clients: Vec<Weak<dyn ClientBase>>,
    pub(crate) guard_conditions: Vec<Weak<GuardCondition>>,
    pub(crate) services: Vec<Weak<dyn ServiceBase>>,
    pub(crate) subscriptions: Vec<Weak<dyn SubscriptionBase>>,
    _parameter_map: ParameterOverrideMap,

impl Eq for Node {}

impl PartialEq for Node {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        Arc::ptr_eq(&self.rcl_node_mtx, &other.rcl_node_mtx)

impl fmt::Debug for Node {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
            .field("fully_qualified_name", &self.fully_qualified_name())

impl Node {
    /// Creates a new node in the empty namespace.
    /// See [`NodeBuilder::new()`] for documentation.
    pub fn new(context: &Context, node_name: &str) -> Result<Node, RclrsError> {
        Self::builder(context, node_name).build()

    /// Returns the name of the node.
    /// This returns the name after remapping, so it is not necessarily the same as the name that
    /// was used when creating the node.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use rclrs::{Context, RclrsError};
    /// // Without remapping
    /// let context = Context::new([])?;
    /// let node = rclrs::create_node(&context, "my_node")?;
    /// assert_eq!(node.name(), "my_node");
    /// // With remapping
    /// let remapping = ["--ros-args", "-r", "__node:=your_node"].map(String::from);
    /// let context_r = Context::new(remapping)?;
    /// let node_r = rclrs::create_node(&context_r, "my_node")?;
    /// assert_eq!(node_r.name(), "your_node");
    /// # Ok::<(), RclrsError>(())
    /// ```
    pub fn name(&self) -> String {

    /// Returns the namespace of the node.
    /// This returns the namespace after remapping, so it is not necessarily the same as the
    /// namespace that was used when creating the node.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use rclrs::{Context, RclrsError};
    /// // Without remapping
    /// let context = Context::new([])?;
    /// let node =
    ///   rclrs::create_node_builder(&context, "my_node")
    ///   .namespace("/my/namespace")
    ///   .build()?;
    /// assert_eq!(node.namespace(), "/my/namespace");
    /// // With remapping
    /// let remapping = ["--ros-args", "-r", "__ns:=/your_namespace"].map(String::from);
    /// let context_r = Context::new(remapping)?;
    /// let node_r = rclrs::create_node(&context_r, "my_node")?;
    /// assert_eq!(node_r.namespace(), "/your_namespace");
    /// # Ok::<(), RclrsError>(())
    /// ```
    pub fn namespace(&self) -> String {

    /// Returns the fully qualified name of the node.
    /// The fully qualified name of the node is the node namespace combined with the node name.
    /// It is subject to the remappings shown in [`Node::name()`] and [`Node::namespace()`].
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use rclrs::{Context, RclrsError};
    /// let context = Context::new([])?;
    /// let node =
    ///   rclrs::create_node_builder(&context, "my_node")
    ///   .namespace("/my/namespace")
    ///   .build()?;
    /// assert_eq!(node.fully_qualified_name(), "/my/namespace/my_node");
    /// # Ok::<(), RclrsError>(())
    /// ```
    pub fn fully_qualified_name(&self) -> String {

    // Helper for name(), namespace(), fully_qualified_name()
    fn call_string_getter(
        getter: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const rcl_node_t) -> *const c_char,
    ) -> String {
        unsafe { call_string_getter_with_handle(&*self.rcl_node_mtx.lock().unwrap(), getter) }

    /// Creates a [`Client`][1].
    /// [1]: crate::Client
    // TODO: make client's lifetime depend on node's lifetime
    pub fn create_client<T>(&mut self, topic: &str) -> Result<Arc<Client<T>>, RclrsError>
        T: rosidl_runtime_rs::Service,
        let client = Arc::new(Client::<T>::new(self, topic)?);
            .push(Arc::downgrade(&client) as Weak<dyn ClientBase>);

    /// Creates a [`GuardCondition`][1] with no callback.
    /// A weak pointer to the `GuardCondition` is stored within this node.
    /// When this node is added to a wait set (e.g. when calling `spin_once`[2]
    /// with this node as an argument), the guard condition can be used to
    /// interrupt the wait.
    /// [1]: crate::GuardCondition
    /// [2]: crate::spin_once
    pub fn create_guard_condition(&mut self) -> Arc<GuardCondition> {
        let guard_condition = Arc::new(GuardCondition::new_with_rcl_context(
            &mut self.rcl_context_mtx.lock().unwrap(),
            .push(Arc::downgrade(&guard_condition) as Weak<GuardCondition>);

