racc 0.0.3

RACC is a port of Berkeley YACC to Rust, and allows you to write grammar definitions directly in Rust source code.
//! Reads a sequence of Rust tokens, which are provided in the body of a macro invocation,
//! and builds a Grammar.
//! Our grammar for a grammar:
//! ```ignore
//! <ident> : <ident> ... | <ident> ... ;    // rule def
//! <ident> [ = <literal> ];                 // token def, must precede all rule defs
//! ```
//! This module reads a sequence of input tokens and builds a YACC grammar.
//! It builds a symbol table (names), which name both tokens and variables of the
//! defined grammar.  It also builds the rules of the grammar.  Rules are represented
//! as a table of left-hand side symbols (the plhs vector) and a table of right-hand
//! side symbols (the ritem vector).  The rhs symbols for all rules are packed into
//! a single array, the ritem vector.  Each sequence of rhs symbols (for a single rule)
//! are stored sequentially, and each rule is terminated by a NO_ITEM symbol.
//! As the grammar is parsed, we build a name table.  The name table associates an
//! integer with each name, which is an index into the ReaderState.symbols table.
//! Other tables, such as plhs and ritem, contain indices into the symbols table.
//! Because indices are added in the order that they are found in the grammar,
//! tokens and variables are mixed together in this table.  After the grammar is
//! parsed, it is "packed".  This produces a new table, which lists all tokens,
//! then all variables.  The plhs and ritem tables are read, and are used to
//! produce several new tables.
//! This module is a port of the original Berkeley YACC code. Although RACC and YACC
//! are quite different syntactically, the algorithms and (at a certain level of
//! abstraction) the data structures are quite similar.
use crate::grammar::Grammar;
use crate::grammar::{TOKEN, UNDEFINED};
use crate::Rule;
use crate::SymbolOrRule;
use crate::{Item, Symbol};
use log::debug;
use log::warn;
use proc_macro2::Span;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::rc::Rc;
use syn::parse::{Parse, ParseStream};
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{Block, Ident, Token, Type};

const PREDEFINED_RULES: usize = 3;
const PREDEFINED_ITEMS: usize = 4;

const NO_SYMBOL: usize = !0;
const NO_ITEM: usize = !0;

// symbol classes
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum SymClass {
    Unknown = 0,
    Terminal = 1,
    NonTerminal = 2,

struct SymbolDef {
    name: Ident,
    tag: Option<Rc<String>>,
    prec: i16,
    class: SymClass,
    assoc: u8,

fn make_symbol(name: Ident) -> SymbolDef {
    SymbolDef {
        name: name,
        tag: None,
        prec: 0,
        class: SymClass::Unknown,
        assoc: TOKEN,

/// Contains state used while parsing the input grammar.
struct ReaderState {
    /// Contains indices that point into `self.symbols`, or `NO_ITEM`.
    pitem: Vec<usize>,

    /// Contains indices that point into `self.symbols`, or `NO_SYMBOL`.
    /// len = nrules
    lhs: Vec<usize>,

    /// Contains all of the symbols, in the order that they are first encountered.
    symbols: Vec<SymbolDef>,

    /// A lookup table, which gives you an index into self.symbols
    symbol_table: HashMap<String, usize>,

    // used for generating names for anonymous symbols
    gensym: u32,

    last_was_action: bool,

    /// rule_precedence
    /// len = nrules
    rprec: Vec<i16>,

    /// rule_associativity
    /// len = nrules
    rassoc: Vec<u8>,

    /// The actions (code blocks) provided by the grammar author, if any.
    /// index = rule index
    /// len = nrules
    rule_blocks: Vec<Option<syn::Block>>,

    /// identifier used by grammar for a RHS value, given by =foo
    /// indices are same as rrhs
    rhs_binding: Vec<Option<Ident>>,

impl ReaderState {
    /// Returns number of items defined
    pub fn nitems(&self) -> usize {

    /// number of rules (productions) in the grammar
    pub fn nrules(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn new() -> ReaderState {
        ReaderState {
            pitem: vec![NO_ITEM; PREDEFINED_ITEMS],
            lhs: vec![NO_ITEM; PREDEFINED_RULES],
            rule_blocks: vec![None; PREDEFINED_RULES],
            rhs_binding: vec![None; PREDEFINED_ITEMS],
            symbols: Vec::new(),
            symbol_table: HashMap::new(),
            gensym: 1,
            last_was_action: false,
            rprec: vec![0; PREDEFINED_RULES],
            rassoc: vec![TOKEN; PREDEFINED_RULES],

