rclrs 0.3.1

A ROS 2 client library for developing robotics applications in Rust
//! Rust client library for ROS 2.
//! For getting started, see the [README][1].
//! [1]: https://github.com/ros2-rust/ros2_rust/blob/main/README.md

mod arguments;
mod client;
mod context;
mod error;
mod node;
mod parameter;
mod publisher;
mod qos;
mod service;
mod subscription;
mod wait;

mod rcl_bindings;

use std::time::Duration;

pub use arguments::*;
pub use client::*;
pub use context::*;
pub use error::*;
pub use node::*;
pub use parameter::*;
pub use publisher::*;
pub use qos::*;
use rcl_bindings::rcl_context_is_valid;
pub use rcl_bindings::rmw_request_id_t;
pub use service::*;
pub use subscription::*;
pub use wait::*;

/// Polls the node for new messages and executes the corresponding callbacks.
/// See [`WaitSet::wait`] for the meaning of the `timeout` parameter.
/// This may under some circumstances return
/// [`SubscriptionTakeFailed`][1], [`ClientTakeFailed`][1], [`ServiceTakeFailed`][1] when the wait
/// set spuriously wakes up.
/// This can usually be ignored.
/// [1]: crate::RclReturnCode
pub fn spin_once(node: &Node, timeout: Option<Duration>) -> Result<(), RclrsError> {
    let wait_set = WaitSet::new_for_node(node)?;
    let ready_entities = wait_set.wait(timeout)?;

    for ready_subscription in ready_entities.subscriptions {

    for ready_client in ready_entities.clients {

    for ready_service in ready_entities.services {


/// Convenience function for calling [`spin_once`] in a loop.
/// This function additionally checks that the context is still valid.
pub fn spin(node: &Node) -> Result<(), RclrsError> {
    // The context_is_valid functions exists only to abstract away ROS distro differences
    #[cfg(ros_distro = "foxy")]
    // SAFETY: No preconditions for this function.
    let context_is_valid =
        || unsafe { rcl_context_is_valid(&mut *node.rcl_context_mtx.lock().unwrap()) };
    #[cfg(not(ros_distro = "foxy"))]
    // SAFETY: No preconditions for this function.
    let context_is_valid =
        || unsafe { rcl_context_is_valid(&*node.rcl_context_mtx.lock().unwrap()) };

    while context_is_valid() {
        match spin_once(node, None) {
            | Err(RclrsError::RclError {
                code: RclReturnCode::Timeout,
            }) => (),
            error => return error,

/// Creates a new node in the empty namespace.
/// Convenience function equivalent to [`Node::new`][1].
/// Please see that function's documentation.
/// [1]: crate::Node::new
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use rclrs::{Context, RclrsError};
/// let ctx = Context::new([])?;
/// let node = rclrs::create_node(&ctx, "my_node");
/// assert!(node.is_ok());
/// # Ok::<(), RclrsError>(())
/// ```
pub fn create_node(context: &Context, node_name: &str) -> Result<Node, RclrsError> {
    Node::builder(context, node_name).build()

/// Creates a [`NodeBuilder`][1].
/// Convenience function equivalent to [`NodeBuilder::new()`][2] and [`Node::builder()`][3].
/// Please see that function's documentation.
/// [1]: crate::NodeBuilder
/// [2]: crate::NodeBuilder::new
/// [3]: crate::Node::builder
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use rclrs::{Context, RclrsError};
/// let context = Context::new([])?;
/// let node_builder = rclrs::create_node_builder(&context, "my_node");
/// let node = node_builder.build()?;
/// assert_eq!(node.name(), "my_node");
/// # Ok::<(), RclrsError>(())
/// ```
pub fn create_node_builder(context: &Context, node_name: &str) -> NodeBuilder {
    Node::builder(context, node_name)