    /// Creates a [`GuardCondition`][1] with a callback.
    /// A weak pointer to the `GuardCondition` is stored within this node.
    /// When this node is added to a wait set (e.g. when calling `spin_once`[2]
    /// with this node as an argument), the guard condition can be used to
    /// interrupt the wait.
    /// [1]: crate::GuardCondition
    /// [2]: crate::spin_once
    pub fn create_guard_condition_with_callback<F>(&mut self, callback: F) -> Arc<GuardCondition>
        F: Fn() + Send + Sync + 'static,
        let guard_condition = Arc::new(GuardCondition::new_with_rcl_context(
            &mut self.rcl_context_mtx.lock().unwrap(),
            Some(Box::new(callback) as Box<dyn Fn() + Send + Sync>),
            .push(Arc::downgrade(&guard_condition) as Weak<GuardCondition>);

    /// Creates a [`Publisher`][1].
    /// [1]: crate::Publisher
    // TODO: make publisher's lifetime depend on node's lifetime
    pub fn create_publisher<T>(
        topic: &str,
        qos: QoSProfile,
    ) -> Result<Publisher<T>, RclrsError>
        T: Message,
        Publisher::<T>::new(self, topic, qos)

    /// Creates a [`Service`][1].
    /// [1]: crate::Service
    // TODO: make service's lifetime depend on node's lifetime
    pub fn create_service<T, F>(
        &mut self,
        topic: &str,
        callback: F,
    ) -> Result<Arc<Service<T>>, RclrsError>
        T: rosidl_runtime_rs::Service,
        F: Fn(&rmw_request_id_t, T::Request) -> T::Response + 'static + Send,
        let service = Arc::new(Service::<T>::new(self, topic, callback)?);
            .push(Arc::downgrade(&service) as Weak<dyn ServiceBase>);

    /// Creates a [`Subscription`][1].
    /// [1]: crate::Subscription
    // TODO: make subscription's lifetime depend on node's lifetime
    pub fn create_subscription<T, Args>(
        &mut self,
        topic: &str,
        qos: QoSProfile,
        callback: impl SubscriptionCallback<T, Args>,
    ) -> Result<Arc<Subscription<T>>, RclrsError>
        T: Message,
        let subscription = Arc::new(Subscription::<T>::new(self, topic, qos, callback)?);
            .push(Arc::downgrade(&subscription) as Weak<dyn SubscriptionBase>);

    /// Returns the subscriptions that have not been dropped yet.
    pub(crate) fn live_subscriptions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn SubscriptionBase>> {

    pub(crate) fn live_clients(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn ClientBase>> {

    pub(crate) fn live_guard_conditions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<GuardCondition>> {

    pub(crate) fn live_services(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn ServiceBase>> {

    /// Returns the ROS domain ID that the node is using.
    /// The domain ID controls which nodes can send messages to each other, see the [ROS 2 concept article][1].
    /// It can be set through the `ROS_DOMAIN_ID` environment variable.
    /// [1]: https://docs.ros.org/en/rolling/Concepts/About-Domain-ID.html
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use rclrs::{Context, RclrsError};
    /// // Set default ROS domain ID to 10 here
    /// std::env::set_var("ROS_DOMAIN_ID", "10");
    /// let context = Context::new([])?;
    /// let node = rclrs::create_node(&context, "domain_id_node")?;
    /// let domain_id = node.domain_id();
    /// assert_eq!(domain_id, 10);
    /// # Ok::<(), RclrsError>(())
    /// ```
    // TODO: If node option is supported,
    // add description about this function is for getting actual domain_id
    // and about override of domain_id via node option
    pub fn domain_id(&self) -> usize {
        let rcl_node = &*self.rcl_node_mtx.lock().unwrap();
        let mut domain_id: usize = 0;
        let ret = unsafe {
            // SAFETY: No preconditions for this function.
            rcl_node_get_domain_id(rcl_node, &mut domain_id)

        debug_assert_eq!(ret, 0);

    /// Creates a [`NodeBuilder`][1] with the given name.
    /// Convenience function equivalent to [`NodeBuilder::new()`][2].
    /// [1]: crate::NodeBuilder
    /// [2]: crate::NodeBuilder::new
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// # use rclrs::{Context, Node, RclrsError};
    /// let context = Context::new([])?;
    /// let node = Node::builder(&context, "my_node").build()?;
    /// assert_eq!(node.name(), "my_node");
    /// # Ok::<(), RclrsError>(())
    /// ```
    pub fn builder(context: &Context, node_name: &str) -> NodeBuilder {
        NodeBuilder::new(context, node_name)

// Helper used to implement call_string_getter(), but also used to get the FQN in the Node::new()
// function, which is why it's not merged into Node::call_string_getter().
// This function is unsafe since it's possible to pass in an rcl_node_t with dangling
// pointers etc.
unsafe fn call_string_getter_with_handle(
    rcl_node: &rcl_node_t,
    getter: unsafe extern "C" fn(*const rcl_node_t) -> *const c_char,
) -> String {
    let char_ptr = getter(rcl_node);
    // SAFETY: The returned CStr is immediately converted to an owned string,
    // so the lifetime is no issue. The ptr is valid as per the documentation
    // of rcl_node_get_name.
    let cstr = CStr::from_ptr(char_ptr);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn assert_send<T: Send>() {}
    fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}

    fn node_is_send_and_sync() {