    /// Looks up a symbol in the symbol table, and returns the symbol index
    /// (the index within ReaderState.symbols) of that symbol.  If the symbol
    /// is not already in the symbol table, then this method adds the symbol.
    pub fn lookup(&mut self, name: &Ident) -> usize {
        if let Some(ii) = self.symbol_table.get(&name.to_string()) {
            return *ii;

        let index = self.symbols.len();
        let symbol = make_symbol(name.clone());
        self.symbol_table.insert(name.to_string(), index);

    pub fn lookup_ref_mut<'a>(&'a mut self, name: &Ident) -> (usize, &'a mut SymbolDef) {
        let index = self.lookup(name);
        (index, &mut self.symbols[index])

    pub fn start_rule(&mut self, lhs: usize) {
        assert!(self.symbols[lhs].class == SymClass::NonTerminal);

    // Terminates the current rule.
    pub fn end_rule(&mut self) {
        assert!(self.nrules() > 0);
        let rule = self.nrules() - 1;

        assert!(self.lhs.len() == self.nrules());
        assert!(self.rprec.len() == self.nrules());
        assert!(self.rassoc.len() == self.nrules());

        if !self.last_was_action && self.symbols[self.lhs[rule]].tag.is_some() {
            if self.pitem[self.pitem.len() - 1] != NO_ITEM {
                let mut i: usize = self.pitem.len() - 1;
                while (i > 0) && self.pitem[i] != NO_ITEM {
                    i -= 1;
                if self.pitem[i + 1] == NO_ITEM
                    || self.symbols[self.pitem[i + 1]].tag != self.symbols[self.lhs[rule]].tag

        // Insert a None entry into rule_blocks, if the current rule did not declare an action.
        if !self.last_was_action {
        self.last_was_action = false;


        assert_eq!(self.rule_blocks.len(), self.nrules());

    /// Adds a new "empty" rule.  A new symbol name is generated, using the pattern "__gen_{}",
    /// where "{}" is a number that is incremented for each empty rule.
    pub fn insert_empty_rule(&mut self, span: Span) {
        self.gensym += 1;
        let symname = format!("__gen_{}", self.gensym); // was "$${}"
        let symname_ident = Ident::new(&symname, span);

        let rule = self.nrules() - 1;
        let tag: Option<Rc<String>> = self.symbols[self.lhs[rule]].tag.clone();
        let sym_index = {
            let (sym_index, sym) = self.lookup_ref_mut(&symname_ident);
            sym.tag = tag;
            sym.class = SymClass::NonTerminal;

        let mut bpp = self.pitem.len();

        loop {
            let b = self.pitem[bpp - 1];
            self.pitem[bpp] = b;
            if b == NO_ITEM {
            bpp -= 1;

        // Insert the generated rule right before the current rule, which was
        // written to self.{plhs,rprec,rassoc}[nrules].
        self.lhs.insert(rule, sym_index);
        self.rprec.insert(rule, 0);
        self.rassoc.insert(rule, TOKEN);

    /// Adds a symbol to the RHS of the current rule being built.
    /// Can only be called between calls to start_rule() and end_rule().
    pub fn add_symbol(&mut self, bp: usize, span: Span, ident: Option<syn::Ident>) {
        assert!(self.rhs_binding.len() == self.nitems());

        if self.last_was_action {
            // If we have encountered a new rhs symbol for the current rule, and immediately
            // prior to this we encountered an action (a code block), then we need to finish
            // this rule, and rewrite the lhs of this rule to produce a new, anonymous lhs
            // non-terminal.  Then we will start a new rule, using the lhs that we were
            // previously using, with one rhs symbol, which is the generated symbol.
            self.last_was_action = false;


    /// "Packs" the symbol table and the grammar definition.  In the packed form, the
    /// tokens are numbered sequentially, and are followed by the non-terminals.
    pub fn pack_symbols_and_grammar(&self, goal_symbol: usize) -> Grammar {

        assert!(goal_symbol < self.symbols.len());
        assert!(self.symbols[goal_symbol].class == SymClass::NonTerminal);

        let nsyms: usize = 2 + self.symbols.len(); // $end and $accept
        let mut ntokens: usize = 1; // $end

        // Count the number of tokens.
        for sym in self.symbols.iter() {
            if sym.class == SymClass::Terminal {
                ntokens += 1;

        let start_symbol = ntokens;
        let nvars = nsyms - ntokens;

        debug!("ntokens={} nvars={} nsyms={}", ntokens, nvars, nsyms);

        // Build the 'v' table, which maps from packed symbols to unpacked symbols.  The size of the
        // v table is the number of packed symbols (nsyms), which is not the same as the number of
        // unpacked symbols.  This is because the $accept and error symbols are not symbols in the
        // unpacked view.  In u = v[p], p is a packed symbol index (a number in the nsyms space),
        // while u is the unpacked symbol.
        let v = {
            let mut v: Vec<usize> = vec![NO_SYMBOL; nsyms]; // symbol indices, which point into reader.symbols[]
            v[0] = NO_SYMBOL; // $end
            v[start_symbol] = NO_SYMBOL; // $accept

            let mut i: usize = 1; // packed index for assigning tokens
            let mut j: usize = start_symbol + 1; // packed index for assigning vars

            for s in 0..self.symbols.len() {
                match self.symbols[s].class {
                    SymClass::Terminal => {
                        v[i] = s;
                        i += 1;
                    SymClass::NonTerminal => {
                        v[j] = s;
                        j += 1;
                    SymClass::Unknown => {
                        panic!("symbol {} has no defined class", self.symbols[s].name);
            assert_eq!(i, ntokens);
            assert_eq!(j, nsyms);

            for s in 1..v.len() {
                assert!(s == start_symbol || v[s] != NO_SYMBOL);

        // Build the remap table.  map_to_packed[old] gives the index of the packed location.
        // This replaces the bucket::index field, from C.  This is the inverse of v.  The "error"
        // symbol is always at packed index 1.
        let map_to_packed: Vec<Symbol> = {
            let mut map_to_packed: Vec<Symbol> = vec![Symbol(-1); nsyms];
            map_to_packed[0] = Symbol::ERROR; // The 'error' symbol
            for i in 1..ntokens {
                map_to_packed[v[i]] = Symbol(i as i16);
            map_to_packed[goal_symbol] = Symbol((start_symbol + 1) as i16);
            let mut k = start_symbol + 2;
            for &s in v[ntokens + 1..nsyms].iter() {
                if s != goal_symbol {
                    map_to_packed[s] = Symbol(k as i16);
                    k += 1;

        let mut gram_name: Vec<Ident> = Vec::with_capacity(nsyms);
        let mut gram_value: Vec<i16> = vec![0; nsyms];
        let mut gram_prec: Vec<i16> = Vec::with_capacity(nsyms);
        let mut gram_assoc: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(nsyms);
        let mut gram_rprec = self.rprec.clone();
        let mut gram_rassoc = self.rassoc.clone();

        // symbols_value replaces the bucket::value field.  that is, for (i, j),
        // self.symbols[i].value = j ==> symbols_value[i] = j
        let symbols_value = {
            let mut symbols_value: Vec<i16> = vec![UNDEFINED; self.symbols.len()];
            symbols_value[goal_symbol] = 0;
            let mut k: usize = 1;
            for i in start_symbol + 1..nsyms {
                if v[i] != goal_symbol {
                    symbols_value[v[i]] = k as i16;
                    k += 1;

            // Assign token values
            let mut k = 0;
            for i in 1..ntokens {
                let n = symbols_value[v[i]];
                if n > 256 {
                    let mut j = k;
                    k += 1;
                    while j > 0 && gram_value[j - 1] > n {
                        gram_value[j] = gram_value[j - 1];
                        j -= 1;
                    gram_value[j] = n as i16;

            if symbols_value[v[1]] == UNDEFINED {
                symbols_value[v[1]] = 256;

            let mut j = 0;
            let mut n = 257;
            for i in 2..ntokens {
                if symbols_value[v[i]] == UNDEFINED {
                    while j < k && n == gram_value[j] {
                        while {
                            j += 1;
                            j < k && n == gram_value[j]
                        } {
                        n += 1;
                    symbols_value[v[i]] = n as i16;
                    n += 1;

        // Propagate $end token
        gram_name.push(Ident::new("__end", Span::call_site()));
        gram_value[0] = 0;

        // Propagate token symbols
        for i in 1..ntokens {
            let from = &self.symbols[v[i]];
            gram_value[i] = symbols_value[v[i]];

        // Set up the start (accept) symbol
        assert!(start_symbol == ntokens);
        gram_name.push(Ident::new("__accept", Span::call_site()));
        gram_value[start_symbol] = -1;

        // Propagate non-terminal symbols
        for i in start_symbol + 1..nsyms {
            let from = &self.symbols[v[i]];
            gram_value[i] = symbols_value[v[i]];

        assert_eq!(gram_name.len(), nsyms);
        assert_eq!(gram_prec.len(), nsyms);
        assert_eq!(gram_assoc.len(), nsyms);

        debug!("packed symbol table:");
        for i in 0..nsyms {
                "    {:3} {} {:20} value {:3} prec {:2} assoc {:2}",
                if i < ntokens { "token" } else { "var  " },

        // Reads the "unpacked" grammar and produces the "packed" grammar.
        // This function implements the second phase of packing.  (The first phase is
        // packing the symbol names).  In this phase, we read self.plhs and self.pitem
        // and create the "packed" ritem, rlhs, rrhs and vectors.  This phase is
        // necessary because plhs contains the "unpacked" symbol indices, and we need
        // the "packed" indices.
        // In the original C code, plhs contained pointers to symbol entries.  However,
        // because we cannot use the same approach with pointers in Rust, plhs contains
        // indices into a separate table (the unpacked symbol table).  It may be possible
        // to simply scan through plhs and remap indices in place, rather than allocating
        // a new array.

        let nrules = self.nrules();

        // there are three pre-defined rules:
        //      -1 -> (nothing)
        //      -1 ->
        //      $accept -> start_symbol

        // Build  rlhs
        let mut rlhs: Vec<Symbol> = vec![Symbol(0), Symbol(0), Symbol(start_symbol as i16)];
                .map(|&lhs| map_to_packed[lhs]),

        let mut ritem: Vec<SymbolOrRule> = vec![SymbolOrRule::symbol(Symbol::NULL); self.nitems()];
        ritem[0] = SymbolOrRule::rule(Rule::RULE_1);
        ritem[1] = SymbolOrRule::symbol(map_to_packed[goal_symbol]);
        ritem[2] = SymbolOrRule::symbol(Symbol::NULL);
        ritem[3] = SymbolOrRule::rule(Rule::RULE_2);

        let mut rrhs: Vec<Item> = Vec::with_capacity(nrules + 1);

        let mut j = PREDEFINED_ITEMS; // index of next item to output
        let pitem = &self.pitem;
        let symbols = &self.symbols;
        for i in PREDEFINED_RULES..nrules {
            rrhs.push(Item(j as i16));
            let mut assoc = TOKEN;
            let mut prec2: i16 = 0;
            while pitem[j] != NO_ITEM {
                if symbols[pitem[j]].class == SymClass::Terminal {
                    prec2 = symbols[pitem[j]].prec;
                    assoc = symbols[pitem[j]].assoc;
                ritem[j] = SymbolOrRule::symbol(map_to_packed[pitem[j]]);
                j += 1;

            // Terminate the item list with the negative of the rule index.
            // This is important; it is used by the code in lr0::save_reductions()
            // in order to realize when we've reached the end of a rule, and so can
            // emit a reduction in a particular state.
            ritem[j] = SymbolOrRule::rule(Rule(i as i16));
            j += 1;
            if gram_rprec[i] == UNDEFINED {
                gram_rprec[i] = prec2;
                gram_rassoc[i] = assoc;

        // Terminate the rrhs list
        rrhs.push(Item(j as i16));

        Grammar {
            nsyms: nsyms,
            ntokens: ntokens,
            nvars: nvars,
            name: gram_name,
            value: gram_value,
            prec: gram_prec,
            assoc: gram_assoc,
            nrules: nrules,
            ritem: ritem,
            rlhs: rlhs,
            rrhs: rrhs,
            rprec: gram_rprec,
            rassoc: gram_rassoc,

    pub fn print_grammar(gram: &Grammar) {
            "symbols: ntokens={} nvars={} nsyms={}",
            gram.ntokens, gram.nvars, gram.nsyms
        for i in 0..gram.nsyms {
            if gram.is_var(Symbol(i as i16)) {
                debug!("    {:3}  var    {}", i, gram.name[i]);
            } else {
                debug!("    {:3}  token  {}", i, gram.name[i]);
        debug!("raw items:");

        for i in 0..gram.ritem.len() {
            let it = gram.ritem[i];
            if it.is_rule() {
                debug!("    {:3} --> r{:3}", i, it.as_rule());
            } else {
                    "    {:3} --> {:3} {}",
                    gram.name[it.as_symbol().0 as usize]


        let mut k: usize = 1;
        let mut line = String::new();
        for i in 2..gram.nrules {
                "    [r{:-3} ]   {:-10} : ",
                i, gram.name[gram.rlhs[i].0 as usize]
            while gram.ritem[k].is_symbol() {
                line.push_str(&format!(" {}", gram.name(gram.ritem[k].as_symbol())));
                k += 1;
            k += 1;

            debug!("{}", line);


pub(crate) struct GrammarDef {
    pub grammar: Grammar,
    pub context_ty: Type,
    pub value_ty: Type,
    pub rule_blocks: Vec<Option<Block>>,
    pub rhs_bindings: Vec<Option<Ident>>,

impl Parse for GrammarDef {
    fn parse(input: ParseStream<'_>) -> syn::Result<GrammarDef> {
        let mut reader: ReaderState = ReaderState::new();
        let mut context_ty: Option<Type> = None;
        let mut value_ty: Option<Type> = None;

        // Add the well-known "error" symbol to the table.
            let (_, s) = reader.lookup_ref_mut(&Ident::new("error", Span::call_site()));
            s.class = SymClass::Terminal;

        // first, parse all tokens.

        let mut goal_symbol: Option<usize> = None;

        while !input.is_empty() {
            let la = input.lookahead1();
            if la.peek(Token![type]) {
                // `type Value = <some type>;` - specifies the value stack type.
                let keyword = input.parse::<Ident>()?;
                let ty = input.parse::<Type>()?;

                let keyword_string = keyword.to_string();
                if keyword_string == "Value" {
                    if value_ty.is_some() {
                        return Err(syn::Error::new(
                            "The 'Value' type cannot be specified more than once.",
                    value_ty = Some(ty);
                } else if keyword_string == "Context" {
                    if context_ty.is_some() {
                        return Err(syn::Error::new(
                            "The 'Context' type cannot be specified more than once.",
                    context_ty = Some(ty);
                } else {
                    return Err(syn::Error::new(
                        format!("The type '{}' is unrecognized.", keyword_string),
            } else if la.peek(Ident) {
                // An identifier can start either a token definition or a rule definition.
                // The next character will tell us whether this is a token definition or a
                // rule definition.
                //      : (begins a rule)
                //      = (defines a token with a specific value)
                //      ; (defines a token with an automatically-assigned value)
                let id = input.parse::<Ident>()?;
                let name_def_str = id.to_string();
                let name_def_span = id.span();
                let lhs = reader.lookup(&id);

                let la = input.lookahead1();
                if la.peek(syn::token::Colon) {
                    match reader.symbols[lhs].class {
                        SymClass::Terminal => {
                            return Err(syn::Error::new(
                                "name has been defined as a token, and so cannot be on the \
                                 left-hand side of a rule",
                            // we continue executing, even with a bogus name index.
                        SymClass::NonTerminal => {
                            // good, this symbol is already known to be a non-terminal
                        SymClass::Unknown => {
                            reader.symbols[lhs].class = SymClass::NonTerminal;


                    if goal_symbol == None {
                        debug!("using '{}' as start symbol", name_def_str);
                        goal_symbol = Some(lhs);

                    // In this loop, we process the symbols on the right-hand side of the rule.
                    // If we encounter a symbol (whether token or variable), we add a reference
                    // (a symbol index) to it to prhs.  If we encounter an action definition (code)
                    // then we close the current rule, then peek ahead to see whether we need to
                    // define an unnamed variable for the rule prefix, or whether this is a normal
                    // rule for name_def_str.
                    // If we encounter a | or ;, then the current rule ends.  If we encounter a |, then
                    // we start a new rule, with the same left-hand symbol.
                    loop {
                        let la = input.lookahead1();
                        if la.peek(Ident) {
                            let rhs_ident = input.parse::<Ident>()?;
                            let rhs = reader.lookup(&rhs_ident);
                            let mut rbind: Option<Ident> = None;
                            if input.lookahead1().peek(syn::token::Eq) {
                                let la = input.lookahead1();
                                if la.peek(Ident) {
                                    let rhs_bind_ident = input.parse()?;
                                    rbind = Some(rhs_bind_ident);
                                } else {
                                    return Err(la.error());
                            reader.add_symbol(rhs, rhs_ident.span(), rbind);
                        } else if la.peek(syn::token::Or) {
                        } else if la.peek(syn::token::Brace) {
                            let block = input.parse::<syn::Block>()?;
                            // Parse an action (a code block).  Parsing it is actually very easy, thanks to Rust!
                            if reader.last_was_action {
                            reader.last_was_action = true;
                        } else if la.peek(Token![;]) {
                        } else {
                            return Err(la.error());
                } else if la.peek(Token![=]) || la.peek(Token![;]) {
                    let has_value = la.peek(Token![=]);
                    if la.peek(Token![=]) {
                    } else {

                    match reader.symbols[lhs].class {
                        SymClass::Terminal => {
                            // symbol class is already known, but this means user has defined same symbol twice
                            return Err(syn::Error::new(
                                "token is defined more than once",
                            // parser.span_err(reader.symbols[lhs].span, "location of previous definition");
                        SymClass::NonTerminal => {
                            // this name is defined inconsistently -- as both a variable and a token
                            return Err(syn::Error::new(
                                "token was previously used as a variable",
                        SymClass::Unknown => {
                            reader.symbols[lhs].class = SymClass::Terminal;

                    if has_value {
                        let la = input.lookahead1();
                        if la.peek(syn::Lit) {
                            let _lit: syn::Lit = input.parse()?;
                            let la = input.lookahead1();
                            if la.peek(Token![;]) {
                            } else {
                                return Err(la.error());
                        } else {
                            return Err(la.error());
                } else {
                    return Err(la.error());
            } else {
                return Err(la.error());


        // Check that we found a goal state.  This check was in check_symbols().
        // Rebind 'goal_symbol' now that we know it exists.
        let goal_symbol = if let Some(goal) = goal_symbol {
        } else {
            return Err(input.error("grammar does not define any rules"));
            "goal symbol = {}_{}",
            reader.symbols[goal_symbol].name, goal_symbol

        // Check for any symbols that were not defined.
        for sym in reader.symbols.iter() {
            if sym.class == SymClass::Unknown {
                return Err(syn::Error::new(
                    format!("symbol '{}' was used but never defined", sym.name),

        let gram = reader.pack_symbols_and_grammar(goal_symbol);

        let value_ty = value_ty.ok_or_else(|| {
                "The grammar did not specify the value type. \
                 Please add 'type Value = <your type>;' to the grammar. \
                 This type is used for the results of rules, and is often an enum.",
        let context_ty = context_ty.ok_or_else(|| {
                "The grammar did not specify the 'Context' type. \
                Please add 'type Context = <your type>;' to the grammar. \
                This type stores 'global' data across all rules, and is accessible within rules \
                as 'context'. \
                Note that `()` is a valid type, if context is not needed. ",

        Ok(GrammarDef {
            grammar: gram,
            rule_blocks: reader.rule_blocks,
            rhs_bindings: reader.rhs_binding,

fn test_foo() {
    use quote::quote;

    fn case(description: &str, tokens: proc_macro2::TokenStream) {
        println!("parsing grammar: {} -----", description);
        match syn::parse2::<GrammarDef>(tokens.clone()) {
            Ok(g) => {
                // println!("replacement: {:#?}", replacement);
                println!("parsed grammar: nrules={}", g.grammar.nrules);
            Err(e) => {
                println!("error: {:?}", e);

        let r = crate::racc_grammar2(tokens);
        if let Ok(t) = &r {
            // will it parse?
            println!("will it parse?");
            let tc = t.clone();
            match syn::parse2::<syn::ItemMod>(quote! { mod the_parser { #tc }}) {
                Ok(_parsed_item) => {
                    println!("parsed ok");

                Err(e) => {
                    println!("nope, reparse failed: {:?}", e);

    case("empty grammar", quote! {});

        "tokens, but no rules",
        quote! {
            type Context = ();
            type Value = ();


        quote! {
            type Context = ();
            type Value = Option<i16>;


            Expr : NUM=x {
                println!("NUM={:?}", x); x
                | Expr=a PLUS Expr=b {
                    Some(a.unwrap() + b.unwrap())
                | Expr=a MINUS Expr=b {
                    Some(a.unwrap() - b.unwrap())
                | Expr=a DIVIDE Expr=b {
                    let a = a.unwrap();
                    let b = b.unwrap();
                    println!("{} / {}", a, b);
                    if b == 0 {
                        return Err(racc_runtime::Error::AppError);
                    Some(a / b)
                | LPAREN Expr=inner RPAREN { inner }
                | IF Expr=predicate THEN Expr=true_value {
                    if let Some(p) = predicate {
                        if p > 0 {
                        } else {
                    } else {
                | IF Expr=predicate THEN Expr=true_value ELSE Expr=false_value {
                    if let Some(p) = predicate {
                        if p > 0 {
                        } else {
                    } else {